Federal Politics

Denton slams conservative MPs' opposition to euthanasia laws

Andrew Denton

Television personality Andrew Denton has criticised Catholic MPs Kevin Andrews and Tony Burke for their role in scuttling voluntary euthanasia laws in Australia, decrying "subterranean forces" for preventing reforms to help the sick and dying.

China's fighter-plane hangars worry ex-Abbott adviser

Land reclamation of Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

Chinese fighter plane hangars revealed in disturbing new satellite images of the South China Sea would allow Beijing to rapidly shift military hardware onto artificial islands to control the key waterways, Australia's former national security adviser says.

Indigenous referendum delay welcomed as opportunity to get it right

The Referendum Council is in the process of consulting with Indigenous communities around the country.

Newly extended consultations on the referendum to recognise Indigenous people in the constitution - delays that render a 2017 vote unlikely - have been embraced by the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples as acknowledgement that a "historical opportunity" should be approached in the right way and not rushed.

Nauru guard admits throwing rocks at children

Mohammad Mahdi Eskandarikhah, the possibly autistic child injured by the guard's thrown rock at Nauru.

A Nauru detention centre guard hurled rocks at a group of young children which allegedly struck a young Iranian boy in the face, cutting his lip and chipping teeth, official documents show.

Indigenous recognition referendum unlikely for 2017

Indigenous recognition referendum council co-chair Mark Leibler.

Moves to coincide a referendum on Indigenous recognition in the Australian constitution with the 50th anniversary of the landmark 1967 vote on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights have been abandoned, as a consultation report is delayed until mid-2017.

Morrison softens super stance

Treasurer Scott Morrison says he is prepared to write in exemptions in the superannuation proposals.

Treasurer Scott Morrison has confirmed plans to water down some of the superannuation changes announced in the budget, but says he'll hold the line on the most important elements.

ABC's business coverage unbiased but 'unfocused'

Former ANZ chief Mike Smith thinks ABC journalists need to engage more with corporate leaders.

The ABC should engage more with the business community by encouraging its journalists to lunch with corporate leaders and embedding its reporters in companies for short periods, a major review of the broadcaster's business coverage has found.

Free-speech fundamentalists break free of good conscience

Senator David Leyonhjelm says there is no qualification to 'free speech'.

David Leyonhjelm is a boorish, supercilious know-all with the empathy of a besser block. And that new Hansonite conspiracy theorist from Queensland? He's an absurdist fringe-dweller and fellow hate-speech apologist. It's wacky and wackier. Neither of these self-promoting misanthropes would have the first idea about entrenched discrimination. Yet both are experts.You may disagree with this harsh critique and probably think it unbecoming of a serious media outlet. But offensive to them, it is not. And that's the point.

Xenophon boycotts census name requirement

Nick Xenophon will risk prosecution as a test case by boycotting the census name requirement.

Senate powerbroker Nick Xenophon has declared he will refuse to provide his name on the 2016 census form this week amid privacy concerns and criticisms of recent changes made to the nation-wide survey.

Xenophon kills off push for changes to 18c

"Not interested" in changing the law: Nick Xenophon.

Senate powerbroker Nick Xenophon has effectively killed off any changes to racial discrimination law, just days after a push by newly-minted senators to put the issue "back on the table".

Abbott hits out at Liberal 'factional warlords'

"This is a potentially corrupt position": Tony Abbott criticises lobbyists in the Liberal Party.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has hit out at lobbyists and backroom powerbrokers in the NSW Liberal Party, branding their interactions with elected representatives "potentially corrupt".