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Little Is Much When God Is In It
How one small, rural church saturated their community
with nearly half a million copies of the gospel.

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Reach more people than you ever thought possible.
Dale Detro interviewed by Tim Berends on Jesus and Tim in Las Vegas:

    • Listen to the interview
    • Jesus and Tim in Las Vegas

Many Christians are discouraged by the lack of desire in their church members to go into the local community and witness. Let's face it, talking with strangers one-on-one about their need for salvation can be intimidating, even for an experienced soul-winner. Jesus gave a very clear commandment: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature," but it can be difficult convincing people that it's worth investing the time to do it and that the Holy Spirit will give them the words to say.

We are offering a free mini-book that shows how one couple in Indiana inspired their entire church to become more active in soul-winning and resulted in the distribution of over 500,000 tracts into their community.

It all started with a small display rack filled with tracts.

You'll be able to read many of the testimonies they received, including one of a man who was saved on his death bed by reading the tract, "Fatal Decision."

If you have ever been burdened for your community and wondered how to make sure that as many as possible hear the gospel, this mini-book is for you.

Here are a few testimonies from church members who were inspired and joined the tract ministry

Pastor Jerry Campbell: “All I can say is ‘Little is much when God is in it!’”

Rick Clark:  I’ve been extremely blessed to be involved with this tract ministry. Chick tracts are by far the most effective tracts I’ve ever seen to reach the lost with the gospel. Praise God! My wife and I have seen four of our grandchildren saved because of Chick tracts! Little is much if God is in it.

Bob Arrington: Every Christian should be a minister for Jesus Christ by spreading the words of faith and good doctrine (1 Timothy 4:6). There’s no easier way to do that than with Chick Tracts.  Every Christian house of worship should have a tract ministry.

Pam Todd: We have been able to see how the Lord has worked in the tract ministry. It was just getting started when we first attended the church, so we have been blessed to see it grow to where it is today. For shy or quiet people, a Chick tract is a great way to share the Word of God.

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