Thousands of Colombians Take to the Streets in Support of Peace

Bogota’s Plaza Bolivar was filled to capacity with supporters of peace/Photo: @FARC_EPueblo “We firmly reject the path of a closed and elitist pact of the right wing,” said a campesino organization. Hundreds of thousands of Colombians took to the streets to demand the peace accord be respected, as President Manuel Santos met with right-wing former…

Bilateral Ceasefire Cannot End Without Serious Damage to Colombia

By Gabriel Ángel @GabAngel_FARC In the morning of Wednesday the 28th, before heading for Havana, Father Carlos, a Jesuit, director of Villa Claver, the spiritual retreat house where we were staying on our trip to Cartagena, asked all present FARC delegates to gather in order to take a picture. With him and all the staff…

Rwanda: The Danger of a Sanitized Narrative

How a British NGO changed the course of Rwandan history and helped fuel impunity in Africa’s Great Lakes region President of Rwanda Paul Kagame at the World Economic Forum in Cape Town, South Africa, June 11, 2009 (Matthew Jordaan/WEF) By Judi Rever The passion of war has long inspired propagandists. Some have sought to influence…

Examining International Sanctions: The Case of Eritrea

Under US pressure, the United Nations refuses to lift an embargo against the tiny nation of Eritrea, while ignoring constant aggressions by its huge neighbor, Ethiopia. The pretexts for the sanctions “are nonexistent,” yet “Eritrea is doubly punished since the sanctions effectively mean it is restricted in defending itself.” The UN has abrogated its responsibility…

Who are the Bystanders to the “African Killing Field”?

By Sophia Tesfarmariam When Robert Kaplan referred to Ethiopia as the “African killing field” and argued that the manner with which Ethiopians were killed by Menghistu Hailemariam’s military junta, evoked the well-known slaughter of millions of Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge, there were critics who said it was not the same thing. They argued that…

Colombia Votes ‘No’ on Peace Accord

Overwhelming Majority of Colombians to Say ‘Yes’ to FARC Peace Agreement Colombia: The Silence of the Real Enemies of Peace FARC-EP Communiqué The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) deeply regret that the destructive power of those who sow hatred and rancor have influenced the opinion of the Colombian population. With today’s…

Solidaridad con la República Bolivarianna de Venezuela

Por CMSV PRONUNCIAMIENTO DE LA COORDINADORA MEXICANA DE SOLIDARIDAD CON VENEZUELA APOYADA Y SUSCRITA POR  PARTIDOS Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES DE MÉXICO     Las organizaciones sociales y políticas abajo firmantes, rechazamos tajantemente el Comunicado sobre Venezuela (Comunicado No. 426 de la Cancillería Mexicana, el cual a la letra dice: “Comunicado No. 426.- Asimismo, reiteran su apoyo…

Hands Off! Russian Envoy Stands Against Imposing Color Revolution on Venezuela

Foreign Ministry statement on the situation in Venezuela The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation The recent political developments in Venezuela are evidence of attempts by the irreconcilable internal forces to escalate tensions using external support. Their goal is to remove the Venezuelan Government from power at all costs. The pretext used for…

Democracia de excepción y neoliberalismo

Por Osvaldo León “Si hay que resumir la esencia del golpe, se trata de una dictadura del capital sobre el trabajo.  La ruptura de la democracia se da porque, en democracia, los trabajadores y sus organizaciones tienen mejores condiciones de defenderse, de luchar por sus derechos, de garantizar sus intereses”, señala Emir Sader al referirse…