Standing fast: a novel - Harvey Swados

Standing fast: a novel - Harvey Swados

Harvey Swados' fictional story of a group of socialists and their lives from the dawn of USA's involvement in World War II to the Kennedy assasination. More or less based on the Worker's Party of Max Shachtman, C.L.R. James, Raya Dunayevskaya and Stan Weir.

Standing Fast_ A Novel - Swados, Harvey.mobi1.14 MB
Standing Fast_ A Novel - Swados, Harvey.epub732.73 KB


Jan 6 2014 03:18

I read the first few chapters of this, glad to see it's up here, gonna have to finish it!

Jan 6 2014 04:08

I loved this book. The Joe Link character is based on Stan Weir.

paul r
Jan 6 2014 21:52

Don't you have a pdf version of this book?

I can't read this .mobi file on my Mac. Will I be able to read it if I upload it to my kndle?

Juan Conatz
Jan 7 2014 00:43
paul r wrote:
Will I be able to read it if I upload it to my kndle?

Yes, that's what a mobi file is for, ebook readers.

Jan 8 2014 06:40

to clarify .mobi is for Amazon readers. iOS devises and most others use .epub

Jan 16 2014 18:28

You can convert from .mobi to .epub (and other formats) with Calibre (which works on Windows, iOS, and Linux). Thanks for making this book available here.

Jan 16 2014 18:49

Also, in the "American Trotskyist roman a clef" genre, I really recommend Clancy Sigal's "Going Away".

Jan 18 2014 16:42

Going Away is one of my all-time favorite novels. It's like a cross between Kerouac's On the Road and Brecher's Strike!, as the setting is a 1956 road trip from L.A. to New York by a militant who's glued to the car radio listening to news flashes from the uprising in Hungary, while zig-zagging across the U.S. touring sites of historical class struggle and having romantic interludes. I was so moved by the book that I found Sigal's e-mail address and asked him what his influences were. He said that On the Road was a definite inspiration, as well as his extensive reading of working class history.

Jan 23 2014 16:28
“Let’s be frank,” Joe said. “There are guys who are in the Party now because we’re small. If we really grew, if we really became an influence, they’d flee.”