Montana is no place for any activist...

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Montana is no place for any activist...

I used to be a part of certain groups & learned the hard way... In my younger days I thought that White Nationalist were decent people, boy was I wrong. They are connected & they definitely will destroy anyone if they're angry with you for anything! I'm choosing this path now because its the only one for me. Gallatin county judges took my whole life away after proving how my life had been destroyed and of course local law enforcement was involved. Republicans are ass wipes! Just wanted to warn people to stay out or very low key around here! Just for learning internet protection I get accused of all kinds of things & my son & I lose everything illegally. Down with this government!!!!!!

bruce420 (not verified)


Anonymous (not verified)
Damn. So many socialists. Is

Damn. So many socialists. Is it so fucking hard to understand that nobody gives a fuck about your lazy ass? Go beg, sell a kidney or prostitute yourself, I don't care. Get your own money for drugs, and I'd advise you spend your next dole on soap, but.... ya know, I'm not your mother.

Chico (not verified)

I've known a couple of Anarchists from Montana, one from an online forum and another personally, both were fine comrades. Apparently, Montana is a less conservative state then Idaho, though to be sure just as elsewhere in the US there are plenty of right-wingers.

On a side note, historically, both Montana and Idaho were in the territory of the very militant left-wing Western Federation of Miners. The WFM was one of the founders of the IWW, though the WFM eventually broke away from the IWW due to schisms caused by factional struggles between reformists and revolutionaries within both organizations.

But yes, white nationalists are fucked up individuals, no surprise there. Indeed, a good case could be made that white nationalists should used as a human pinata. Also why does anarchistnews tolerate reactionary comments such as that left by the shithead who left the comment titled "Damn. So many socialists"? I mean, would we tolerate his shit at a demo? So why tolerate it online?

Anonymous (not verified)
the question is not whether

the question is not whether to abandon montana the question is how to operate in montana

Anonymous (not verified)
Organizing in Montana

To operate in Montana, bring lots of guns and kevlar

Anonymous (not verified)
Montana has nothing on the

Montana has nothing on the deep south. If you get targeted by a right winger serious about ruining your life, it will happen.
What does that say about the country we live in?
I think it shows we live in a fascist police state with a veneer of law and democracy.

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