

Woman, 62, has a baby and everyone else has an opinion

On the face of it, and in theory, 62 might be a touch too old to give birth to a child; for that reason the questions being raised by the case of a Tasmanian woman and her 78-year-old partner is understandable.

As medical experts and ethicists have argued, the couple's decision - an Australian record - will have ramifications for the child, the community, the taxpayer and even the hospital system.

On the child's 10th birthday, Mum will be 72 and Dad 88, and by the time they  blow out the candles at their 21st birthday, Mum will be 83 and Dad, 99 years old.

The couple reportedly conceived through IVF overseas, using a donor embryo, and that also raises questions about the age where IVF assistance should be capped, medical tourism, and the grab bag of laws that currently cover birthing decisions.

But before we are so quick to judge on the basis of age and label this decision as selfish, wrong and madness - as doctors have already - perhaps we should take our blinkers off.

Why is a 62-year-old mother, who desperately wants a child and will treat them as the most precious little thing on earth, treated worse than a 22-year-old mother, who assaults her child - as we see in the court on a daily basis.

Why is 62 year old mother, who might be as fit as most 45 year olds, lambasted for this decision, but we allow women to smoke and drink through pregnancy, without making any deal of it?

Why is an older couple, who might own their own home and have a big extended family to call upon, wrong when we allow drug addicts and convicted felons to remain the guardians of their children?

Why is it wrong to have a child at 62, and more than acceptable to have a child at 32, when a mother weights 138 kg and cannot walk?

Who says this mother won't live another 40 years? I learnt when my father died way too early that death doesn't discriminate on the basis of age.

Parenting doesn't come with a manual that will always work and every family is different. So if love is at the centre of this couple's decision to bear a child at 62 and 78, good on them.

And the rest of us should mind our own business.

According to reports, the woman gave birth by caesarean section at Melbourne's Frances Perry House private hospital on Monday. Bub was premature, but doing well.

Welcome to the world, Little One, and may it become much less judgmental as you travel the road from toddler to teenager and beyond.

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