Topic of the Week: Location

  • Posted on: 27 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

Location plays a key role in dictating the nature of our ideas and opinions, who our enemies or friends may be, if we're separated from or near family and relatives, if we have a connection over generations to a land-base and its resources or are maybe just vaguely familiar to our surroundings, along with plenty of other variables.

Hamilton, Ontario: This is How We Welcome You: “Try Hamilton” tries fucking itself

  • Posted on: 26 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Yesterday, a group of scumbags affiliated with local real estate companies organized a tour of Hamilton for a group of investors, with the goal of drawing in capital from outside the city. This project is called Try Hamilton and they describe their goals as a chance for entrepreneurs and developers to envision ‘city-changing’ possibilities. Shamelessly pro-gentrification, they talk about our neighbourhoods as blank slates, gloat about the money to be made if an area can be successfully ‘converted’ to a different kind of resident. Of course, for most of us, their financial wet dreams appear in our lives as violence, hunger, or eviction – and so of course we have to fight back against them.

When the group of investors emerged from the Ti-Cats stadium, fresh off the inspiring words of the city’s mayor, and tried to board buses, they were met by a crowd of forty angry people who encouraged them to, rather than try Hamilton, try fucking themselves. With signs reading, “Gentrification is disgusting, you rich fucks are disgusting”, “who gets off on evicting families?” and “Fuck you for trying”, we met them with a wall of rage that showed them what the class war their investments drive can mean.

In a Moral Universe, There Are No Anarchists; A Response to Denunciations of Hakim Bey by Robert P. Helms and Others

  • Posted on: 23 June 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

by El Errante

(Before you continue, know that this article is wholly my responsibility, that Hakim Bey has neither seen, read nor is aware of its existence. I take full responsibility for its content.)

“Young Russian Woman With an Infernal Machine in Handkerchief”

  • Posted on: 22 June 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Contr'un: Anarchist Theory

Beautiful Nihilists, Pretty Anarchists, Red Virgins and Others

The newest addition to the Libertarian Labyrinth archive is The Beautiful Nihilist: Representations of Revolutionary Women. The project is to gather material from the popular press depicting radical and particularly militant women, in all its sensationalist and often exploitative glory. The articles and tales collected here document a familiar fascination with a political variety of femme fatale, often with a great deal of emphasis on the sexual desirability and social status of the women portrayed in presumably “unwomanly” acts of violence. At the same time, however, the tabloid presentation often allows important bits of history and biography to show through. Indeed, in many cases, this spectacular journalism is all that we have to document the lives of women who were on the front lines of the most militant sorts of struggles.
