

Trump's candidacy is having a serious effect on his business empire

Since Trump announced he was running for president, foot traffic to Trump-branded hotels has dropped.

Early on, some pundits argued that Donald Trump's candidacy was just a fleeting effort that would leave little impact on the race, but could ultimately bring more attention and revenue to the Trump business empire. Now, both of those ideas may be wrong.

'Yes We Khan'? Khizr urged to run for office

Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

In the week since Khizr Khan, the father of an Army captain killed in Iraq in 2004, made an impassioned call to elect Hillary Clinton, some of her supporters have found another person they'd like to see in public office: Khan.

Clinton can't beat Trump, but maybe Trump can

The past week has proven that the biggest threat to Trumps campaign, is Donald Trump.

Perhaps Donald Trump will come to America's rescue after all. The past week leaves no doubt, at least, that the biggest threat to Trump's campaign for the presidency is Trump.

Bad news for Donald Trump in new polls

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is trailing in new swing state polls.

A difficult week for Donald Trump has gotten tougher with the release of several new polls in swing states showing him trailing Hillary Clinton by wide margins.