Portugal: Portuguese Traditional Music

Portugal: Portuguese Traditional Music

Various Artists UNES08008

As the liner notes explain and the recordings attest, Portugal’s location on the westernmost coast of continental Europe influenced its folk music in significant ways. In addition to older chants, prayers, lullabies, vocal and instrumental music, the album contains several examples of the well-known fado style. Emotional and melancholy, fado has origins in the Middle Ages and experienced a renaissance in the 18th century; in 2011 it was inscribed in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Liner notes include translated lyrics for each track.

Please enjoy a free download of the song “Lullaby”

LullabyMP3 FLAC

This album is part of the UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music. More than 125 albums are being released by Smithsonian Folkways Recordings to make the series publicly available, including a dozen never-released albums of musical traditions from around the globe.

Year Released 1972
Record Label UNESCO
Source Archive Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Copyright 2014 Smithsonian Folkways Recordings / 1972 Auvidis-UNESCO

Download Liner Notes

101 The Rendez-vous n/a 2:11
102 Lullaby: Cançao de Embalar n/a 2:43
103 Macelada (Picking Camomile) n/a 2:03
104 Christmas Carol n/a 4:14
105 Sao Joao (Saint John) n/a 2:53
106 Desejos (Wishes) n/a 2:21
107 For The Souls In Purgatory n/a 2:00
108 Aurora teve um menino (Aurora has given birth to a son) n/a 5:52
109 Os Teus Olhos (Your Eyes) Maria Teresa de Noronha, Raul Nery, Joaquim do Vale, Joel Pina 1:28
110 A Nossa Rua (Our Street) Maria Teresa de Noronha, Raul Nery, Joaquim do Vale, Joel Pina 3:36
111 Fado Corrido Manuel Vicente, Guilherme Carvalhais, Avelino do Carmo 3:25
112 Meia Noite (Midnight) Manuel Vicente, Guilherme Carvalhais, Avelino do Carmo 4:12
113 Little Fado Manuel Vicente, Guilherme Carvalhais, Avelino do Carmo 3:14
114 Tirana (The Wild Woman) n/a 3:32
115 Um Viva para Toda a Gente (A Vivat for Everyone) n/a 2:37
116 Misericordia, Meu Deus (Have mercy, O Lord) n/a 1:25
117 Stone-cutter's Song n/a 2:05
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