What We Do

For more than 49 years, UNDP has been working closely with the government in Saudi Arabia to find solutions for sustainable human development. Saudi Arabia's prosperity enables it to offer its citizens one of the highest standards of living in the world. At the same time, such wealth is not matched by a corresponding level of human development.

Latest Reports
Human Development Report 2015

This year’s Human Development Report explores how work can enhance human development, given that the world of work is changing fast and that substantial human development challenges remain. The Report takes a broad view of work, including voluntary work and creative work, thus going beyond jobs. And it examines the link between work and human development, focusing on care work as well as paid work and discussing sustainable work.


Latest Reports
Partnership in Development and South-South Cooperation

Since the early 1950s, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has been active in providing Official Development Assistance (ODA). KSA has been giving aid globally based on identified needs—from assistance to supporting people in fragile states and humanitarian crises, and providing soft loans and grants for low-income developing countries to build crucial infrastructure. In recent years, KSA’s assistance has increased significantly. In 2014, KSA gross ODA amounted to US $14.5 billion (SAR 54 billion), which represented 1.9% of the Kingdom’s GNI.