Upside Down World
Monday, 08 August 2016

1 Berta Cáceres Lives On, and So Does Violence by Honduran Government and Dam Company Beverly Bell
2 Interview with Berta Cáceres: “To Fight Against Repression in Honduras is to Fight for our Whole Continent” Beverly Bell and Berta Cáceres
3 ¡Berta Lives! The Life and Legacy of Berta Cáceres Beverly Bell
4 Murder of Indigenous Activist Berta Cáceres Exposes Reality of War on Honduran Social Justice Movements Sarah Blaskey
5 Defending Afro-Indigenous Land: Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras Wins Food Sovereignty Prize Beverly Bell
6 Honduras: The Impunity and Legacy of Miguel Facussé Greg McCain
7 Young Hondurans Lead Unprecedented Anti-Corruption Movement Thelma Mejía
8 From Reagan to Obama: Forced Disappearances in Honduras Heather Gies
9 Garifuna Community Radio Stations Under Threat in Honduras Sandra Cuffe
10 Honduras: Indigenous Communities Resist Dams in the Face of Threats and Violence Brigitte Gynther
11 Territories Free of Mining on the Rise in Honduras Sandra Cuffe
12 Blood for Gold: The Human Cost of Canada’s ‘Free Trade’ With Honduras Sandra Cuffe
13 Film Review: ‘Revolutionary Medicine - A Story of the First Garifuna Hospital’ Jim Sugiyama
14 Puerto Castilla, Honduras: Corporate and Military Interests Above Garífuna Community Survival Greg McCain
15 Sex Workers Take to the Streets in Honduras to Protest Murders and Discrimination Sandra Cuffe
16 "Here the People Govern': Autonomy and Resistance in San Francisco Opalaca, Honduras Brigitte Gynther
17 Honduras: The Deep Roots of Resistance Alexander Main
18 Honduras: New Colonel for Operation Xatruch, More of the Same for Lower Aguan? Anna Jover Segura, translated by Danica Jorden
19 Honduras: Who Should Really Be On Trial For the Rio Blanco Dam? Brigitte Gynther
20 Honduras: Indigenous Tolupanes Return to Their Territory with IACHR Orders of Protection Greg McCain
21 Congress’ Last Stand: Privatizations among New Laws in Honduras Sandra Cuffe
22 Beyond Reform: It’s Time to Shut Down the World Bank Cyril Mychalejko
23 Anatomy of Election Fraud: The 2013 Honduran Election in Five Simple Steps Jason Wallach
24 International Election Monitors in Honduras: Do They Ensure Clean Elections or Whitewash Fraud? Chuck Kaufman
25 Honduras: Beyond the Eye of the Electoral Storm Sandra Cuffe
26 The Results of the Elections in Honduras were Changed, Says European Union Observer Giorgio Trucchi, Translation by Adrienne Pine
27 The Different Souls of the Libre Party and Repression against Honduran Students Orsetta Bellani, Translation by Clayton Conn
28 Honduran Election Results Contested Amid Reports of Fraud, Intimidation Sandra Cuffe
29 Honduras: Indigenous Movement Defends Land and Rights as Election Looms Jason Wallach
30 Honduras: A Partial Victory for the Campaign to Free “Chavelo” Morales Greg McCain
31 Canada Signs Free Trade Deal with Honduras amid Pre-electoral Repression Sandra Cuffe
32 Nueva Esperanza, Honduras: Against the Same Old Neoliberal Agenda Greg McCain
33 Where Will the Children Play? Neoliberal Militarization in Pre-Election Honduras Adrienne Pine, Photos by Jesse Freeston
34 Berta Cáceres Is Still Alive: Indigenous Resistance Against Transnational Plunder in Honduras Jeff Conant
35 Re-militarizing the Police: Turning the Clock Back in Honduras Rosemary Joyce and Russell Sheptak
36 Defending Indigenous Lands and Waters in Honduras: The Case of Rio Blanco Beverly Bell and Tory Field
37 Honduras: The Struggle for Land in Agua Blanca Sur Brigitte Gynther
38 The Murder of Tomas Garcia by the Honduran Military Brigitte Gynther
39 Mining Company's Security Threatens International Human Rights Observers, Terrorizes Communities in Honduras Giorgio Trucchi | LINyM, Translation by Clayton Conn
40 US Embassy, DEA Obstructing Investigation into Drug War Killings in Honduras Sandra Cuffe and Karen Spring
41 Honduras Shaken by High-Profile Murders Thelma Mejía
42 Cyanide Dreams: Ecotourism and Mega-Mining Don’t Mix in Honduras Rachel Deutsch
43 The Criminalization of Campesino Resistance in Honduras: Chavelo’s Story Lauren Carasik
44 Honduras: Exhumations in the Aguán in Search of the Truth Defensores en Línea, Translation by Sandra Cuffe
45 Honduras: Terror in the Aguán Greg McCain
46 “We’re Witnessing a Reactivation of the Death Squads of the ‘80s” in Honduras: An Interview with Bertha Oliva of COFADEH Alex Main, CEPR
47 Honduras is Open for Business and Repression Grahame Russell, Photos by Camila Rich
48 Police Death Squads in Honduras - Then and Now Dan Beeton, CEPR
49 Book Review - Grabbing Power: The New Struggles for Land, Food and Democracy in Northern Honduras Chuck Kaufman
50 Modeling Capitalist Dystopia: Honduras OKs Plan for Private Cities Kari Lydersen
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