
Earth First! Wolf Hunt Sabotage Manual

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Earth First! Media has released a manual which provides detailed information for disrupting wolf hunting in those states that allow it. Titled The Earth First! Wolf Hunting Sabotage Manualthe text, complete with step-by-step graphics, explains how to find and destroy wolf traps, handle live trapped wolves in order to release them, and various methods, including the use of air-compressed horns and smoke-bombs, for stopping wolf hunts.

The authors of the manual describe themselves as,  “hunters and proud of it,” adding, “But we aren’t proud of what passes for hunting these days and especially for what passes as ‘sportsman’ hunting. Somehow, the National Rifle Association, yuppie trophy hunters, cattle barons, and the Obama Administration are in cahoots in an effort that promises to wipe wolves clean off the planet. And in that case, we choose to be saboteurs for the wild.”

The manual, which was sent to Earth First! Media by unknown persons calling themselves “the Redneck Wolf Lovin’ Brigade,” is being published electronically at Earth First! News and is being offered for others to print and distribute.

Panagioti Tsolkas, a correspondent with Earth First! Media, says the manual is being published in light of regional delistings of wolves in the Great Lakes region and the Northern Rockies since 2011 where subsequent wolf hunts have accounted for over 1,500 wolves hunted or trapped. “According to several wildlife agencies’ reports, there are fewer than 6,000 wolves left in the lower 48 states where wolves once numbered in the hundreds of thousands,” Tsolkas added.

In June of this year, the Obama administration announced that it plans to push for nearly all wolves, excepting those in the U.S. Southwest, to be stripped of Endangered Species Act protections despite compelling evidence from numerous scientists that wolves have not recovered as a species. “We are coming into a new era of wolf genocide,” said Tsolkas, adding, “It will be important for individuals and groups with a passion to protect wolves to take this manual into consideration. It will surely save lives, but it is also a very dangerous undertaking. Wolf hunters have guns and obviously little morals when it comes to what they shoot.”

Over its 33-year history, Earth First! activists have used hunt sabotage to disrupt hunts across the country. “This wolf hunting manual could very well spark a new version of Whale Wars. It’ll be called Wolf Wars.”

3 reviews for Earth First! Wolf Hunt Sabotage Manual

  1. 1 out of 5


    This handbook advocates illegal and dangerous activities. The advice in it will get you arrested, severely injured, and/or killed. The authors have no clue about trapping, releasing animals, or the likelihood of your successfully eluding trappers and hunters in the field.

    A piece of 1/2″ PVC pipe will do little to keep an injured and angry 200 pound wolf at arm’s length. It’ll snap like a dry twig. We had a problem with trespassers on our ranch. I asked the sheriff what to do with them, if we caught one, while we waited an hour for the sheriff to show up. He said, “They’ll probably fall down a lot.” My advice is keep your skinny jeans and plaid shirts in the city where you belong. Sipping lattes is a whole lot less dangerous than antagonizing armed people where nobody is around to see what transpires.

  2. 3 out of 5


    First of all, please heed the good advice from Fritz about the penalties of pissing people off, breaking the law, and putting yourself in mortal danger by trying to use a substandard catch-pole (noose-pole) on a wounded predator.

    However, it is perfectly legal to read this manual for entertainment and general education. The descriptions of foothold/leghold trap sets are good, and can be used to help you and your dog avoid them. The foothold/leghold release method using a winter coat, tarp, or heavy-duty catch-pole to immobilize the trapped animal can be used to help you release your dog from a foothold/leghold trap (which is also a potentially-dangerous process).

    Warning: this manual does not describe the popular but ever more dangerous methods of lethal trapping and snaring. Live releases of predators (or your dog) from these traps are also possible, but significantly more difficult and less likely. Practice, tools (catch-pole, steel-cable cutters, rope or setting tongs, etc.), and good fortune are necessary. The best policy for dog owners is to avoid areas where these hidden traps might be set.

    And please do join the movement to improve trapping regulations, at least the part of the movement that seeks to improve public safety and the humane treatment of animals. For example, Dog Lovers 4 Safe Trapping MN: http://www.doglovers4safetrappingmn.org/

  3. 5 out of 5


    I take extreme offense at the fake named “Fritz” not very thinly veiled threats. His stupid generalization of the majority of us who recognize the precious few wolves we still have in the US have been tormented, tortured , and wiped out by the astounding ignorance of the minority of “beer swilling pukes” such as he, as “sipping lattes”. If he thinks he’s safe threatening those of us with more sense, perhaps he should recall the tragedy at Ruby Ridge, and think again, whether he is 10 feet tall and bullet proof!

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