
Melbourne Grammar video scandal: alumnus shocked by year 12 'rate-your-date' video

A high-profile Melbourne Grammar School alumnus has called on the education provider and the wider community to do more to tackle casual sexism after a group of year 12 students were caught making inappropriate comments about women.

Shortly before the end of second term, a group of Melbourne Grammar boys were filmed rating women in a mock boot camp conducted on school grounds.

Melbourne Grammar School alumnus Julian Burnside, QC, says society is to blame for the students' behaviour, not the school.
Melbourne Grammar School alumnus Julian Burnside, QC, says society is to blame for the students' behaviour, not the school. Photo: Justin McManus

The video, which came to the school's attention on Friday and has since been deleted from social media, shows a student ordering a large group of his peers not to choose any girl with a rating "under a 7" to take to the end-of-term formal.

Barrister and human-rights advocate Julian Burnside attended Melbourne Grammar in the 1950s and '60s, and says society clearly needs to do better when it comes to teaching young men to respect women.

"Bad behaviour by kids at school is something which is not uncommon and is something which is not new," he said.

"But if we think we treat women equally [in Australia], we're simply deluding ourselves."


Mr Burnside said while it's been a long time since he attended Melbourne Grammar, it would be too simple to blame the students' behaviour entirely on the elite institution.

"If kids are displaying attitudes like that in schools, it's very likely they've picked up those attitudes from society and perhaps from their family," he said.

"It's probably a bit unfair to blame the school. It's an awfully long time since I was thereā€¦ but I would say it's more likely a reflection of broader societal attitudes."

Melbourne Grammar School headmaster Roy Kelley expressed his disappointment with the students involved in the video, saying it was "inconsistent" with the school's values.

"It [the video] includes comments that would cause hurt and offence," he said.

"This is unacceptable. Melbourne Grammar School takes very seriously its responsibility to instil positive values in all our students, particularly in relation to the respect of others."

While Mr Kelley has spoken to the boys involved, it is unclear whether any year 12 students will face disciplinary action.

A Melbourne Grammar School spokeswoman refused to comment when asked whether the school is still investigating the incident, or whether anyone has been suspended.

On Saturday, a Victoria Police spokeswoman confirmed police have not been asked to investigate the matter.

The video comes less than a month after another prestigious Melbourne school, Brighton Grammar, was rocked by an incident involving two senior students who set up an Instagram account with photographs of young girls without their consent.

The Instagram page featured girls as young as 11 and encouraged people to vote on which girl they thought should be named "slut of the year".