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Health Travel 2.0

Health Travel 2.0

Countries such as Malaysia are commanding international attention as viable healthcare destinations, offering both first-rate medical expertise as well as a compete vacation experience.

February 10, 2014
Malaysia, A Recognized Health Haven

Malaysia, A Recognized Health Haven

For many years, Malaysia was one of Southeast Asia's best kept secrets. Now this once "hidden jewel" is becoming recognized as a destination for cutting-edge health and wellness services 

February 1, 2013
Brazilian Science, Open to the World

Brazilian Science, Open to the World

Brazil is fast becoming one of the world's major contributors to scientific output, and nearly one half of the country's innovation comes from the State of São Paulo. For 50 years, FAPESP, the São Paulo Research Foundation, has been nurturing this progress.

October 1, 2012
Czech Chemistry - Science for Life

Czech Chemistry - Science for Life

CEITEC is a new multi-disciplinary research center in the Czech Republic. Chemistry dominates 2 of its 7 programs - Structural Biology and Advanced Materials.
REHOR deals with Protection of Health and Life - both against weapons of Mass Destruction and also in various situations which can occur even in peace time.

February 1, 2012
Malaysia Health Care

Malaysia Health Care

Today, Malaysia has a well-developed health care system which serves the entire population as well as a growing international clientele seeking world-class health care at affordable prices.

October 1, 2011
Malaysia Innovation: A Vision for 2020

Malaysia Innovation: A Vision for 2020

Malaysia has ambitious plans to become a global leader in education and research as well as diverse industries such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, electronics, food, finance, environmental engineering, and clean energy.

April 1, 2011
Czech Energy

Czech Energy

Welcome to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

January 1, 2011
Research in Germany

Research in Germany

Germany is the number one location for research in Europe. Germany's unique scientific tradition and great variety of research offer ideal conditions — not only for people with ideas, but also for companies that want to translate these ideas into new products.

December 1, 2010
Solutions From the Nordic Region

Solutions From the Nordic Region

With 25 million inhabitants, the Nordic region is one of the world's most competitive. Its member nations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden consistently rank at or near the top of international measures of good governance, affluence, competitiveness, research and education investment, and international aid.

March 1, 2010

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