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Fossil Free Fellowship: Erica’s experience

Three members of Fossil Free university groups in New Zealand went to a training for students involved in divestment campaigns. This was the experience of Erica from Fossil Free University of Auckland. By Erica Finnie In July, Charlie, Jess and I travelled to Sydney to take part in the first training workshop for the 6 (More...)


We Can No Longer Be Silently Complicit

We Can No Longer Be Silently Complicit 19 August, 2016   Yesterday’s news that Kiwisaver providers are invested in cluster bombs is absolutely abhorrent. It jars our identity as New Zealanders, and it seems to have come as a shock to many that our money could be contributing to such horrors. While I’m outraged,  the (More...)


Press Release – Ratification Can’t Replace Real Action on Climate Change

PRESS RELEASE 17 August, 2016 Ratification Can’t Replace Real Action on Climate Change Three-Fifty Aotearoa is sceptical that New Zealand’s ratification of the Paris Agreement by the end of the year will create any positive change for the climate. New Zealand’s commitment to the Paris Agreement is to decrease its greenhouse gas emissions to 30% (More...)


“It’s time” says 350 Aotearoa

By Ami Dhabuwala 350 Aotearoa has recently launched their “It’s Time to Divest” campaign, which is giving two banks – ANZ and Wetpac – until November 25th to withdraw all of their investments and loans to fossil fuel companies. ANZ and Westpac together have almost $20 billion invested in fossil fuels. They are two of the (More...)


Auckland Council’s irresponsible investments in fossil fuels

PRESS RELEASE August 2, 2016 Contact: Sandy Hildebrandt,   Auckland Council is currently investing tens of millions of dollars in fossil fuel companies like Exxon and Anadarko, despite its commitment to being a world leader on climate change. Auckland is part of the C40 group of cities and has pledged to cut greenhouse gas (More...)


Break Free New Zealand and nonviolent protest

Break Free is the legacy of decades of nonviolent resistance. Protests against ANZ Over the past fortnight, some exciting events took place in the name of climate justice. All over the world, people peacefully protested and blockaded coal, oil and gas projects. As part of the global Break Free 2016 campaign, New Zealand took part (More...)


Beach party!! …In a bank?

Today I went to a beach party. We had a great time, we dressed up, and we danced. Then we left – after five minutes. Why? Because this party was in a bank. We were protesting ANZ’s massive investments in fossil fuels, and the impact that will have on our future. Our message to ANZ (More...)

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