8 August 2016

White House releases “guidance” for targeted killings
Obama’s drone-missile machinery of murder

By Patrick Martin, 8 August 2016

The document provides essentially unlimited authority to the CIA and Pentagon to conduct assassinations with drone-fired missiles, subject to review only by the White House.

Anti-Corbyn plotters make second Brexit vote centre of UK Labour leadership contest

By Laura Tiernan, 8 August 2016

Owen Smith, the challenger to the Labour leadership, condemned Jeremy Corbyn for not fighting hard enough for a Remain vote.

UK: Labour leader Corbyn calls debate with coup plotter Owen Smith “comradely”

Corbyn and McDonnell plead with UK Labour Party right wing for “unity”

UK National Health Service forced to the brink of financial collapse

By Margot Miller, 8 August 2016

The NHS has been instructed to make savings of £22 billion by 2021, on pain of fines and takeovers by regulators.

More than 500 UK employers and charities benefited from use of free forced labour

By Barry Mason, 8 August 2016

The scheme was set up not to assist people to get back into employment, but as a subvention to employers.

German “left” journalist Jacob Augstein comes out as a right-winger

By Peter Schwarz, 8 August 2016

In his latest column in Der Spiegel, Augstein rails against dual citizenship for Germans of Turkish origin.

German defence minister announces domestic use of Armed Forces

A year in the plight of Berlin’s refugees

By Verena Nees, 8 August 2016

The Berlin Senate wants the distressing images of refugees on city’s streets to be forgotten ahead of the state election.

Refugees confront inhumane conditions at mass accommodation centres in Berlin

Report documents human rights violations in Australian refugee camps

By Max Newman, 8 August 2016

A report targets Ferrovial, a global infrastructure giant, which currently holds the Australian government contract to run the detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island.

Amnesty report denounces Australia’s “cruel” refugee regime on Nauru

The Australian election and the assault on refugees

More on the refugee crisis »

Low-income retirees in the Detroit-area face abysmal housing conditions

By Debra Watson and Catherine Long, 8 August 2016

An acute lack of affordable housing along with deplorable conditions in existing housing stock has left tens of thousands without a safe and healthy place to live out their retirement.

New York City police commissioner Bratton resigns

By Philip Guelpa and Fred Mazelis, 8 August 2016

The abrupt resignation of the NYPD commissioner comes amid a counteroffensive in response to protests against police brutality and police killings over the past several years.

Baltimore County police shoot, kill young mother

More on police violence in America »

South Korean Democrats posture as opponents of US anti-ballistic missile system

By Ben McGrath, 8 August 2016

The MPK’s criticisms of the THAAD system are driven by concerns over possible Chinese economic retaliation and also seek to block the development of anti-war opposition.

US government lawsuit undermines Malaysian prime minister

By John Roberts, 8 August 2016

US authorities are seeking the seizure of assets allegedly stolen from Malaysia’s state-owned investment fund.

New in Turkish

New York Times Obama yönetiminin Türkiye’deki darbedeki rolünü örtmeye çalışıyor

Bill Van Auken, 8 Ağustos 2016

CIA ve diğer ABD istihbarat örgütleri ABD ordusunun burnunun dibinde örgütlenmiş eli kulağındaki darbe hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyor olsaydı, bu, ABD tarihindeki en büyük istihbarat başarısızlıklarından birini oluştururdu.

Erdoğan karşıtı kampanyanın arkasında ne yatıyor?

Ulrich Rippert, 8 Ağustos 2016

Önde gelen Alman politikacılar Türk hükümetine karşı sıkı önlemler alınmasını ve Avrupa Birliği’ne katılım görüşmelerinin kesilmesini talep ediyorlar. Sol Parti ve Yeşiller Partisi, Ankara’ya ekonomik yaptırımlar uygulanmasını istiyor.

Suriye ile Libya’daki savaş yönelimini durdurun! Bütün dünya işçileri, savaşa karşı birleşin!

Jerry White, 8 Ağustos 2016

Başkan Obama, Amerikan halkının arkasından, tam da Beyaz Saray Suriye’deki askeri müdahalesini yoğunlaştırdığı sırada, ABD ordu jetlerinin Libya’yı bombalaması emrini verdi.

New in French

Pourquoi la CIA est pour Hillary Clinton

Par Patrick Martin, 8 août 2016

La campagne Clinton cherche à diriger tout le sentiment anti-Trump dans une direction droitière et pro-guerre.

La ministre allemande de la Défense annonce l’emploi de l’armée à l’intérieur du pays

Par Johannes Stern, 8 août 2016

La ministre n’a laissé aucun doute sur le fait qu’en « cas d’urgence » les forces armées ne géreraient pas seulement la « logistique » mais « fourniraient aussi un soutien militaire. »

Other Languages


Rio 2016: The “Olympic ideal” and the reality of capitalism

8 August 2016

The Olympics are being held under conditions of military occupation in Brazil, one of the world’s must unequal countries, wracked by economic, social and political crises.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

After the Paul O’Neal murder
Stop the police killings! Unite workers and youth of every race and nationality!

By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 8 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate Jerry White issued the following statement after the release of video showing the brutal police murder of 18-year-old Paul O’Neal.

Stop the war drive in Syria and Libya! Workers of the world unite against war!

By Jerry White, 4 August 2016

After the Democratic and Republican conventions
For a socialist alternative to the parties of austerity and war!

Socialist Equality Party campaigns for ballot status in Louisiana

By Tom Hall and Aaron Asa, 4 August 2016

SEP candidate for West Virginia House District 16 files petitions

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »


Global economic stagnation fuels financial instability

By Nick Beams, 8 August 2016

The decision by the Bank of England to take “exceptional” financial measures reflects the worsening outlook for the global economy.

As Clinton seeks support from Republicans, Sanders hails her role in the “political revolution”

By Isaac Finn, 8 August 2016

Following the Democratic National Convention, Sanders has remained silent about leaked DNC emails as he seeks to bolster Hillary Clinton as a progressive candidate.

Why the CIA is for Hillary Clinton

International Socialist Organization calls for Greens to support US-backed “revolution” in Syria

The Green Party platform: Reformist politics in the service of imperialism

More on the 2016 US election »

“Thinking Through the Unthinkable”
RAND Corporation lays out scenarios for US war with China

New York Times covers up Obama administration’s role in Turkish coup

Bank of England announces record rate cut in windfall for financial markets

Arts Review

Turkish regime imprisons and harasses artists, journalists and academics after coup attempt

By Sandy English, 8 August 2016

In the aftermath of the July 15 attempted coup, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has imprisoned artists, banned books and frozen academic relations with other countries.

Lady Dynamite and other Netflix comedies

By Ed Hightower, 6 August 2016

All Quiet on the Western Front: A generation haunted by war

25 years ago: Italy brutalizes and expels Albanian refugees

This week in 1991 saw the deportation of nearly 18,000 Albanian refugees from Italy.

More »

50 years ago: Anti-riot bill passes house

On August 8, 1966, in response to the wave of ghetto uprisings by minority workers and youth, the US House of Representatives, made it a federal crime to use interstate transportation to incite to riot.

More »

75 years ago: Congress extends military service

On August 13, 1941, the House of Representatives voted to amend the Selective Service Act to extend the period of military service for drafted soldiers from one year to 18 months.

More »


100 years ago: Russian offensive in World War I grinds to a halt

This week in August 1916, the Russian army’s World War I offensive against the Central Powers on the eastern front suffered a major setback.

More »

Mehring Books

New book by David North
A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016

By David North, 11 July 2016

The 2016 US Elections

Clinton steps up right-wing appeal to Republicans and billionaires

By Tom Eley and Patrick Martin, 5 August 2016

US Republican presidential campaign in crisis

After the conventions, Democrats attack Trump from the right

Socialist Alternative promotes Sanders’ “political revolution” without Sanders

The end of the Sanders campaign: The political lessons

“Socialist Convergence”: A gathering of political bankrupts in Philadelphia

More on the 2016 US elections »

Workers Struggles

One million Indian bank workers strike against privatisation

By Arun Kumar, 6 August 2016


The anti-scientific character of “race” as a concept

By Philip Guelpa, 3 August 2016

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

Berlin state election 2016
Vote against war! Vote PSG!
Election manifesto of the Socialist Equality Party

1 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party

After Brexit: The struggle for socialism in Britain

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2016

SEP Australia holds Third National Congress

27 July 2016

The Socialist Equality Party and the fight to build an international anti-war movement

SEP public meeting in Colombo: Halt the attacks on living conditions! Fight for socialist policies!

Flint Water Crisis

Michigan attorney general charges six more state officials in Flint water crisis

By James Brewer, 30 July 2016

Water officials envision doubling of city of Flint water rates

More on the Flint water crisis »

Book Review

Bitterly Divided: The South’s Inner Civil War

By Eric London, 26 July 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Take up the fight against war, austerity and dictatorship!
Build the IYSSE on Australian campuses and schools!