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Trudeau Continues Harper Assault on Human Rights

Rabble — There’s something about Justin Trudeau and his PR-spinning Liberal Team that reminds me of the Tennessee Williams character Harvey “Big Daddy” Pollitt from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Pollitt famously uttered the line:

What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it, Brick? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odour of mendacity in this room?… There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odour of mendacity… You can smell it. It smells like death.

Mendacity, for those without instant dictionary access, is a code word for behaviour that is disingenuous, two-faced, deceitful, hypocritical. In other words, …

Denmark: Return of the Vikings

Scandinavia on the Skids: The Failure of Social Democracy (Part 7 of a 7 Part Series on Scandinavia’s “Socialism”)

Illegally I stepped upon the Royal Family’s castle grass in central Copenhagen during the flag day ceremony (September 5, 2013) honoring Danish voluntary soldiers’ return from their war in Afghanistan. My sign read and my voice shouted: “Stop the War! War Criminal Mercenaries!”

An angry civilian rushed up behind me and placed an iron grip over my mouth. The large man was quickly accompanied by a soldier and police who dragged me away. I refused to agree to not demonstrate again and was jailed for six hours so that Social Democrat Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt could honor her warriors unbothered. …

Talking About Clinton v. Trump the Day of the First Bomb Dropped

Afterthoughts in a world tied to bats in the belfry as our daily existence to just make it past the 10 pm news

A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity.
— Franz Kafka, Letter to Max Brod, July 5, 1922

I’m listening to Hedges and Reich, on the other millionaire’s venue, Amy Goodman. Let’s make no bones about it – that former labor secretary and now professor at UC-Berkley, and then the former NYT journalist and now best-selling Pulitzer Prize winning author, and the War and Peace Report Democracy Now host and producer, they all have a few cool million in the bank.

Retirements, investments, equity, all of that, and power, a certain powerful First World elite self-agency, the power of …

The Olympic Gold Obsession: An Australian Condition

Obsessions of any sort, notably of a consuming nature, are never healthy matters.  The drive to win gold, laced with a desperation often reflected in steroid consumption and psychological battering, has made the Olympic Games the least of savoury spectacles.

Even worse than the physical reduction of the athlete to mechanism and medal winning machine is the complicity towards it from the coaching establishment and hungry spectators. Nothing is quite as terrifying as triumph – or failure – by association, the vicarious delight, or woe, the groupies feel when their chosen champion falls.  “We,” they claim, were also in the pool …

The Shocking Story of Israel’s Disappeared Babies

New information has come to light about thousands of mostly Yemeni children believed to have been abducted in the 1950s

For nearly 40 years, everything about Gil Grunbaum’s life was a lie, including his name.

He was not, as he had always assumed, the only son of wealthy Holocaust survivors who owned a baby garments factory near Tel Aviv. Grunbaum had been stolen from his mother by doctors at a hospital in northern Israel in 1956, moments after she gave birth.

His biological parents – recent immigrants to Israel from Tunisia – were told their child had died during delivery. They were sent home without a death certificate and denied the chance to see their baby’s body or a grave.

Despite his darker …

How a Book on Art and Culture Draws Suspicions of Terrorism

In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.

— “George Orwell” – Eric Arthur Blair, 1903-1950

The UK, it seems, has joined the US in its authorities and government developing a collective form of acute paranoia. A mildly deviant act by any petty criminal or a soul with mental health problems is immediately labeled a potential terrorist act before investigations have even begun.

“We are fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” was the …

Wake up: These Unneeded Instruments Can Wreck Mass Destruction

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has recently advanced a clean energy plan which mandates that New York transition half of its energy needs to renewables by 2030. By regressive contrast, New York’s Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved enormous subsidies for three aging nuclear power plants―Ginna, Nine Mile Point and FitzPatrick―located in Upstate New York.  Estimates of the costs of these subsidies range from $59 million to $658 million by 2023, with specialists such as Blair Horner of the New York Public Interest Research Group predicting that costs could grow to $8 billion. New York consumers will be covering the …

Opposing the Discrimination of the JNF

Imagine during Jim Crow a Canadian political party polled its members about pressing Ottawa to stop subsidizing US racism only to be smeared by an organization driving the discrimination. But, instead of relishing the attacks, party leaders sought to placate the racist group by inviting them to address their convention, which the said organization refused, claiming… discrimination.

This hard to fathom scenario mirrors the Jewish National Fund of Canada/Green Party scrimmage since members put forward a resolution calling for the Canada Revenue Agency to revoke the JNF’s charitable status because …

Still the Political Project Calls to Us

But the state lieth in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it saith it lieth; and whatever it hath it hath stolen.
— Friedrich Nietzsche, The New Idol, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Many people, it is true, never contemplate the possibility of total power; the very thought of it scares them.
— Simone Weil, On the Abolition of All Political Parties

Not long ago, Obama openly leveled criticism against the political establishment in Cuba. He righteously decried a lack of democracy and political freedom there, indicting the Cuban government for its role in continuing an antidemocratic …

Olympics: Tribe Facing “Genocide” Defies Ranchers after Baby’s Death

The Guarani have a deep sense of connection to their land, but have seen most of it stolen and destroyed by intensive agriculture. © Fiona Watson/SurvivalOn the eve of the Olympics, a tribe in Brazil has made a powerful statement to the ranchers who are destroying their land and subjecting them to genocidal violence and racism.

This follows a recent wave …

I’m for “Jill, Not Hill”

When detractors accused the great English economist John Maynard​ Keynes of being inconsistent in his views, he reputedly replied, “When my information changes, I change my mind. What do you do?”

In a June 2015 op-ed, I wrote, “If the race in Pennsylvania or New Jersey is extremely close, I can imagine voting for Clinton for only reason: The Krusty the Clown clone emerging as the GOP candidate will be worse…” I was,​ of course, voicing the by now well-rehearsed “lesser of two evils”​ position, a topic adroitly analyzed by both David Swanson and Mike Albert in recent days.

The Republican clown was an easy call. Trump is a …

The Long Shadow of the Hegemon

There is no place in the world anymore that is immune to the presence of hegemonic forces. Money and technology are the main ingredients that influence our beliefs, our tastes and our perceptions of what social values should mean. In becoming consumers, we are co-opted into cultural norms that validate the dominant ideology. Since being force-fed that praxis of knowledge, better known as neoconservative-ideological-gruel to justify ideological expropriation of wealth, a rancid deceit wrapped in dubious economics has plagued us for decades. We have been sold an economic status …

Come Home to Roost

In this week’s sedition, we take a look at the so-called “War on Cops” in the United Snakes, simmering anti-cop sentiment in the UK and the fallout stemming from Turkey’s recent failed coup.

On the musical break we’ve got Rocky Rivera with Godsteppin.

We follow that up with a retrospective look at the lackluster resistance to the RNC in Cleveland, and end things off with an interview with Cleveland-based anarchist, Tom Nomad.

Track Selection:

XOC – Super Mario Theme
Dead Prez – Copshot
Dead Prez – Police

50 Years Ago: The Start of America’s Mass School Shooting Epidemic

And the Story of the “Clock Tower Sniper”

It is a fact that 90% of America’s school shooters were on prescription brain-altering psychiatric drugs – drugs that are well known to cause inebriation, intoxication, loss of impulse control, rage, aggression, homicidal ideation, suicidal ideation, and temporary drug-induced mania and/or psychosis.

But the well-documented psychiatric drug connections to school shootings and a host of other widely-publicized episodes of “senseless violence” has been treated as a taboo subject by Big Media, Big Pharma and the medical profession. (For much more on the connections between psych drugs and “irrational” behaviors of many types.)

The first cover-up started rather innocently …

Artificial Intelligence Does Not Think of Buying Sunscreen

Last year, Doctor Stephen Hawking and other esteemed scientists signed a petition stipulating that Artificial Intelligence was the greatest threat to the future of the human species. The argument is that A.I. would evolve to such technological complexity that it would surpass the human species in every domain and discipline, and, in short, render the human species obsolete. A.I. would become an autonomous free thinking entity and would eventually cast off the shackles of humanity and enter a post-human era, one where A.I. would be supreme.

The problem with this post-apocalyptic vision is that A.I., regardless of how technologically …

New York Times Relentlessly Biased Against Trump

Liz Spayd, the new “public editor” reports

An astonishing piece appeared in the New York Times (NYT) recently. It reported a fierce bias in the Times’s coverage of politics and current affairs, most notably when it comes to Donald Trump.  The bias turns up not just in the opinion pages but in the News, reports Liz Spayd, the new “public editor,” a position once called the ombudsman.

But the surprise does not end there.  Spayd’s report is based on letters from liberal readers, which are filling her inbox to overflowing. Here are some examples that she cites:

“You’ve lost a subscriber because of your relentless bias against Trump …

Sorry Bernie, No Hillary: We Are Revolutionaries

The great Fred Hampton, Black Panther leader that was murdered by Chicago police in cahoots with the FBI on December 3,1969, had a refrain he used in his speeches. “I am a revolutionary.” Partly he was killed because of his oratory skills, partly because of his organizing skills. He was in the process of merging the Black Panthers with other activists groups of the day — and J. Edgar Hoover put a stop to all that.

The 1960s were the last time the revolutionary spirit lived in the U.S. It was powerful enough to enable the Equal Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, …

Turkey’s Attempted Coup: Cui Bono??

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.

— J. Edgar Hoover, Elks Magazine, August 1956.

On May 23rd Sean Adl-Tabatabai wrote what now surely seems a prophetic article: “Erdogan Is Preparing For Military Coup In Turkey.”

The writer warned that: “President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems to be out of control. He is cracking down on opposition, imprisoning opponents and seizing media outlets … the Turkish leader has threatened to dissolve the Constitutional Court.” This at a time when: “…the security problems have deteriorated amidst a wave of terrorism.

Moreover: “The events make …

Khizr Khan Really Needs to Chill and Contemplate Who is Responsible for His Son’s Death; It Ain’t Trump

Muslim's inflammatory rhetoric promotes the killing and suffering of more Muslims

I have never seen a political convention exploit dead children like this year’s DNC. Sure, we’ve come to expect Joe Biden’s perennial tear-jerking allusions to Beau, but this cycle we’ve also had eight black mothers of kids gunned down by cops, all wearing black except the lady who didn’t get the memo and who wore a gorgeous blue dress, probably not intending it to be a sign of solidarity with the silent blue line. And we’ve got the Mad Muslim from Maryland, Khizr Khan, who has gone mega-viral by turning his hero son’s death into a …

It is Not “Ridiculous” to Reject Hillary; It is Not Undemocratic to Disrupt the DNC

In a post on Aotearoa’s The Daily Blog, a supposedly “leftist” blogger, Chris Trotter, took “Bernie’s die-hard supporters” to task for being “ridiculous”. He was endorsing Sarah Silverman’s words, but after some inconsequential waffle, he took it a bit further: “That makes the ‘Bernie or Bust’ crowd something much more than ridiculous, Sarah, it makes them dangerous.”

Trotter is not alone in this sentiment, but it is highly arrogant to presume to criticise without showing any insight or seeming to know much about the subject at all. Not only is the disruption and protest valid, the circumstances that …