Our response is like an earthquake: It comes sooner or later

  • Posted on: 17 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Since the inception of eco-extremist actions and interventions, there has been a steady and unending flow of criticisms from various schools of thought. It should be pointed out that few of these have the intention of being constructive. The majority are just plain shit-talking, criticizing for criticism’s sake, or straight defamation. Here we are going to try to answer and refute them. We say “try” because it would seem for our haters that eco-extremist texts are written in a special hieroglyphics, as it seems impossible for them to understand. Or maybe they’re just retarded, hard to say, but either way, let’s get started…

“Those who take aim at us the most are the ones who admire us the most.’“

Anarchists Burn Two Buses in Athens

  • Posted on: 16 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

June 16th, 2016- A group of anarchists set two buses on fire in central Athens a little after midnight on Wednesday and then went to hiding in the National Technical University of Athens building.

The hooded perpetrators started from nearby Exarcheia Square and went to Patission Street, in front of the technical university where they stopped two buses, asked for the driver and passengers to get out and then set the vehicles on fire.

06-14-2016 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 15 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio06142016

Orlando massacre, related enveloping violence. Fearful, anxious children. Failure of anarchy to face challenge,
provide analysis. Internet of Everything not succeeding, not even arriving. "Hobbit" species seafaring 700,000 years
ago. PTSD - even war preferable to dead civilian life. Center for Applied Rationality - think like a machine! "The End
of Reflection" by Teddy Wayne. Resistance news, one call.

The Future of Insurrection

  • Posted on: 14 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

From AJODA #70/71 & #72/#73 (2011)

What strategies and orientations can develop insurrectionary anti-politics into a movement actually able to destroy global capitalism? This is the question taken up by The Coming Insurrection, as well as by author such as Bonanno. I aim here to use insights from The Coming Insurrection to open onto discussions of various aspects of the future of insurrection. The purpose will be to think through strategic implications of attempting to use a mainly expressive form of action for strategic purposes, and ways to deal with the obstacles faced in the process.

But first of all, what is insurrection?

New anarchist translation project: Theory Without Borders

  • Posted on: 14 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

Theory Without Borders is a project focused on promoting anarchist texts, theory, and analysis through translating texts into English in order to give their original authors a platform to access a larger audience. The anti-authoritarian left is an important voice that is often ignored or misrepresented within mainstream media, even if it is a major influence behind many contemporary global movements such as Occupy or Rojava.

Kurdistan democratic confederalists

  • Posted on: 14 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Tahrir-ICN

With a population of 30 million, the Kurds are the world’s largest stateless people. They form the majority of Kurdistan, a region in Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. Since 1999, their struggle for self-determination has taken an anarchstic turn, and communities in Kurdistan have established direct democratic governance modelled on the anti-authoritarian neo-Zapatista movement and the theories of US anarchist Murray Bookchin. While Kurds comprise the majority, the movement has been diverse and multi-ethnic. For example, in the canton of Jazira in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan), Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Chechens, Armenians, Muslims, Christians and Yazidis co-exist and share political power.[1]

An interview with members of DAF, an anarchist collective in Istanbul, plus words from Sean Swain

  • Posted on: 13 June 2016
  • By: Bursts

Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on June 13th, 2016, through June 19th, then in radio version or podcasting at radio4all.net.

Topic of the Week: Conferences, gatherings, and meetings

  • Posted on: 12 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

Anarchists have held and continue to organize conferences, gatherings, workshops, discussions, summits, and meetings on a local and international level. These events offer an opportunity for friends new and old to meet, socialize, build and renew their networks, and have adventures together. A long list of report-backs and happenings could seemingly go on forever. This week we're taking a look at organizing and participating in face-to-face anarchist events.

Spain: Letter from anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, outside the prison walls at last

  • Posted on: 12 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

From 325

Dear comrades,
Finally, after endless games and chicanery by the prison institution and the ministry of the interior they were forced to obey their own laws, which they constantly break, here I am finally free, writing these first words of gratitude and love to all those who over these past 30 years have accompanied me and reaffirmed my own anarchist beliefs, putting into practice the basic values and principles of anarchism like mutual support and solidarity and have finally managed to pluck me from the clutches of the prison beast which I will continue fighting from the street without forgetting, obviously, the combat being waged outside.
