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Recent ZNet

Robin Hahnel: The Us Left And Presidential Elections: What Can We Learn?

More than 13 million Americans voted for a candidate to be their President who labelled himself a democratic socialist and called for a political revolution

Norman Solomon: An open letter to Hillary from a Bernie delegate

Beyond the fleeting praise for Bernie, your message to his delegates in Philadelphia wasn’t hard to discern: my corporate centrist way or the highway

Nick Turse: Breaking the Camouflage Wall of Silence

When AFRICOM Evaluates Itself, the News Is Grim

David Swanson: But, Mr. Putin, You Just Don’t Understand

The purpose of war is indeed war itself. The justifications are always pretexts

Mark Weisbrot: Is The Republican Party A Legitimate Political Party?

It is pretty clear that voter disenfranchisement is the bedrock of Republican power. As such, the legitimacy of the Republican Party is questionable

Juan Cole: 6 Signs the Big Global Switch to Solar has already Begun

Economists have now demonstrated what we solar panel owners have known all along: people who put photovoltaic panels on their roofs actually save money for all the ratepayers

Nicholas Buccola: What is My Duty as a Progressive Voter?

Frederick Douglass grappled with a similar dilemma one hundred and sixty years ago

David H. Gans: How Scalia Made It Difficult to Bring Cases to Court

The late Supreme Court justice wrote a number of opinions that limited the ability of racial minorities, victims of police misconduct, and others to vindicate their constitutional rights

Adam Szetela: The Bullies’ Club

Just like Trump, UFC president Dana White built his fortune off exploitation and union-busting. No wonder they’re friends

Josh Bivens: A financial transaction tax would help ensure Wall Street works for Main Street

Summary What this report finds: A well-designed financial transaction tax (FTT)—a small levy placed on the sale of stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other investments—would be an efficient and progressive way to generate tax revenues. Gross revenues from a well-designed FTT would likely range from $110 billion to $403 billion. And net revenues (including offsets from Read more…

Frida Berrigan: “Pow, Pow, Yous Are Dead!”

Children, Toy Guns, and the Real Thing

Richard Falk: Is Genocide a Controversial International Crime?

A look at East-West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, by Philippe Sands

Walden Bello: Superpower Conflicts Are Driving Tensions in the South China Sea

The Philippines won a huge legal victory against China on a long-running territorial dispute. But Manila’s alliance with Washington may make it all for nothing

Matt Ford: Wisconsin’s Voting Laws Struck Down

A federal judge ruled Friday the state’s voter-ID law and other restrictions violated the Constitution

Paul Street: Black, White, and Blue: Working Class Self-Defeat in Somerville

The lives of no racial or ethnic group seem to matter less to America’s soulless capitalist and imperial system than do those of Black Americans

Patrick Cockburn: Turkey, once the great hope of the Middle East, is left weak and unstable

Erdogan thrives on crisis and confrontation, of which the failed coup is the latest example. But a state of permanent crisis is weakening and destabilising Turkey

Jasper Finkeldey: Naples rising: rebel youth movements buzz in the old city

Naples’ citizens suffer from the multiple hardships of unemployment, austerity and mismanagement. Social movements jump in where institutions fail

Daniel Denvir: Bernie’s big lesson: Socialists should occupy the Democratic Party, not abandon it

Now that the trail has been blazed, the next step for Bernie supporters is to take over the Democratic Party

Bill Berkowitz: Riding Trump’s Wave, Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Runs for Senate

Immediately after Donald Trump’s acceptance speech, David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard and an early Trump supporter, tweeted: “Great Trump Speech, America First! Stop Wars! Defeat the Corrupt elites! Protect our Borders! Fair Trade! Couldn’t have said it better!” On the heels of the Republican Party’s Convention, Duke, promising to be a Read more…

Hamza Hamouchene: Tunisia: on the frontlines of the struggle against climate change

Kerkennah islanders are faced with a double threat to their existence: rising sea water levels and the extractive operations of fossil fuel companies

Various Contributors: Open Letter to Bernie Sanders from Former Campaign Staffers

We look forward to continuing the political revolution and working with your successor organizations, however right now the country still needs you to run for president

Leonard Peltier: Letter from Leonard Peltier

Sisters, brothers, friends and supporters: June 26th marks 41 years since the long summer day when three young men were killed at the home of the Jumping Bull family, near Oglala, during a firefight in which I and dozens of others participated. While I did not shoot (and therefore did not kill) FBI agents Ronald Read more…

Marcelina Zawisza: Poland between social nationalism and the new left

Translation by Revolting Europe In ultra conservative Poland something is happening on the Left, with the birth of Razëm – which means Together – a new party that with over 4 percent of the vote has gained full rights of participation in the political and national media debate. Born from the social movements, inspired by Read more…

Laura Carlsen: Both Parties Are Playing the Mexico Card

From immigration to the drug war, there’s a lot that needs fixing in the U.S.-Mexico relationship. But border walls, hate speech, and deportations won’t do it

Vijay Prashad: A Story of Deceit

In the U.S., the debate over Iraq has been placed on mute

Victor Grossman: From Germany: Horror and Sorrow

A report from Berlin on causes of the spate of violence striking Germany and across Europe

Juan Cole: Russian & Iranian Press deplore Hillary Clinton Hawkishness; Israelis complain she’s Dove

How is the international press responding to the Democratic National Convention and the formalization of Hillary Clinton’s status as the party’s standard-bearer in the presidential campaign?

Sue Sturgis: How special-interest money took over the party conventions

Percent by which private funding from outside the party committee is expected to increase over 2012 for this year’s Democratic convention: 12

Robert Fisk: Qatar exerts huge control over British business, but it could be heading for an ‘Arab autumn’

Investments by Qatar’s state-owned companies in Britain are the largest in western Europe

Joseph Stiglitz: Will Hillary Clinton Flip-Flop Again on TPP After Election Day?

Some of the worst provisions in there were not because our partners demanded it, it was because we demanded it

Gareth Porter: Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks

Focusing on domestic issues, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech sidestepped the deep concerns anti-war Democrats have about her hawkish foreign policy, which is already taking shape in the shadows

Margot Kidder: My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

You kill and you kill and you kill, and still you remain proud

Alfredo Serrano: Venezuela’s Future

Maduro’s closest economic advisor interviewed at length by Michael Albert

Ted Glick: Build, Bernie, Build

101 days to the election. Let’s defeat Trump, deal a big setback to Trumpism and lay the basis for a people’s movement that cannot be denied going forward.

Thomas Frank: How the Democrats left the door wide open for Donald Trump

The Democrats ditched the working class in favour of a professional elite leaving Trump – a master of ‘resentment politics’ – to hoover up their votes

Vijay Prashad: Can You Confront the Death Toll in Syria?

We’re reaching Iraq levels of human tragedy

David Bacon: When the River Turned Yellow

Sixty miles south of the Arizona border, the devastation from a toxic spill has led to an epochal battle between a transnational mining conglomerate and an alliance of miners and farmers

Kshama Sawant: Progressive Social Change And Reinventing American Politics

We need more candidates running on the basis of working class, grassroots funding

George Monbiot: So Much For Sovereignty

To this government, “taking back control” means handing Britain to a different set of foreign powers

Nika Knight: Scorching Global Temps Astound Climate Scientists

As wildfire rages in California, flooding affects millions in India and China, and eggs are fried on sidewalks in Iraq, scientists say global climate catastrophe is surpassing predictions

Ronald Brownstein: The Diverse Left and White Working-Class Right

Does the Democratic Party—open to all immigrants, races, genders, and sexual orientations—have enough room for less educated white voters?

Masha Gessen: The Trump-Putin Fallacy

Trump will pose an impossible dilemma for the institutions of democracy: because they are too slow and complicated for him, he will seek to bypass them

Badri Raina: Hindu Caste System

The Hindu Caste system  is Full of rationale; From head to polluted tail It ordains a synthesis. Thus, the Brahmin, is to rest and bless, The kshatriya will the realm protect; The Vaishya will the chips collect, And the Shudra clean up the mess. Thus is Bharat stable, strong, With each one in unshakable place— Read more…

Ron Ridenour: Scandinavia on the Skids: The Failure of Social Democracy

One of Denmark’s most serious problems is that the Social Democrats and the more leftist parties do not believe that the people are actually capable of ruling sensibly

Marjorie Cohn: The Content of Trump’s Character

Though some anti-war Americans see hope that Donald Trump would pull back from foreign wars, they also must face his undeniable record of racial and sexist bigotry

Juan Cole: Is the French Press Right to stop Printing Pictures, Names of Terrorists?

We are privileging certain kinds of violence and magnifying it through the press and social media

Serge Halimi: Provoking Russia

One reason could be that it enables the US to prevent any rapprochement between them, and ensures, after Brexit, that its most biddable ally, the UK, remains closely bound to Europe’s military destiny

Mark Weisbrot: Attacking Trump for the few sensible things he says is bad strategy

Do liberals really want to trash Trump for taking positions that are less aggressively militaristic than the nation’s most warmongering neoconservatives?

Emmett Rensin: Give Bernie’s Distraught Supporters a Break

The media is treating them like weirdos, but they’re responding to Sanders’s loss like ordinary human beings

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