- published: 03 Jul 2011
- views: 5033
Carus (Latin: Marcus Aurelius Carus Augustus; c. 222 – July or August 283) was Roman Emperor from 282 to 283, and was 60 at ascension.During his short reign, Carus fought the Germanic tribes and Sarmatians along the Danube frontier with success. He brought stability in the empire and died in 283 aged 61.
During his campaign against the Sassanid Empire, he sacked their capital Ctesiphon, but died shortly thereafter. He was succeeded by his sons Carinus and Numerian, creating a dynasty which, though short-lived, granted further stability to a resurgent empire.
Carus, whose name before the accession may have been Marcus Numerius Carus, was likely born at Narbo (modern Narbonne) in Gaul but was educated in Rome. He was a senator and filled various civil and military posts before being appointed prefect of the Praetorian Guard by the emperor Probus in 282.
After the murder of Probus at Sirmium, Carus was proclaimed emperor by the soldiers. Although Carus severely avenged the death of Probus, he was suspected as an accessory to the deed. He does not seem to have returned to Rome after his accession, contenting himself with an announcement to the Senate.
Carus de Sekaiza - SALDUIE (BELOS, 2016)
Medimeisterschaften 2016 Dresden - Mein kleiner grüner Carus
Carus LED Made in Hessen - Infofilm des VDI
Carus — Atoms
Carus Thompson Band - I Found Love ( unplugged )
Schlechte Erfahrung! Test ORANIER Carus Pelletofen - NIE wieder!!! (kein Zephyr) Kaminofen Ofen
Emperors of Rome: Carus
Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869)
Carus and the True Believers - Gonna Leave This Town
http://www.BalconyTVMelbourne.com 'Like' us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/balconytvmelbourne PRESENTED BY CASSIE WALKER BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE PRINCE BANDROOM - www.princebandroom.com.au Made up of thirteen songs recorded over the last year between Real World Studios in Bath, Presspack Studios in Plymouth, Round The Bend Studios in Dartmoor, Tube Temple Studios in Solingen and Atlantis Studios in Melbourne "Caravan" really sums up the way the last year of life has been - constantly on the road, split between Australia and Europe. It features both my European and Australian bands as well as my good friend Seth Lakeman on a couple of tracks and my brother Christian Thompson on harmonies. "Caravan" is co-produced by Greg Arnold and mixed by Brad Jones in Nashville and both these ...
Sekaiza, 153 a.C., 598 ab urbe condita. Estalla la guerra que rompe la precaria Pax Sempronia. Belos y Arévacos eligen a su caudillo: Carus de Sekaiza. Ésta es su historia. Os presentamos el primer adelanto de nuestro segundo disco de estudio “Belos”, el cual verá la luz el próximo 10 de Diciembre. ¡Os esperamos en nuestra presentación en directo en el C.C. Delicias! Podrás adquirir Belos, así como el resto de nuestro merchandising, a través de nuestra tienda online: http://salduie.bigcartel.com/ ¡Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SalduieFolkMetal/ Twitter: @SalduieOficial Contacto: salduiefolkmetal@hotmail.com Salduie es: Nem Sánchez - Voz melódica, Gaita, Whistles Diego Bernia - Voz gutural y limpia David Serrano - Dulzaina, Gaita, Whistl...
Mein kleiner grüner Carus Der Typ genau vor Dir ist kein Zimmermann, auch wenn er Dir grade eine zimmert, Mann! Er schlägt wie er isst: er haut stets voll rein, er spielt Klavier auf Deinem Schlüsselbein. Du wirst beleidigt, verprügelt, spürst lauter Hiebe. Doch Carus hält dagegen: Raute, nur Liebe. Durch das Herz deines Rivalen dringt sein grünes Licht Plötzlich steht er da und entschuldigt sich Gemeinsam kämpft ihr nun gegen Eure Antipoden, gegen Kulturen brauner Zellen auf dem Agarboden Gentransplantation ersetzt das Fremdgehn mit Steilgehn Nach Hause gehn mit abgehn und jetzt müsst ihr einsehn: Niemand muss jemals wieder alleine sein Im Duden gibt's keinen Eintrag zu Einsamkeit Keine Hassparolen weit und breit, so 'ne Faust im Gesicht ja das brauchen wir nicht. Der kleine grüne Carus...
Carus Thompson Band - I Found Love ( unplugged ) http://carusthompson.com/ Norderstedt, Music Star 1-3-2012 http://www.harksheide.de cameras: Günter Neitzel, Sönke Neitzel, Hans-Jürgen-Hiller, Wolfgang Sedlatschek light: Ulf Woitakowski audio live mix and recording and post production and video editing: Wolfgang Sedlatschek
Ein Pelletofen für ca. 3.500,- €. Ein Ofen der alles macht, nur nicht das was er soll. Hier unser Video über den ORANIER Carus Pelletofen... (http://www.oranier-heiztechnik.de/produkte/pelletofen/pelletofen-carus)
Emperors of Rome continues with Carus, whose reign was characterised by his attempt to create dynastic stability.
MUSIK Carl Maria von Weber Clarinet Quintet in B-flat major, op. 34 - II. Fantasia: Adagio ma non troppo
Stupid little fucker from outer space
I don't wanna see your ugly face
Lame ass shit go to the show
Shut your mouth what do you know
Oi!!(yeah whatever)
Follow every fucking trend
Timmy Armstrong's your best friend
I don't wanna see you puke
I'm sick of your friends and you
You're a rancid motherfucker and I don't