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  1. Meteopool
  2. Information and media


Meteopool was funded in the third quarter of 2004 as "Wetterpool" (new name since 10th January 2015) and firstly discontinued on 19th July 2012 due to lack of collaboration and respectively require of high administrative effort. Until 20th June 2013, the page was managed only with little effort and only a few contents. The concept of the future is, to keep the minimal administrative effort and to offer updated and free data on a flexible system. The experience with private weather stations in the past 10 years is used for global approaches, for example in OpenMeteoData.


The advertisement on Meteopool is used for paying the server devices and other investments for the administration of such a project. This makes the free access to the project contenct possible. During thunderstorms, requests to the server are sent within seconds. It may be necessary to upgrade the hardware, which we pay by advertisements.

You can also "donate" for us and support us, so we can set up less advertisements.


Take over a task and join the Meteopool team. We are looking forward to get to know you!
Guido Richter
Project leader, Programming, Graphics, Funded the project in 2004
Matthias Malik
GFS weather maps production, Joined the team in 2009
Christine Veerkamp
Webcam management, Joined the team in 2018
Dominique Roth
Webcam management, Joined the team in 2015
Steffen Liermann
Webcam management, Joined the team in 2014
Take over a task and join the Meteopool team. We are looking forward to get to know you!

Previous team members

  • Markus Forster ( - Co-founder of Meteopool, years long defining collaboration
  • Hubertus Volk ( - Daily weather forecast 2007-2014 (>2000 weather forecast)
  • Sven Rockrohr (groß - Measurement network administration, support
  • Laurent Hansen - French translations
  • Dipl.Met. Marcus Beyer - expert consulting and collaboration
  • Thomas Pest ( - Danish translation
  • Matthias Z. ( - manual data control (~1000 manual data controls)
  • Julian B. ( - manual data control (~1000 manual data controls)
  • Florian Klostermann - Initial English translation (2014)
  • Holger Hammerschlag - Marketing and PR (2015-2016)
  • Simon Benkard - Webcam management (2014-2016)
  • Fabian Prummer - Webcam management (2014-2016)

Meteopool is hosted by uvensys GmbH

Logo of uvensys GmbH

Social Media

Logos, banner and other images (you may copy, change size, save and link the images...feel free)

Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 125x125, dark version Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 125x125, light version Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 120x60, dark version Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 120x60, light version
Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 88x31, dark version Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 88x31, light version
Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 234x60, dark version Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 234x60, light version
Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 468x60, dark version
Meteopool logo, with text, transparent background, 468x60, light version


LVZ Sonntag - Die Wetter-Knipser (Leipziger Volkszeitung)
Mentioned at OSM Blog - Wochennotiz Nr. 308
Weather station Klitzschen (DWD) in a booklet for students "Mathewelt" (197/2016)

Other meteopool domains


Weather webcams

Egypt: 2
Argentina: 2
Australia: 2
Belgium: 6
Brazil: 2
China, People’s Republic: 2
Denmark: 2
Germany: 879
Finland: 2
France: 10
Greece: 1
India: 1
Iran, Islamic Republic: 1
Iceland: 1
Israel: 3
Italy: 10
Jersey (Channel Islands): 1
Canada: 1
Luxembourg: 3
Morocco: 1
Mexico: 4
Montenegro: 1
New Zealand: 2
The Netherlands: 4
Norway: 3
Austria: 108
Poland: 11
Portugal: 1
Russia: 2
Sweden: 1
Switzerland (Confoederatio Helvetica): 19
Spain: 10
South Africa: 2
Czech Republic: 6
Tunisia: 1
Turkey: 1
Vatican City: 3
United Arab Emirates: 1
United States of America (USA): 9
Total: 1.121


Registered: 3.197
Confirmed stormchsters: 259 (Participation right for GPS)
Logged GPS points: 1.311.132
Overall travelled routes: 1.315.495 km


Weather radar stations: 52
Weather stations: 439