Upside Down World
Monday, 08 August 2016
1 The Dammed of the Earth: The Deadly Impact of Mega Hydroelectric Projects in Latin America Sian Cowman and Philippa de Boissière
2 The New South American Political Map Raúl Zibechi
3 The "Natural” Presence of US Armed Forces in Latin America Silvina M. Romano
4 Mining is Bad Business in Latin America Raúl Zibechi
5 While Left Governments in South America Face Setbacks, Gains of Progressive Period Likely to Endure Benjamin Dangl
6 Latin America: The Storms That are Coming Raúl Zibechi
7 The Receding Pink Tide: Evolution of State and Social Relations in Latin America George Ygarza and Matt Binetti
8 Dancing with Dynamite in Latin America: Looking Back at Half a Decade of Political Struggle Benjamin Dangl
9 Polinizaciones: Cross-Pollinating Experiences in Communications and Culture in Defense of Mother Earth Polinizaciones Process
10 Interconnection Without Integration in South America: 15 Years of IIRSA Raúl Zibechi
11 Latin America: Sow Extractivism, Reap Violence Eduardo Gudynas
12 Even After the Cuba Deal, Latin America Is Still Leery of Obama Rohan Chatterjee
13 Longtime Upside Down World Editor Moves On Cyril Mychalejko and Ben Dangl
14 “Extractivism creates a society without subjects”: Raúl Zibechi on Latin American Social Movements Vivi Benito
15 Roger Burbach, Presente! Michael Fox
16 Indigenous Voices Ignored in Financing Panamanian Dam Project Kwame Buist
17 Rural Women in Latin America Define Their Own Kind of Feminism Fabiana Frayssinet
18 Eduardo Galeano’s Words Walk the Streets of a Continent Benjamin Dangl
19 Latin America and Spain's Podemos: Between Hegemony and Multitude Bruno Cava, Translated by Devin Beaulieu
20 “Sovereignty in My Country and in My Body”: The Fight for Women’s Reproductive Rights in Latin America April Howard
21 Women up in Arms: Zapatistas and Rojava Kurds Embrace a New Gender Politics Charlotte Maria Sáenz
22 China Stakes Its Claim in Latin America Raúl Zibechi
23 Escaping Economic Orthodoxy in Latin America Dan Beeton
24 Latin America: People’s Tribunal Hopes Verdict on Mining Abuses Gains Traction Leila Lemghalef
25 Dissecting the Drug War: New Book Charts Ways Global Capitalism Profits From "War on People" Armando Carmona
26 Peruvian Communities Reject COP 20 and Build the Movement of the People for El Buen Vivir Lynda Sullivan
27 Climate Justice: Uniting Struggles Across Latin America Cory Fischer-Hoffman
28 Central America’s “Alliance for Prosperity” Plan: Shock Doctrine for the Child Refugee Crisis? Dan Beeton, CEPR
29 Drilling the Caribbean: Indigenous Communities Speak Out Against Oil and Gas Exploration in Honduras Sandra Cuffe
30 Book Review: Social Movements and Leftist Governments in Latin America: Confrontation or Co-option? Andrew Self
31 Canada Accused of Failing to Prevent Mining Abuses in Latin America Carey L. Biron
32 Latin America: Gendering Peasant Movements, Gendering Food Sovereignty Deepa Panchang, Beverly Bell & Dr. Pamela Caro
33 Border Crisis: Obama Administration Complicates Refugee Status for Central Americans Emily Schwartz Greco
34 Latin America Provides Alternative Paths to Successful Poverty Reduction Cyril Mychalejko
35 Latin America on a Dangerous Precipice Diana Cariboni
36 Until the Rulers Obey: Learning from Latin America’s Social Movements Clifton Ross and Marcy Rein
37 The Conservative Restoration in Latin America Emir Sader
38 Despite Current Debate, Police Militarization Goes Beyond U.S. Borders Carey L. Biron
39 Georgia Police Chief Severely Restricts Annual SOA Protest: Social Organizations and US Reps Respond Arturo J. Viscarra and SOA Watch
40 Thank you! Upside Down World
41 ​Washington Should Follow Latin America’s Lead in Condemning Israel’s War on Palestine Benjamin Dangl
42 We Reap What We Sow: The Link between Child Migrants and US Policy Diego Cupolo
43 Support Grassroots Media: Donate to Upside Down World Upside Down World
44 From El Barrio to La Realidad, Women Lead Struggles to Transform the World Jessica Davies
45 Popular Agrarian Reform: An Alternative to the Capitalist Model João Pedro Stedile and Osvaldo León
46 People’s Tribunal Seeks to Counter Canadian Pro-Mining Spin Aaron Cain
47 Raúl Zibechi: Latin America Today, Seen From Below Raúl Zibechi
48 Thank You For Your Support Upside Down World
49 Capitalism’s Bullets in Latin America: Invisible Empires, State Power and 21st Century Colonialism Benjamin Dangl
50 Book Review: Learning from Latin America’s Social Movements David L. Wilson
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