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Syndication Services

If you are after the new Fairfax Syndication website, allowing license or purchase images, articles, front pages, video and multimedia, please go to:


Licensing from Fairfax Media

Fairfax Syndication manages commercial licensing for Fairfax Media, Australasia’s leading media company. With over 3,500 journalists worldwide in six international bureaus, producing thousands of articles, photographs and videos each week, Fairfax Syndication gives the world access to the most comprehensive collection of content from Australia and New Zealand; photos, articles, headlines, front pages, videos and multimedia galleries are now available for licensing.

Photographs, graphics and cartoons

Fairfax Syndication has millions of award-winning images, graphics and cartoons covering the social, sporting, environmental and economic story of Australia and New Zealand, dating back to the late 1800’s. These are available for commercial licensing as well as consumer purchase of prints.

Text and articles

Articles and features from our award-winning journalists and commentators are available for license from over 300 publications, covering breaking news, sport, business, lifestyle and entertainment.

Customised text packages can be licensed for a variety of uses, including one-off publishing, posting to websites, public display screens and regular content feeds including XML.

Reprints and permissions

Articles can be instantly licensed from the ‘Reprints and Permissions’ button link that appears on most online article pages. Articles can be reproduced as reprints and licensed for multiple uses such as website, newsletters, annual reports and broadcasting.

Additionally, article licensing can be obtained for all Fairfax publications from Copyright Agency Limited via Rightsportal.

Video and multimedia

Fairfax Media is at the forefront of online video and multimedia production.

We offer a range of rich media solutions, allowing licensing of individual clips, slide shows and video streams across news, lifestyle, sport and entertainment. Please view our multimedia for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald

Front Pages

Front pages are available for purchase covering elections, wars, sporting contests, conquests and the Australian way of life.

The Fairfax archives have catalogued front pages from hundreds of Fairfax mastheads; the community and regional titles through to the metropolitan dailies including The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

For further information, please email syndication@fairfaxmedia.com.au or call Fairfax Syndication on 1300 136 466.