An intern discusses the latest media restriction changes and how they will affect the archives and society
SAHA'S FOIP intern visiting from Canada reflects on her 6 month placement in Johannesburg.
This is a brief description of an archival intern's experience at SAHA.
A reflection on protests in the media today and the similarities to those under apartheid, in pictures.
Following the #feesmustfall mass mobilisation SAHA requests copies of the interdicts obtained in response to protests by universities and received mixed responses
SAHA invited activists and municipal employees for training on how best to use the Promotion of Access to Information Act on the local government level.
Gille de Vlieg, an activist photographer, adds to the archive some of her photographs for Youth Day. Images depicting youth in the struggle and telling the stories that come with them.
How are records used to forward activism? Recently, our FOIP intern attended the launch of a Report on Counting Police Recorded Protests hosted by the Social Change Research Unit to take a look at how data we received was put to good use.
Forty posters to commemorate forty years of Youth Day.
The archival interns at SAHA celebrate International Archives Day by exploring some of its diverse collections.