

Austria threatens to block Turkish EU talks

Talks on Turkish accession have made only slow progress since they began in 2005.

Austria's foreign minister has threatened to block the expansion of negotiations with Turkey on its accession to the European Union, which could scupper a landmark migration deal between Brussels and Ankara.

Could 'Reformocons' update GOP economic views?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump

Ronald Reagan's notions that policies that benefit the rich and big business lift all incomes now appear outmoded in a new era of rising wealth inequality and stagnant wages.

At least 13 dead after France bar fire

The French city of Rouen, where tragedy has struck yet again after a bar fire left 13 dead.

A fire swept through a bar in the northern French city of Rouen overnight, killing 13 people and injuring six, after a birthday cake with candles and sparklers fell to the floor and set the carpet ablaze, police said.

London knife attack accused to face court

Police forces clear police tape off at Russell Square in London.

A teenager charged with carrying out a knife attack in London which left an American tourist dead and five people, including two Australians, injured has been remanded in custody after appearing in court.