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Why we don't need a royal commission into banks

ANZ, Westpac and now National Australia Bank are all caught up in the ASIC's "rate-rigging" investigations. What about ...

Labor's demand for a royal commission into banks is a popular call. But what does Labor actually want to achieve with a royal commission? What is the problem it is supposed to fix?

Time to sit down and be counted for 2016 census

An Australian census collector in 1976.

By sitting down to be counted and filling in the census form on Tuesday, you are standing up not just for decision-making based on evidence but for important values which keep our democracy strong.

Brazil deserves gold for going green

SMH Letters

There has been much speculation about the fitness of Brazil to hold the Olympics but by promoting reafforestation in these games Brazil has inspired us.

Turnbull's best chance for a stable government

Turnbull's best chances for stable credible government will come from dealing with Labor.

All the signs are that an enlarged right-wing cross bench will create new tensions, dragging Turnbull's party in unhelpful directions, and emboldening hardline conservatives to re-litigate the case to scrap section 18c, and argue about climate change science.

Editorial: Women's refuges need reinvention

Sun-Herald editorial dinkus.

In theory, the communal model offers women the opportunity to share their experiences with others in the same situation, but in reality this may not happen and the disadvantages.outweigh the benefts.

Olympics belong in Greece

SMH Letters dinkus

It appears quite likely that this Olympic Games will be a fizzer judging by the amount of negative stories about it.

Trump's tirades are his best weapon

Donald Trump is doing what he does best – courting the anti-establishment vote by defying the norms of political convention.

If you think that with his recent attacks on a crying baby and the Muslim parents of a dead soldier or his apparent willingness to use nuclear weapons, or his use of details from a confidential security briefing, or even his outright refusal to endorse leading Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Arizona Senator John McCain, in their primary races, Donald Trump finally has gone too far and has blown his chances of becoming the next president of the US – think again.


Paul Keating said Turnbull was brilliant, fearless, but he lacked judgment, his fatal flaw.

How Turnbull was set up for his downfall

All the pictures of Malcolm Turnbull looking glum since Saturday night tell us a story we already instinctively knew: he fears he has miscalculated again.