
The RCP's Current Solution to the Gay Question

[The Netherlands] The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague

On the backgrounds of the area ban the mayor of The Hagua, Netherlands, imposed on several anarchists

2016 historical U.S. anarchism archiving project

List of materials that have been digitized as part of our effort to make U.S. anarchist periodicals and pamphlets from the 1930s-1950s freely available.

Dutch Mayor issues area bans for anarchists

From the frontlines of social war in the Netherlands: area ban for anarchists in The Hague

What's new to (July 2016)

A roundup of content that has been added to during July 2016. Thank you to all contributors!

Recent interview with Clinton aide contains disturbing hints of the wars to come

A recent interview shows Clinton's determination to push Russia into an increasingly desperate and isolated position, one hesitates to think of the consequences.

Tenant Power: Portland Solidarity Network Takes Demands to a Landlord

As Portland becomes more and more impossible for renters, the Portland Solidarity Network and Portland Tenants United are marching on a landlord to support tenant power.

Strike in the port of Koper

Report on strike in the port of Koper, Slovenia in summer 2016, which affected the supply chain in central Europe - published originally in German in issue no.100 of Wildcat.

Turfs, and also clumps

Blog post on tensions around organizing campaigns encouraging or discouraging contact with the life of the larger organization

Paperboy of the 1990s - Juan Conatz

A brief indulgence in 1990s nostalgia by Juan Conatz, centering on his first job.

Thoughts on the movement, or why we still don't even Corbyn - Joseph Kay and Ed Goddard

Registering to vote in the 2016 Labour leadership election raised £4,588,525.

It’s a lonely world these days for an anti-parliamentary socialist with all politics seeming to have taken a back seat to the current Labour Party shenanigans. While the deluge of establishment groupthink currently arrayed on Corbyn is as disgusting as it is cynical, we're still not pinning any hopes on him in the (now quite likely) event he comes out on top in the next leadership election.

A review of Left of the left: my memories of Sam Dolgoff by Anatole Dolgoff

A short review by Juan Conatz of Anatole Dolgoff's Left of the left: my memories of Sam Dolgoff.

So this is how it ends: Obama spends his last months in office shilling for the TPP

Obama pushing the TPP on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

The “hope and change” candidate will go out with a whimper. After nearly eight years of consistent support for neoliberalism, Obama will spend the freest months of his presidency shilling for the likes of Pfizer and Comcast.

On dissolving the people: Living the Dream on #ausvotes2016

This is the latest episode of Living the Dream - a podcast I participate in as part of the collective blog The Word From Struggle Street. Here we talk about the Federal Election result

Sanders campaign reaches its climax

On Bernie Sanders' announcement of support for Hillary Clinton.

Wildcat strikes at Walmart China

Walmart workers at four stores across China have utilised social media to launch a series of coordinated wildcat strikes against the company’s imposition of a new work schedule that enables management to change work hours at short notice and reduce overtime payments.

James Green- R.I.P.

James Green

James Green, labor historian, professor at University of Massachusetts, and writer died June 23, 2016 in Boston. He was the author of the definitive work Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement and the Bombing That Divided Gilded Age America in 2006. Here's the New York Times obituary.

What's new to (June 2016)

A roundup of content that has been added to during June 2016. Thank you to all contributors!

It’s more than just the killings and the racism, it’s the extortion too

The media is full of stories regarding the tragic murder of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, missing from the discourse is a discussion of how resentment of the police stems not only from police killings and racism, but also from their role as enforcers of the government's extortionist practices.

WorkersWildWest #4 - Out now!

Issue no.4 of our working class paper for Greenford, Southall, Park Royal area in West London - We distribute 2,000 copies, mainly in front of bigger work-places, but also housing estates and job centres. For workers' self-organisation and an internationalist position.