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Expert Analysis

In addition to our exclusive daily news coverage, Law360 Newswires feature contributed guest articles and videos from leading practitioners in a full range of practice areas. While much of the content found in the Expert Analysis section is derived from regularly scheduled contributors, we review unsolicited pitches and submissions on an ongoing basis. Topics can be practice- or industry-specific, but most importantly we are looking for concise, thought-provoking and original writing. Although articles can have a scholarly focus, they should be written with a business audience in mind.

Please send all article and video proposals to

Article Submission Guidelines

  1. The article must cover an issue of current interest to a legal and business audience (e.g., cases, policies, deals, trends, debates).
  2. The analysis, views and expressions of the author must be original.
  3. The article must be well written by qualified experts.
  4. The article should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words.
  5. The article may not contain derogatory comments about any person or organization.
  6. Law360 does not publish rants, advertorials, policy summaries, accolade announcements or otherwise self-promotional material.
  7. The article must not have been previously published. And once published in Law360, an article cannot be republished in another news outlet for a period of 90 days. (This does not include distributing via law firm websites, law firm newsletters, or content aggregators.)
  8. Articles about court decisions should feature cases no older than 90 days.
  9. If citations are included, they should be in the form of endnotes.
  10. If an article covers a matter in which your organization is or has been involved — directly or indirectly — such involvement must be disclosed in a paragraph at the end of the article.
  11. The article must be up-to-date, and time-sensitive material should be noted with the submission. “Priority” publishing requests are considered, but not guaranteed.
  12. The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (no PDFs).
  13. The submission must include each author’s name, title, office and organization, as well as high-resolution color photos (JPG) of up to three authors.
  14. Images are encouraged, but all charts, graphs, diagrams, photos, illustrations or other images within an article must be sent as individual JPG files.
  15. We reserve the right to edit articles for spelling, grammar and punctuation in keeping with AP style and Law360 style, and to change headlines — length and tone — as needed to fit our newsletters.
  16. While the author retains copyright to his or her article, Law360 reserves the right to republish parts or all of an article indefinitely without any royalty payments.
  17. Law360 does not pay for guest articles, nor does it charge for publishing.
  18. Once an article is published, we may be unable to honor requests to modify it, including for reasons of employee hires or departures, etc.
  19. Once an article is published, a firm may purchase a PDF of the article with approved use of the Law360 logo from our reprints department. Reprint requests must be sent directly to
  20. Law360 reviews article submissions on an ongoing basis for the Expert Analysis section in all Law360 sections.

Video Submission Guidelines

  1. The video must cover an issue of current interest to a legal and business audience (e.g., cases, policies, deals, trends, debates).
  2. The analysis, views and expressions in the video must be original.
  3. The video must appear professional and feature qualified experts.
  4. The video may not exceed five minutes in length.
  5. The video may not contain derogatory comments about any person or organization.
  6. Law360 does not publish advertising, marketing or puffery. Commentary shall be limited to analysis of news events and trends relevant to litigation, policy, enforcement, deals, industries and markets. Practice tips are encouraged — promotion of the organization is not.
  7. The video must not have been previously aired with a news organization. And once aired by Law360, the video cannot be re-aired by another news outlet for a period of 90 days. This does not include law firm websites or marketing materials.
  8. If you are pitching a video that has not yet been produced, please include the script.
  9. Law360 reserves the right to refuse publication of any video that does not meet editorial approval.
  10. Law360 publishes videos by embedding links within articles. If your video is hosted by a third-party (e.g., Vimeo, YouTube), you must grant Law360 access to the content for streaming purposes and supply the appropriate link for embedding.
  11. If your video is hosted by a third party, it must not be viewable by the general public. This would negate the value for Law360 as an exclusive content provider.
  12. The video must be accompanied by an introduction paragraph including:
    • Name of the producing organization
    • Name, title and organization of any expert featured in the video
    • Brief summary of the issue being addressed
    • Disclosure of any involvement — direct or indirect — by the video producers
    or commentators in the matter being discussed
  13. The video must be up-to-date, and time-sensitive material should be noted with the submission. “Priority” publishing requests are considered, but not guaranteed.
  14. Law360 reserves the right to craft an appropriate headline and summary in keeping with AP and in-house style in order to promote the video to our readership.
  15. Law360 does not pay for video content, nor do we charge for publishing.
  16. All videos aired by Law360 require a licensing agreement signed by the contributing firm.
  17. Law360 reviews video submissions on an ongoing basis for the Expert Analysis section in all Law360 newsletters.

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