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djclimenhaga's picture
Jason Kenney on the road: Time theft, corporate gifts and the mysterious absence of 'Porky the Waster Hater' | Aug 6 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | The problem with Kenney's provincial campaign isn't time theft, it's gifts and services.
Roger Annis's picture
Mocking the latest 'Russia did it' stories over U.S. Democratic Party email leak | Aug 6 2016 | Roger Annis | The release by Wikileaks of some 20,000 emails from DNC officials has mainstream media charging that Russian gov't agencies are behind it all.
djclimenhaga's picture
Wildrose blames NDP for sensible labour relations practice started in 2013 by Tories | Aug 5 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Will the Wildrose labour critic apologize to Alberta's NDP for his intemperate attack on the Notley government for a sensible practice of the former Tory government? Don't hold your breath.
Penney Kome's picture
Hillary Clinton chooses VP with bilingual advantage | Aug 5 2016 | Penney Kome | “Si, se puede”? We shall see what Tim Kaine means for the Democrats
Aug 4 2016
So, the Rio Olympics start on Friday. Instead of the typical media tributes to Olympic success, let's look at the political resistance to the Olympic behemoth, past and present.
Jul 28 2016
When did feminism start meaning that consumption was the most revolutionary act? Marketplace feminism has been creeping in for quite a while and it's time to put it in its place.
Jul 21 2016
'Living on the Land: Indigenous Women's Understanding of Place' examines how patriarchy, gender and colonialism have shaped the experiences and knowledge of Indigenous women. Read an excerpt here.

what's up: event calendar

Aug 12 2016 - 12:00pm
Aug 14 2016 - 2:00pm
Aug 12 2016 - 7:00pm

Current rabble poll

Are you surprised the Trudeau government granted permits for Site C?

The good ol' Trudeau government quietly granted two crucial federal permits for the Site C dam last week.

Organizations and individuals have been protesting against the proposed hydroelectric dam since it was proposed, citing environmental destruction and lack of respect for Indigenous rights among many reasons.

Are you surprised the Trudeau government granted Site C permits?

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