• Posted on: 6 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From MTL Counter-info

In CamOver, you play a group of humans confronted with an invasion of cameras in a gentrified neighborhood. The struggle against the cameras is important, but your own survival is essential! To win you must form teams with friends in your neighborhoods and destroy as many cameras as possible. The game takes place throughout the summer. At the end, the neighborhood with the most points wins the game.

Let the vandalism begin!
Let’s make our summer nights magical and vibrant!

France: the latest...

  • Posted on: 5 June 2016
  • By: SamFantoSamotnaf

From afar (and even within France amongst the young – those who’ve never before directly experienced a nationwide movement) what’s going on seems like the prelude to a social revolution. This tends to make those yearning for a revolution to exaggerate to such an extent what’s going on that some even believe that now is the time to talk of the form and content of workers’ councils; which would be a bit like talking about what your son or daughter is going to call the name of their baby when they’re still a virgin and have only just had their first snog.

Russian anarchist Svetlana Tsvetkova Sentenced to Year of Corrective Labor for Leaflet about Police

  • Posted on: 5 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

31 may 2016 Taganrog City Court Judge Georgy Serebryanikov sentenced
31-year-old local resident Elizaveta Tsvetkova to a year of corrective
labor for disseminating leaflets criticizing the police, reports
Caucasian Knot. As published on the court’s website, the verdict
stipulates that fifteen percent of Tsvetkova’s wages will be docked by
the state for a year. The activist has also been charged 6,000 rubles in
court costs.

"To Struggle Means We're Alive": Prisoners Speak Out on Ferguson, Baltimore, and the Ongoing Revolt Against the Police

  • Posted on: 2 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

A new 'zine that assembles interviews with and essays by prisoners on the recent wave of anti-police revolt and #BlackLivesMatter protests is now available. "To Struggle Means We're Alive": Prisoners Speak Out on Ferguson, Baltimore, and the Ongoing Revolt Against the Police brings together a variety of perspectives and voices, mostly from "social" prisoners who have been struggling or active in some way on the inside.

Berlin: on the struggle in “rebellious Nordkiez”, the anti-gentrification “dangerzone”

  • Posted on: 2 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

This text is a response to the call „Fuck nations, squat the world“. The discussion about squats as focal points of lawlessness and coordinated anarchist action are held everywhere across the world. Surely the “rebellious Nordkiez” (the northern area) in Friedrichshain is relevant for many people, not only those that inhabit it. And what occurs outside of this bubble, for example the fascist and state attacks against greek squats and in the area of Exarcheia, is connected to it.

Report from the Nordkiez – where the state of emergency became normality

Operation Fenix: Urgent – Imprisoned anarchist Martin Ignačák has gone on hungerstrike (Czech Republic)

  • Posted on: 2 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

On Friday 27.5. 2016 in Pankrác remand prison anarchist Martin Ignačák accused of terrorism went on hunger strike. He did this because on 29.4. 2016 the City court in Prague ruled in favour of his release from remand and the state’s attorney appealed this decision to the High court in Prague. On Friday 27.5. 2016 the High court in Prague extended the remand. Therefore the anarchist has decided to protest by going on hunger strike and has stopped taking in nutrition and liquids. This type of hunger strike threatens the life of the hunger striker after a week.

Review of the event about CCF in “Biblioteca Kaos” on May 26 (Brazil)

  • Posted on: 2 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

Dealing with the perpetual technical problems that the comrades who attend the library already know, we present the book “Our day will come” that we translated to Portuguese and we watched the movie made by CCF comrades “Phoenix Project. The Return of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”.
