Monday, 3 May 2010

Joint Statement on May Day

by 48 organisations in 12 countries 
(Australia, Bangladesh, China, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines & Thailand)

All over the world workers are organising. We are organising to demand a living wage. For health & safety at work. For compensation & rehabilitation. For the  rights  of migrant workers and  refugees, for citizenship rights for migrant workers and their families. For the right to employment on equal terms. Workers are organising against deportations, against racism, against discrimination. Workers are organising against wars that are a disaster to millions of workers.

Workers are organising for secure jobs. Against  casualisation,  contracting out & outsourcing. Workers are organising for the rights of women workers. For better working conditions, to stop work becoming harder, faster, more stressful and dangerous. For shorter working hours, for paid leave and paid  holidays. For affordable housing and health care. For free education and welfare, against child labour and poverty and inequality. Workers are organising for the rights of Indigenous communities who have been stripped of their land and resources. Workers are organising to fight discrimination against minorities, women, lesbians & gays.

While we struggle against these problems, we see that our planet is being ruined through reckless, wasteful and unsustainable production for profit.

Workers can fix these problems. Workers can reorganise all industry to produce for peoples’ need instead of profit. Resources can be distributed to people and places who need them so that our children will have a future.

To do this workers have to dismantle imperialism and the capitalist system. We need to make decisions together in our own workplaces, unions & political organisations about the way production and sharing need to be restructured. We need this. We have the numbers.
We control production. Capitalists will be defeated.
Endorsed by:
Working People Association (Indonesia)
Socialist Worker (New Zealand)
Socialist Alternative (Australia)
Socialist Alliance (Australia)
Partido ng Manggagawa (Philippines)
Partido Lakas ng Masa (Philippines)
Socialist Party of Malaysia
Socialist Party (Australia)
Unite (Australia)
Latin America Solidarity Network (Australia)
Peace and Justice for Colombia (Australia)
National Organization of Self Employed Handloom Weavers Workers (Bangladesh)
Progressive Labour Party (Australia)
Workers Rights Coalition (Australia)
Committee for Asian Women (Thailand)
Migrant Workers Solidarity Network (Bangladesh)
Communications Union CEPU (T&S Vic - Australia)
Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union
National Garment Workers Federation (Bangladesh)
People for Human Rights and Equality (Australia)
Confederation Congress of Indonesia Unions Alliance
Pakistan Labour Federation
Migrants Rights Council (India)
Revolutionary Socialist Party (Australia)
Anatolian Cultural Centre (Australia)
Peoples Democratic Party (Indonesia)
Disability Support Pensioners (Australia)
Solidarity (Australia)
Trade Unions of the Philippines and Allied Services (Philipines)
National Workers Unity (Bangladesh)
International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation Philippines Council
Chennai Metro Construction & Unorganised Workers Union Tamilnadu (India)
All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (Pakistan)
Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Perusahaan Alat-Alat Pengangkut Dan Sekutu (Malaysia)
G.R.S.E Workmen’s Union (India)
Korea Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions (Korea)
Textile Garments Workers Federation (Bangladesh)
Workers’ Liberty (Australia)
New Trade Union Initiative (India)
Bangladesh Garment Workers Employees Federation (Bangladesh)
Australian Nursing Federation (Vic Branch-Australia)
Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament (Australia)
The Conch (Australia)
Humanitywatch (Bangladesh)
International Migrant Alliance Research Foundation (Bangladesh)
Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane (Indonesia)
Maritime Union of Australia (Vic Branch-Australia)
Communist Party of Australia
Australia Asia Worker Links (Australia)
Asia Pacific Workers Solidarity Links (Korea)
All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Post (India)
All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organisations (India)
Cathay Pacific Airways Flight Attendants Union (China, Hong Kong)
Pakistan Workers Federation (Pakistan)
Global Peace Pioneers (Pakistan)
Red Flag Women’s Movement (Sri Lanka)
Industrial Workers of the World (Australian Regional Organising Committee)

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