Get Social with the White House

Use your social networks to make yourself heard. Take the opportunity these networks provide to expand support of freedom for Leonard Peltier

The White House on Social Networks

First, familiarize yourself with Leonard Peltier and his case.

The White House has established a presence on numerous social networks.



Google +




Twitter—You may wish to tweet for Leonard Peltier here.

Comment, share, reply, etc., so as to communicate with the White House about Leonard Peltier. Barriers sometimes exist. Be creative.

It's important to keep your message to the White House as brief and to the point as possible. 

So as to have your support of freedom for Leonard Peltier taken seriously by the White House, please be respectful. 

Always ask the president for the unconditional release of Leonard Peltier via a grant of clemency.

Encourage others with whom you network to also contact the White House to communicate their support of freedom for Leonard Peltier.


Learn More

Peter Matthiessen

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse

Meticulously researched, this courageous book is the definitive work on the Peltier case. The author successfully defended against lawsuits brought in three different states, surviving an eight-year litigation designed to block the book's publication.

Jim Messerschmidt

The Trial of Leonard Peltier

Foreword by William Kunstler. A well-documented and researched study, this book examines the orchestration by the federal government of the wrongful conviction of Native American activist Leonard Peltier.

Leonard Peltier

Prison Writings: My Life Is My Sun Dance

Edited by Harvey Arden. Peltier chronicles life in prison. Peltier explores his suffering and the insights it has borne him in the context of American Indians and their struggle to survive.


We the People

We the People have read your Constitution, Mr. Obama.  We also are aware of the clemency application review process (28 C.F.R. Part I, §§ 1.1-1.11) and know that these guidelines do not bind the President. Congress and the Department of Justice (DOJ) cannot regulate or otherwise limit the presidential clemency power. The authority to grant clemency to federal prisoners belongs only to the President of the United States (under Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution). You have the power to grant clemency to anyone, for any reason, and at any time.