Canadian Labour Congress
CLC wants Canadian mayors to address use of lethal force and systemic racism in policing
Jul 29 2016
Abdirahman Abdi died after witnesses say Ottawa police violently beat him on July 24. Now, the Canadian Labour Congress is backing community calls for a transparent investigation.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The trouble with the TPP's copyright rules
Jul 29 2016
A new CCPA study shows howTrans-Pacific Partnership's intellectual property provisions would dramatically alter the balance between the interests of copyright owners and users.
Canadians for Tax Fairness
How to become a billionaire and avoid paying taxes
Jul 29 2016
Jeff Bezos isn't just the owner of Amazon. He also owns the Washington Post, he's worth $50 billion, he even advises the Pentagon. But according to the IRS he owes $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes.
United Steelworkers
Colombia human rights assessment sneaks past parliamentary scrutiny
Jul 27 2016
The Liberals’ first Human Rights Impact Assessment Report on Colombia, tabled Wednesday to an empty House of Commons, remains as meaningless as those tabled by the previous government.
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
ETFO condemns Turkish governmnet's mass suspension of over 15,000 teachers
Jul 27 2016
The Turkish government's repression after a failed coup attempt has received near universal condemnation from international organizations, unions, and civil society groups including the ETFO.
Socialist Worker
Live boldly, unless you’re disabled?
Jul 27 2016
The film "Me Before You" is yet another fictional story written by a non-disabled person that romanticizes stereotypes and marginalizes disabled people.
Fair Vote Canada
Engage with the Electoral Reform Committee
Jul 26 2016
From July 25-28 the federal government's electoral reform committee will hold 7 hearings. Join the conversation on Twitter, watch the meetings live and help replace Canada's outdated electoral system.
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Discriminatory underfunding of First Nations policing needs to stop
Jul 26 2016
Officers of the Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service, Canada's largest First Nations policing outfit, voted overwhelmingly for a strike mandate last week.
Canadian Labour Congress
What an expanded CPP means for someone like you
Jul 26 2016
Are you an electrician? Do you work at a bank? Wherever you work the federal government's changes to the CPP will affect everyone. Here are some real numbers behind the federal government's new plan.
United Food and Commercial Workers
Jason Kenney will take Alberta back to the 20th century
Jul 21 2016
Harper fanboy Jason Kenney wants to be the next premier of Alberta and turn the clock back on LBTQ rights, women's rights, and bring back Big Oil.
B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union
Riot marks increasing violence at Burnaby Youth Custody Centre
Jul 21 2016
There was a six-hour long riot at Burnaby Youth Custody Centre Tuesday and the causes are directly linked to cost-cutting measures and the closure of the Victoria youth detention facility in 2014.
Socialist Worker
Ghostbusters: popular culture, misogyny and racism
Jul 21 2016
The new Ghostbusters reboot ain't no masterpiece but the real problem here is about the misogynists and racists who find comfort in the ascending culture of hate promoted by the likes of Donald Trump.
Council of Canadians
91% of Canadians want a national pharmacare program
Jul 19 2016
Send a message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and your premier now demanding that our governments protect Canada's most cherished social program and implement universal pharmacare.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Will this be the week?
Jul 19 2016
Canada Post and CUPW continue negotiations this week. There are still many issues to be addressed. Will this be the week when progress is made?
Canadian Labour Congress
Supreme Court ruling protects non-union workers from unjust dismissal
Jul 19 2016
Joseph Wilson reported improper procurement practices at the Atomic Energy of Canada and was fired from his job. He ended up at the Supreme Court and struck a blow for workers' rights everywhere.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Big banks can lobby all they want but postal banking is still on the table
Jul 14 2016
Big banks raked in a $35-billion profit last year by "gouging" Canadians with high fees. No wonder they oppose postal banking!
National Union of Public and General Employees
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador tops list of worst privateers in Canada
Jul 14 2016
This year's award goes to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for privatizing adult basic education.
Young workers show that action can make a difference
Jul 14 2016
Over the weekend, 130 young workers came together to take action and fight for a better, socially just world.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
CUPW has no plans to issue 72-hour strike notice
Jul 12 2016
The latest update from CUPW shows the Union is committed to negotiating in good faith. But Canada Post Corporation still won't budge on key issues.
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Thousands attend Steinbach Manitoba's first Pride
Jul 12 2016
Steinbach Manitoba is often portrayed as part of the province's "Bible Belt." Though the area's conservative MPs and MLAs refused to show up, over 3,000 people did anyway.
Harrowsmith Now
Why does Nikola Tesla matter?
Jul 12 2016
There's some serious Tesla love in Southern Ontario. On July 10, Hamilton renamed the former Burlington St., Nikola Tesla Boulevard. And his biggerst fans gathered for the Tesla Electric Festival.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Postal workers call for one-month cooling-off period, 'intensive negotiations'
Jul 8 2016
Postal workers are proposing a 30 day period of negotiations and have offered to drop an unfair labour practices complaint filed against Canada Post if management agrees to the union's proposal.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The TPP's impact on the Canadian automotive industry
Jul 8 2016
The devil is in the details. The TPP threatens the Canadian automotive industry with relocation of assembly plants to the United States.
United Food and Commercial Workers
Why no conservative outrage over Saskatchewan's credit downgrade?
Jul 8 2016
When Ontario and Alberta credit ratings were downgraded, the screams from right-wing media and politicians were deafening. But in Saskatchewan all we can hear is silent hypocrisy.
Canadian Labour Congress
Trudeau government must put an end to Canada Post's pension attack
Jul 6 2016
Canada Post is set to lock out 50,000 postal workers as early as Friday. In spite of long-standing profits, Canada Post wants to impose unfair wages and undermine pensions for future generations.
Socialist Worker
15 plus: Quebec's fight for $15 an hour
Jul 6 2016
The fight for a $15 minimum wage, which has spread to hundreds of cities across North America, was the direct inspiration for an unlimited strike that shut down Montreal's Old Port.
Council of Canadians
CETA vulnerable to defeat
Jul 6 2016
Thanks to Brexit and the fact that our largest EU trading partner is no longer in CETA, the Council of Canadians is calling on Trudeau to do a proper cost-benefit analysis of CETA.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Canada Post shutting the door on tens of thousands of Canadian workers
Jul 5 2016
Canada Post has just served notice on fifty thousand Canadian workers that it plans to drive them out onto the streets without pay in an effort to impose steep concessions on them.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Working poverty in Metro Vancouver
Jul 5 2016
We are often told that the solution to poverty is for the poor to “get a job” or for various sectors to create more jobs. But this CCPA study finds that a job is not a guaranteed path out of poverty.
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Pride action by Black Lives Matter important for LGBTQ+ communities
Jul 5 2016
The Black Lives Matter action at the Toronto Pride Parade helped bring about change and gave voice to so many who are increasingly marginalized by how Pride is currently being run.