Upside Down World
Monday, 08 August 2016
1 Venezuela At An Impasse Z.C. Dutka
2 Venezuela Coup Thwarted teleSUR English
3 Venezuela: Maduro in Chávez’s Shoes Franco Vielma, Translated by Danica Jorden
4 Hands Off Venezuela! What Has Been Happening Since February and Why It Matters Susan Spronk
5 Venezuela: Petro-‘Socialism’ in its Labyrinth Raúl Zibechi
6 El Libertario: Beware Venezuela’s False ‘Anarchists’ George Ciccariello-Maher
7 Manufacturing Contempt for Venezuela Cyril Mychalejko
8 Venezuela: The Left, Context, Prices and the Market Roland Denis, Translated by Danica Jorden
9 February Traumas: The Third Insurrectionary Moment of the Venezuelan Right Jeffrey R. Webber and Susan Spronk
10 Venezuela: The Real Significance of the Student Protests Dr Julia Buxton
11 Sabaneta to Miraflores: Afterlives of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela Jeffrey R. Webber and Susan Spronk
12 We Are (Almost) All Chávez: Challenges in the Deployment of the Chavista Political Identity Íñigo Errejón, Translated by George Ciccariello-Maher
13 Inside La Piedrita: Venezuela’s Popular Militias and the Revolution George Ciccariello-Maher
14 Venezuelan Oppostion Turns to Violence in the Face of Election Defeat Zoë Clara Dutka
15 Maduro Wins Venezuelan Presidential Election Chris Carlson
16 Campaign for Presidency Kicks-off in Venezuela: An Interview with Carmen Hidalgo Jody McIntyre
17 "Humanity Has Lost a Titan": Interview with William I. Robinson on the Legacy of Hugo Chavez Eleftherotypia
18 What Chávez Left Behind: The Streets of a Continent and a Bolivarian Revolution of Everyday Life Benjamin Dangl
19 Venezuela With and Beyond Chavez Dario Azzellini
20 Chávez and the Dream for a Better World Michael Fox
21 The Revolution Devalued? What the Venezuelan Currency Change Signifies Clifton Ross
22 ‘Learning to Govern Ourselves’: Venezuela’s National Network of Commoners Rebecca McMillan and Calais Caswell
23 Venezuela’s 2012 State Election: Lessons for Chavismo and the Opposition Ewan Robertson
24 Latest Step in a Long Road: The Venezuelan Elections Jeffery R. Webber
25 Chavez Wins Venezuelan Presidential Election with 54% of the Vote Ewan Robertson
26 Venezuela: A Pre-election Report Larry Fisk
27 Former US Ambassador Outlines Post-Election Interventions against Venezuela Lee Brown
28 Water and Sanitation Socialism in Caracas: Interview with Victor Díaz Rebecca McMillan and Susan Spronk
29 “Honey of the Revolution” – An Interview with Rosangela Orozco, Member of the Alexis Lives Foundation (Fundación Alexis Vive) in Venezuela Susan Spronk and Jeffery R. Webber
30 Out of the Backyard: New Latin American and Caribbean Bloc Defies Washington Benjamin Dangl
31 Cooperatives in Venezuela Promote Solidarity, Equality and Dignity Radio al Reves
32 Hip-Hop Lives on in Venezuela Lainie Cassel
33 Venezuela Hosts Global Grassroots Women’s Conference to Mark 100-year Anniversary of International Women’s Day Cory Fischer-Hoffman
34 An Assessment of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution at Twelve Years Gregory Wilpert
35 Venezuela: Crime in the Context of a Democratizing Process Samuel Grove
36 Venezuela: Voices on the Struggle Jeffery R. Webber and Susan Spronk
37 Venezuela’s Opposition: Manufacturing Fear in Exchange for Votes Lainie Cassel
38 Venezuelans Experiment With Participatory Democracy Andrew Kennis
39 Building a Future in the Barrio of Chapellín: An Interview with Rosa María González Susan Spronk and Jeffery R. Webber
40 Chavez Fuels the South Bronx Lainie Cassel
41 For Venezuela, There is No Going Back: A Discussion with Federico Fuentes and Kiraz Janicke Ali Mustafa
42 184 Communes Currently in Formation in Venezuela Tamara Pearson
43 Cubans Attempt to Resolve Venezuelan Electricity Shortage Despite Living in Constant Blackout Belén Fernández
44 Voices of Participatory Democracy in Venezuela: A Review of Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots Hans Bennett
45 Venezuelan Yukpa Indigenous Community Attacked, Two Murdered Following Land Grants James Suggett
46 Moving Beyond Representation: Participatory Democracy and Communal Councils in Venezuela Katie Bowen and Caitlin McNulty
47 Media In Venezuela: Facts and Fiction Caitlin McNulty and Liz Migliorelli
48 Why the U.S. Government Hates Venezuela Shamus Cooke
49 Health Care and Democracy: A Look at the Venezuelan Healthcare System Caitlin McNulty and Lindsay Solise
50 Avila TV in Venezuela: Revolutionizing Television Lainie Cassel
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