Current Category: Oil & Resources | Return to Uncommon Thought News

May 8, 2013
5/08/2013. Sheppard. MoJo. This Town Took On Fracking and Won
5/08/2013 Mangini. ITT. Frack Corporate Personhood
May 7, 2013
February 15, 2013
February 11, 2013
February 9, 2013
2/09/2013 Giorgio Cafiero, Asia Times. China's Sudan challenge
2/11/2013 Lee, Asia Times, Rocky road ahead for Mongolia
February 8, 2013
February 3, 2013
February 1, 2013
January 18, 2013
January 17, 2013
1/17/2013 McKenzie, IPS. Peering into the Energy Crystal Ball
1/17/2013 Perera, IPS. Rural Water Projects Depend on Women
January 16, 2013
January 10, 2013
1/10/2013 Ahmed, FPIF. The Great Oil Swindle
January 8, 2013
1/8/13 Harikrishnan, Asia Times. Nuclear power fears rise in India
January 5, 2013
1/5/13 LaDuke, Progressive. Canada's Gutting of Environmental Laws
May 6, 2011
April 8, 2011
April 1, 2011
March 27, 2011
March 26, 2011
March 25, 2011
March 24, 2011
March 23, 2011
3/23/11 Gurman, FPIF, Migrant Workers in Libya
March 21, 2011
March 15, 2011
March 12, 2011
3/12/11 Kotsev, Asia times, Hidden energy crisis in the Middle East
March 8, 2011
March 4, 2011
March 1, 2011
February 25, 2011
November 9, 2010
September 9, 2010
September 8, 2010
August 27, 2010
August 11, 2010
July 27, 2010
7/27/10 Faizl-e-Haidr, AsiaTimes, BP on the run in Pakistan?
July 26, 2010
7/26/10 BBC, BP oil spill a result of 'poor decision making' (video included)
July 25, 2010
July 24, 2010
July 23, 2010
7/23/10 Lee, WSWS, Fishermen on strike against BP
July 22, 2010
7/22/10 Spencer, WSWS, The social crisis in Appalachia
July 21, 2010
July 20, 2010
July 19, 2010
7/19/10 Cantarow, MoJo, Big Oil Makes War on the Earth
July 18, 2010
July 17, 2010
July 16, 2010
July 15, 2010
July 14, 2010
7/14/10 Food & Water Watch, Natural Gas No Quick Fix for U.S. Energy Woes
7/14/10 Brown & Plushnick-Masti, AP, Scientists say Gulf spill altering food web
7/14/10 McGrath, IPS, Oil, Water and Tourism Don't Mix
July 13, 2010
7/13/10 Jamail & Blumenfeld, Dahr Jamail's Dispatches, Toxic Dispersants Near Gulf Harm Humans and Wildlife
July 12, 2010
July 10, 2010
July 9, 2010
7/09/10 Dandelion Salad, BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Videos
7/09/10 Moskvitch, BBC, Russian sub 'could stop oil leak'
July 8, 2010
July 7, 2010
July 6, 2010
7/06/10 Sitthirath, IPS, Water Flows from Villagers' Own Toil
July 5, 2010
7/05/10 Wray, Guardian, BP asks oil spill partners to pay $400m
July 4, 2010
July 3, 2010
7/03/10 Goldenberg, Guardian, Sylvia Earle: Swimming with sharks and oil
July 2, 2010
7/02/10 McCarthy, Independent, Deep-Sea Mining Adds to Fears of Marine Pollution
July 1, 2010
7/01/10 Rogers & Damon, WSWS, The Gulf oil spill - the social impact
7/01/10 Moore, PublicRecord, BP's New Cover-Up Revealed
7/01/10 Wharton, ITT, BP: The Case for Public Ownership
June 30, 2010
6/30/10 Wang, ProPublica, BP Fined $5.2 Million for False Reporting
6/30/10 Harkinson, MoJo, BP: Beyond Prosecution
June 29, 2010
6/29/10 Kinzer, MoJo, BP in the Gulf--The Persian Gulf
June 28, 2010
6/28/10 Squatriglia, Wired, 74-MPG City Car Makes a Smart Look Big
June 27, 2010
June 26, 2010
June 25, 2010
6/25/10 YouTube of 6/22/10, Oil Rain In Louisiana
6/25/10 Washington's Blog, CRG, Oil Spill Might Be Making Natural Seeps Larger
5/25/10 Sommerville, BBC, Inside a crumbling Afghan coal mine
6/25/10 Goldstein, Asia Times, Sudanese blood spills into Asia
6/25/10 Rudolph, NYT, A Solar Bulb May Light the Way
6/25/10 Zack, NYT, Paddling Against the Wind
June 24, 2010
6/24/10 Dowell, GlobalPost, Gulf oil spill? You ain't seen nothing yet
6/24/10 Hedgepeth & Fahrenthold, WP, Apparent suicide by fishing boat captain underlines oil spill's emotional toll
June 23, 2010
6/23/10 Phillips, CNN, Oil soaks miles of Pensacola Beach
June 22, 2010
6/22/10 Farge & Lawler, Reuters, Oil drillers, users say world needs deepwater wells
6/22/10 Fazl-e-Haider, Asia Times, US presses Pakistan on Iranian gas
June 21, 2010
6/21/10 Arbuthnot, CRG, Plundering the Planet
6/21/10 Tremblay, The New American Empire, The Bush-Cheney Gulf Coast Oil Spill of 2010
June 20, 2010
6/20/10 Kemph, TruthOut, American Chernobyl
June 19, 2010
6/19/10 Klein, Guardian, Gulf oil spill: A hole in the world
6/19/10 Turse, AsiaTimes, Kick ass - or buy gas
6/19/10 DeGraw, Damdelion Salad, Will the BP Oil Spill Set Off A Supersonic Tsunami?
June 18, 2010
6/18/10 Spencer, BBC, Daily View: BP's day at Congress
6/18/10 Collins, IntelDaily, Big Oil - First Nigeria then the World
June 17, 2010
6/17/10 Kucinich, Dandelion Salad, What if the BP Gusher in the Gulf is Unstoppable?
June 16, 2010
6/16/10 Lobe, AsiaTimes, Pentagon strikes it rich
June 15, 2010
6/15/10 Reuters, U.S. significantly increases flow estimate of BP spill 30,000 to 60,000 BPD
6/15/10 Holland & Hays, Reuters, BP accused of repeated shortcuts
6/15/10 Roscoe & Baltimore, Reuters, BP faces grilling in Congress
June 14, 2010
6/14/10 BBC, Global deepwater oil production (good maps and tables)
June 13, 2010
June 12, 2010
6/12/10 Dickinson, Rolling Stone, The Spill, The Scandal and the President
June 11, 2010
6/11/10 Niolet, NC News Observer, State bill would strike cap on oil spill damages
6/11/10 Hallinan, FPIF, The Oil Spills You Never Heard Of
June 10, 2010
6/10/10 Burns, Miller-McCune, Energy Outlook Offers Grim Fossil Fuel Forecast
6/10/10 Sheppard, MoJo, Dick Cheney's Last Laugh
6/10/10 Miller, Alternet, BP Bets the Planet--We Lose
June 9, 2010
6/09/20 Bronstein & Drash, CNN, Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast
6/09/10 Moore, HuffingtonPost, A Requiem for the Gulf
6/09/10 Pritchard et al, AP, BP Spill Response Plans Severely Flawed
6/09/10 Rositier, FPIF, Liberals Back Dictator's Ethnic War
June 8, 2010
6/08/10 Bengali, McClatchy,
6/08/10 Lebovich & Jones, McClatchy, NOAA confirms oil floating beneath Gulf's surface
6/08/10 Lustgarten & Knutson, WP, Reports at BP over years find history of problems
6/08/10 Susman & Goffard, LAT, Rescuers struggle to save oil-soaked pelicans
6/08/10 Tankersley & Cart, LAT, Undersea oil 'clouds' confirmed in spill zone
6/08/10 Streitfeld, CNN, Oil disaster deadly for Gulf wildlife
June 7, 2010
6/07/10 Economic Times of India, Renewables Can Create 8.5 Million Jobs: Greenpeace
6/07/10 Schmidt, ProPublica, Photo of the Day: Oil Surf
6/07/10 Mason & Driver, Reuters, U.S. says oil spill cleanup may take years
6/07/10 French & Davenport, McClatchy, With 1 million gallons of dispersants in Gulf, worries mount
6/07/10 Schoof & Bolstad, McClatchy, BP oil spill seems certain to surpass minimum estimates
6/07/10 Wearden, Guardian, BP's Deepwater Horizon costs hit $1.25bn
6/07/10 Couwels, CNN, New oil plume evidence uncovered
June 6, 2010
June 5, 2010
6/05/10 Palast, Dandelion Salad, There's another BP oil spill (video)
June 4, 2010
6/04/10 Hsiao, Asia Times, China drills deeper into Latin America
June 3, 2010
June 2, 2010
6/01/10 Pender, Biloxi Sun-Herald, Oil hits Petit Bois Island
6/02/20 Rudolph, NYT, Deep Underwater, Oil Threatens Reefs
June 1, 2010
6/01/10 Bolstad & Clark, McClatchy, Gulf oil spill now a criminal investigation, Holder says
May 31, 2010
May 30, 2010
5/30/10 Morris, MoJo, Tuvalu v. ExxonMobil?
5/30/10 Kwak, Baseline Scenario, Regulatory Capture Underground and At Sea
May 28, 2010
5/28/10 Cutler, Asia Times, Tectonic shift under way in Turkmen gas
May 27, 2010
May 26, 2010
5/25/10 Conniff, Progressive, EPA Should Ban BP
5/26/10 Cruz & Cart, LAT, Oil cleanup workers report illness
5/26/10 Roher, BBC, What is a 'top kill'?
May 25, 2010
5/25/10 Taylor & Shashank, McClatchy, Experts: Legal issues driving BP's oil spill stance
5/24/10 Juhasz, Guardian, How Far Should We Let Big Oil Go?
5/25/10 Geiger & Hamburger, LAT, Oil companies have a rich history of U.S. subsidies
May 24, 2010
5/24/10 McNulty, FT, BP offers $500m for damage study
5/24/10 Krauss & Zeller, NYT, A Behind-the-Scenes Firm in the Spotlight
5/24/10 McClelland, MoJo, "It's BP's Oil"
May 23, 2010
5/23/10 Hellenbeck, Burlington Free Press, Strontium-90 Discovered in Soil Surrounding Vermont Yankee Leak
May 22, 2010
May 21, 2010
May 20, 2010
May 19, 2010
5/19/10 Fahrenthold & Achenbach, WP, Florida Keys tar balls unrelated to BP spill
5/19/10 Boehm & Sahagun, LAT, BP oil spill poses PR dilemma for nonprofits
May 18, 2010
5/18/10 Schmidt, ProPublica, BP Gulf Oil Spill Slideshow
5/18/10 Al Jazeera, US commission to probe oil spill
5/18/10 Chang, Miami Herald, Tar balls found along shore in Key West
May 17, 2010
May 16, 2010
May 15, 2010
May 14, 2010
5/14/10 Cardinale, IPS, Ecosystem in Peril after Gulf Oil Spill
5/14/10 Al Jazeera, Disputed Nile agreement signed
5/14/10 Eilperin, WP, MMS ignores environmental permits
May 13, 2010
5/13/10 Daniel & Parraga, Reuters, Venezuelan gas rig sinks in Caribbean, no leaks
May 12, 2010
5/12/10 Becker, Asia Times, To Congo, with trouble
May 11, 2010
May 10, 2010
May 9, 2010
May 8, 2010
May 7, 2010
5/07/10 Al Jazeera, Ecuador water law sparks protests
5/07/10 Boxall & Leovy, LAT, Oil slick reaches Louisiana's barrier islands
May 6, 2010
5/06/10 Kunzleman & Pienciak, AP, Feds Let BP Avoid Filing Blowout Plan for Gulf Rig
May 5, 2010
5/05/10 Ananda,IntelDaily, GM Biofuels: Another Planned Disaster
5/05/10 Lovley, Politico, Obama Biggest Recipient of BP Cash
5/05/10 Sheppard, MoJo, There Will Be Blood
5/05/10 CNN, Tracking the oil spill
May 4, 2010
5/03/10 Lindorff, PublicRecord, Uh-Oh: Hurricane Season and the BP Oil Rig Disaster
May 3, 2010
5/03/10 Pleven, WSJ, Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials
May 2, 2010
5/02/10 Devilstower, DailyKos, It's Worse Than You Think
May 1, 2010
5/01/10 Hamberger, Tribune, Prosecutors investigating coal company
5/01/10 Burdreau & Mohr, AP, Document: BP didn't plan for major oil spill
5/01/10 Robertson & Lipton, NYT, U.S. Missed Chances to Act on Oil Spill
5/01/10 Kavanaugh, CNN, Machines and microbes will clean up oil
April 30, 2010
4/30/10 Squatiglia, Wired, Making Oil in Minutes, Not Millennia
April 29, 2010
4/29/10 Drapkin, GlobalPost, Ten Animals Most at Risk From Gulf Oil Spill
4/29/10 Blank, AsiaTimes, Russia-Ukraine pact leaves EU all at sea
April 28, 2010
April 27, 2010
April 26, 2010
April 25, 2010
4/25/10 Al Jazeera, US oil rig spill 'very serious'
4/25/10 Mostafavi, Reuters, Iran Guards test missiles, warn enemies
April 24, 2010
April 23, 2010
April 22, 2010
4/22/10 Robertson & Krauss, NYT, Oil Rig Sinks, Raising Fears of Major Spill
April 21, 2010
4/21/10 Roston, Nation, Fueling the Afghan War
April 19, 2010
April 18, 2010
April 15, 2010
4/15/10 Calefati, MoJo, Steal This Country - Congo and Coltan
April 14, 2010
4/14/10 Guru, Asia Times, Black gold, yellow gold
April 13, 2010
4/13/10 Hoyos, FT, Shell defends Athabasca plan
April 12, 2010
April 9, 2010
4/09/10 Greer, IntelDaily, The Twilight of the Machine
April 7, 2010
4/07/10 Klare, FPIF, China's Global Shopping Spree
4/07/10 Pressly, BBC, Mongolia on verge of mineral boom
April 6, 2010
4/06/10 EDIE, UN wades into water row
April 5, 2010
April 4, 2010
4/04/10 AP, April 2, 2010
4/02/10 Senegal, CSM, Africa looks to nuclear power
April 1, 2010
4/01/10 Klare, MoJo, China's Global Shopping Spree
March 30, 2010
3/30/10 Kroll, MoJo, JPMorgan's War on Nature
March 29, 2010
March 23, 2010
3/23/10 Adams, Connect Savannah, Peak phosporus worse than peak oil?
March 22, 2010
3/22/10 Press TV, IntelDaily, 900 million people lack clean water
March 20, 2010
3/20/10 Groves, eep Journal, Blair's fight to keep his oil cash secret
March 19, 2010
3/19/10 Savinar, Life After the Crash, Blackrock, the Blackwater of the Financial System
March 18, 2010
3/18/10 Doggett, Reuters, EPA begins study on shale gas drilling
March 16, 2010
March 15, 2010
March 11, 2010
March 10, 2010
March 8, 2010
March 7, 2010
March 5, 2010
2/25/10 Drake, FPIF 3/5/10, Ghana's 2010 oil 'boom': Ensuring public interest over private gain
March 3, 2010
March 1, 2010
3/01/10 Graham-Harrison, Reuters, China Stepping Up for Arctic Influence: Report
3/01/10 Duhigg & Roberts, NYT, Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Foiling E.P.A.
3/01/10 Canadian Press, Syncrude Back in Court Over Duck Deaths
February 25, 2010
February 24, 2010
February 23, 2010
February 22, 2010
2/22/10 Bowers, Guardian, Falkland Islands oil drilling begins
February 20, 2010
February 19, 2010
February 17, 2010
February 16, 2010
2/16/10 Al Jazeera, Refugees flood Congo-Brazzaville
February 15, 2010
February 14, 2010
2/14/10 Pensacola Beach Journal, Floridians Gather to Say 'No' to Offshore Drilling
February 13, 2010
2/13/10 Kirchgaessner & McNulty, FT, Obama offers nuclear plant loan guarantee
February 11, 2010
2/11/10 Socor, Asia TImes, Shtokman gas project postponed
February 10, 2010
2/10/10 Potter, Toronto Star, 2 US Firms Wash Hands of Tar Sands
2/10/10 Leggett, Guardian, Society ignores the oil crunch at its peril
February 9, 2010
2/09/10 Hickman, Independent, Palm Oil Deal 'A Threat to the Rainforest'
February 8, 2010
2/08/10 Galst, NYT, Making Solar Power Portable
February 4, 2010
2/04/10 Sheppard, MoJo, Obama's Nuclear Giveaway
February 2, 2010
February 1, 2010
2/01/10 McCandish, MoJo, Are Green Power Programs a Scam?
January 28, 2010
January 27, 2010
January 26, 2010
January 24, 2010
January 23, 2010
January 22, 2010
1/22/10 Donato, HLLN, Oil in Haiti
January 20, 2010
January 18, 2010
January 14, 2010
January 12, 2010
January 11, 2010
January 10, 2010
January 9, 2010
January 8, 2010
1/08/10 Bhadrakumar, Asia Times, Russia, China, Iran redraw energy map
1/08/10 Sharip, Asia Times, China tightens grip on Kazakh gas
January 7, 2010
January 6, 2010
1/06/10 MacNamara, FT, Chinese stake in African Minerals
January 5, 2010
January 4, 2010
1/04/10 Freedman, Earth Island Journal, Swimming in Natural Gas: The Greenwashing of an Industry
January 3, 2010
January 2, 2010
December 31, 2009
12/31/09 Lustgarten, ProPublica, Natural Gas Drilling: What We Don't Know
December 30, 2009
12/30/09 England, FT, Social pressures help to spur jihad
12/30/09 Al Jazeera, Dutch court to hear Shell case
12/30/09 Leggett, Guardian, Investing in coal is dysfunctional
December 29, 2009
December 28, 2009
12/28/09 Al Jazeera, Russia opens far east oil terminal
December 27, 2009
12/27/09 Lustgarten, ProPublica, New Gas Wells Leave More Chemicals in Ground
December 26, 2009
December 25, 2009
December 23, 2009
12/23/09 Mouawad, NYT, Chilly Climate for Oil Refiners
December 21, 2009
December 20, 2009
December 19, 2009
December 18, 2009
December 17, 2009
12/17/09 Andrews, ProPublica, Chemicals Sneak Past Law Regulating Tap Water
December 16, 2009
12/16/09 Pannier, Asia Times, China ends Russia's grip on Turkmen gas
12/16/09 Escobar, Asia Times, Iraq's oil auction hits the jackpot
December 15, 2009
December 14, 2009
12/14/09 Meikle, Guardian, Metal thieves suspected in rail delays
December 13, 2009
12/13/09 Fainaru & Booth, WP, Mexico's drug cartels siphon liquid gold
December 12, 2009
December 11, 2009
December 9, 2009
December 7, 2009
12/07/09 Woods, FPIF, Africa and the Economic Crisis
December 4, 2009
12/04/09 Shukman, BBC, Glacier threat to Bolivia capital
12/04/09 Schmidle, NYT, The Hostage Business
December 3, 2009
December 2, 2009
December 1, 2009
November 30, 2009
11/30/09 24/7 Wall St, The Vicious Competition For Peak Oil
November 28, 2009
11/28/09 MacLeod, Canada Citizen, US Navy Plots Arctic Push
November 27, 2009
11/27/09 Navarro, NYT, At Odds Over Land, Money and Gas
November 26, 2009
November 25, 2009
November 24, 2009
11/24/09 Ross, Toronto Star, Oil Sands Threaten Our Survival, Al Gore Warns
November 23, 2009
November 22, 2009
11/22/09 O'Shaughnessy, Independent, US Builds Up its Bases in Oil-Rich South America
November 20, 2009
11/20/09 Greer, IntelDaily, How Relocalization Worked
11/20/09 Arab News, Kingdom, US sign pact
11/19/09 Sharife, FPIF, The Battle for Angola's Oil
November 19, 2009
11/18/09 Ward, Charleston Gazette, Report Details 'Coal's Assault on Human Health'
November 18, 2009
November 17, 2009
11/17/09 MIT Technology Review, The Coming Nuclear Crisis
11/17/09 Smith, Guardian, Goldminers sue for lung disease payout
November 16, 2009
11/16/09 Hawthorne, Chicago Tribune, Privatizing Water System Could Be a Risky Move for Chicago
November 13, 2009
11/16/09 Greer, IntelDaily, A Gesture from the Invisible Hand
11/13/09 Mackenzie, FT, Soaring oil price
November 12, 2009
November 10, 2009
11/10/09 Minter & Wheeler, FPIF, Climate Change and Africa's Natural Resources
November 9, 2009
November 8, 2009
11/08/09 Madslien, BBC, All change as gas reserves soar
November 7, 2009
November 5, 2009
11/05/09 Henderson, Charlotte Observer, Cliffside expansion reaffirmed
November 4, 2009
November 3, 2009
11/03/09 Al Jazeera, Timor oil rig fire extinguished
November 2, 2009
11/02/09 Kagame, Guardian, Why Africa welcomes the Chinese
November 1, 2009
11/01/09 Dizzard, FT, Shale gas numbers may not add up or here
October 31, 2009
10/31/09 Worth, NYT, Thirsty Plant Dries Out Yemen
October 30, 2009
October 29, 2009
October 28, 2009
10/28/09 Jenkins, It's Getting Hot In Here, Blasting Begins on Coal River Mountain
10/28/09 Phakathi, IPS, SWAZILAND: More Boreholes, No Water
October 27, 2009
10/27/09 Mouawad & Krauss, NYT, Gas Company Won't Drill in New York Watershed
October 26, 2009
10/26/09 Jha & Duckworth, Guardian, Science Weekly: Uranium wars
October 25, 2009
October 24, 2009
10/24/09 Mackenzie and Wallia, FT, Ghana in oil stake talks as Exxon bid runs into trouble
October 23, 2009
October 22, 2009
10/22/09 Hoyos, FT, Total warns of energy insecurity
October 20, 2009
10/20/09 Porritt, Guardian, Our nuclear tragedy
October 19, 2009
10/19/09 Alden, Guardian, What is China doing in Guinea?
October 16, 2009
10/16/09 Bower, Guardian, Held over a barrel
October 14, 2009
10/14/09 Mercer, BBC, Australia fails to plug oil leak
October 13, 2009
10/13/09 Mouawad & Revkim, NYT, Saudis Seek Payments for Any Drop in Oil Revenues
October 9, 2009
10/09/09 Hullalbaloo, AlterNet, War, What Is it Good for? Iraq to Deal Oil in Euros
10/09/09 Romero & Krauss, NYT, Ecuador Oil Pollution Case Only Grows Murkier
October 8, 2009
10/08/09 Mukherjee, BBC, Warning over global oil 'decline'
October 7, 2009
October 6, 2009
October 5, 2009
October 4, 2009
10/04/09 Howells, ITT, Don't Frack with Our Water!
October 3, 2009
10/03/09 Vidal, Guardian. Tilting at windmills
October 2, 2009
October 1, 2009
10/01/09 Gibson, MoJo, Joe Berlinger: Welcome to the Jungle
September 30, 2009
9/30/09 Wiles, MoJo, Navajo Yellowcake Woes Continue
September 29, 2009
September 28, 2009
September 27, 2009
September 26, 2009
September 25, 2009
9/25/09 Burns, BBC, Recession barely dents 'eco-debt'
September 24, 2009
September 23, 2009
September 22, 2009
9/22/09 Klare, MoJo, The Era of Xtreme Energy
September 21, 2009
9/21/09 LaFraniere & Grobler, NYT, China Distributes Aid in Africa, With a Catch
9/21/09 Green, FPIF, Oil Nationalism in Latin America
September 20, 2009
9/20/09 North, BBC, Left behind by Iraq's oil rush
September 18, 2009
September 17, 2009
September 16, 2009
September 15, 2009
September 13, 2009
September 12, 2009
September 11, 2009
September 10, 2009
September 8, 2009
September 5, 2009
September 4, 2009
9/04/09 Rapier, Oil Drum, Renewable Fuel Pretenders
September 3, 2009
September 2, 2009
August 31, 2009
8/31/09 Horning, Bull is not Bull, Washington Capitulates: Peak Oil Is Real
August 30, 2009
8/29/09 Hightower, AlterNet, Big Oil Gets in on Right-Wing Astroturf Game
August 29, 2009
August 28, 2009
August 27, 2009
August 26, 2009
August 25, 2009
August 24, 2009
8/24/09 Hall, Windsor Star, Activists Assail Tar Sands
August 22, 2009
August 21, 2009
August 20, 2009
August 19, 2009
8/19/09 Pepitone, CNN, Why oil won't return to triple digits
August 18, 2009
8/18/09 Krauss & Mouawad, NYT, Oil Industry Backs Protests of Emissions Bill
August 17, 2009
August 15, 2009
August 14, 2009
August 13, 2009
8/13/09 Black, BBC, India's water use 'unsustainable'
August 12, 2009
August 11, 2009
8/11/09 Johnson & Krisher, AP, GM says new Volt to get 230 mpg in city driving
8/11/09 Houreld, AP, Oil is no gift for Africa's poor
August 10, 2009
August 7, 2009
8/07/09 Heinberg, Oil Drum, Temporary Recession or the End of Growth?
August 6, 2009
August 4, 2009
August 3, 2009
8/03/09 Dougherty,, Carbon Credits: 'Cure Worse Than the Disease'
August 2, 2009
August 1, 2009
8/01/09 Hightower, Progressive, The New Oil Cheats
July 31, 2009
7/31/09 McCartan, Asia Times, Farmers forgotten in oil-for-food deals
July 29, 2009
July 27, 2009
7/27/09 Goodchild, Countercurrents, Peak Oil And World Food Supplies
July 26, 2009
July 24, 2009
July 22, 2009
July 21, 2009
July 20, 2009
July 17, 2009
July 16, 2009
7/16/09 Busch, FPIF, El Salvador's Gold Fight
July 15, 2009
7/15/09 Hallinan, FPIF, Blood and Oil in Central Asia
7/15/09 Bhadrakumar, Asia Times, Pipeline deal is sweet music for Iran
July 14, 2009
7/14/09 Klare, MoJo, Will Iraq Be a Global Gas Pump?
July 13, 2009
7/13/09 Cocks & Mamhoud, Reuters, Disputed Iraqi City Fears Oil Will Only Fuel Woes
7/13/09 Woods, FPIF, Obama Visits Africa's 'Oil Gulf'
7/13/09 Laessing & Somerville, Reuters, Geithner to reassure Gulf allies on dollar assets
July 12, 2009
7/12/09 McCown, TriCities, Demolishing Appalachia
7/12/09 Chamberlain, Guardian, India prays for rain as water wars break out
July 10, 2009
7/10/09 Bybee, ITT, Sewer Socialism Down the Drain?
July 9, 2009
7/09/09 Kraemer, CleanTechnica, Russians to Drill Melting Arctic with Nukes
7/09/09 Mistillis, FPIF, Niger Delta Standoff
July 8, 2009
7/08/09 Rice-Oxley, CSM, Where rich countries are buying farmland
July 7, 2009
July 6, 2009
July 5, 2009
July 3, 2009
7/03/09 Thompson & Costello, Times online, Rogue trader sends oil to year-high on $10m gamble
7/03/09 Salazar, IPS, PERU: Petroleum Sullies the Amazon
7/03/09 Fazal-e-Haider, Asia times, Miners bank $3bn on Baloch project
July 2, 2009
7/02/09 Klapper, AP, Extinction Looms, Study Says
July 1, 2009
June 30, 2009
June 29, 2009
June 28, 2009
6/28/09 Londono & Ibrahim, WP, Iraq Set to Seek Foreign Oil Bids
June 26, 2009
6/26/09 Woodward, Boston Globe, Saudi, Libyan leaders top gift-givers to US
6/26/09 Tomkins, ITT, Small Towns vs. Nestle
June 25, 2009
6/25/09 Salaheddin, AP, Big Oil poised for return to Iraq
6/25/09 Chevez, Lexington Herald-Leader, Report: Coal industry costs state government
June 24, 2009
June 23, 2009
6/23/09 Duffy, BBC, Amazon bill controversy in Brazil
June 22, 2009
6/22/09 Rozoff, IntelDaily, NATO's War Plans For The High North
June 21, 2009
6/12/09 Arnoldy, CSM, Why Afghanistan might gain a CEO
June 19, 2009
6/19/09 Boscov-Ellen, Council of Hemispheric Affairs, Water for Sale; Thirst for Profit: Corporate Control of Water in Latin America
June 18, 2009
6/18/09 Carlsen, FPIF, Trade Agreement Kills Amazon Indians
June 17, 2009
June 16, 2009
June 15, 2009
June 14, 2009
June 13, 2009
6/13/09 Fimrite, SanFran Chron. Superfund Money to Clean 'Mouth of the Beast'
June 12, 2009
6/12/09 Palast, TruthOut, Oil and Indians Don't Mix
June 11, 2009
6/11/09 Black, BBC, 'Boom and bust' of deforestation
June 10, 2009
6/10/09 Graham & Kwiatkwoski, Bloomberg, World Oil Reserves Fell for First Time in 10 Years, BP Says
June 9, 2009
June 8, 2009
June 7, 2009
6/07/09 Davidson, WP, Beauty of the Chesapeake recovery
June 5, 2009
6/05/09 Whipple, Falss Church, The Peak Oil Crisis: Watching a Mega-Crisis
June 4, 2009
6/04/09 Lydersen, ITT, Coal Mountain Elementary
June 3, 2009
6/03/09 Moss, FPIF, Managing World Water
June 2, 2009
6/02/09 Hamburger & Wallsten, Chicago Trib , Controversial Coal Mining Method Gets Obama's OK
6/02/09 Helmer, Asia Times, Manganese skirmish takes on global hue
June 1, 2009
May 31, 2009
5/31/09 Smith, Boston Globe, Tracking the War on Women in Darfur
May 29, 2009
May 28, 2009
5/28/09 Black, BBC, Ocean monster shows hidden depths
May 27, 2009
May 26, 2009
5/26/09 Lustgarten, ProPublica, Natural Gas Politics
May 25, 2009
May 24, 2009
5/24/09 Thalman, Deseret News, Professor at USU says U.S. society may collapse
May 21, 2009
May 20, 2009
5/20/09 Al Jazeera, UAE abandons monetary union plans
5/20/09 WIllis, Wa. Independent, EPA Mining Decisions Favor Coal Industry
May 19, 2009
May 18, 2009
May 17, 2009
5/17/09 Lynn, ITT, Rethinking the Future
May 15, 2009
5/15/09 Romero & Krauss, NYT, In Ecuador, Resentment of an Oil Company Oozes
May 14, 2009
May 12, 2009
5/12/09 Escobar, MoJo, Pipelineistan Goes Af-Pak
5/12/09 McGrath, BBC, Going bananas for energy in Africa
May 11, 2009
May 9, 2009
5/09/09, Escobar, Asia Times, Balochistan is the ultimate prize ... Part 1: Obama does his Bush impression
May 8, 2009
May 6, 2009">Salt of the Earth
May 3, 2009
May 2, 2009
April 30, 2009
April 28, 2009
4/28/09 Bhadrakumar, Asia Times, US promotes Iran in energy market
4/28/09 Mead, Lexington Herald, Obama plans to enforce mining limits
April 27, 2009
4/27/09 Weiser, SacBee, Water Controversies Boil Over
April 26, 2009
April 24, 2009
April 23, 2009
April 21, 2009
April 20, 2009
April 18, 2009
4/18/09 Rosales, IPS, PERU: Water Isn't for Everyone
4/18/09 Bhadrakumar, AsiaTimes, Cash-rich China courts the Caspian
April 16, 2009
4/16/09 Romero & Barrionuevo, NYT, Deals Help China Expand Sway in Latin America
April 15, 2009
4/15/09 Kunstler, IntelDaily, The coming siege of Austerity
April 13, 2009
April 10, 2009
April 9, 2009
4/09/09 Fessy & Doyle, BBC, From rebel-held Congo to beer can
April 8, 2009
April 5, 2009
April 2, 2009
April 1, 2009
4/01/09 Halpin & Bluemink, ADN, Redoubt settles a bit but is building dome
March 31, 2009
3/31/09 Vanderklippe, Globe & Mail, Syncrude Triples Number of Dead Ducks From Oil Sands
3/31/09 Kanter, NYT, Is Wasting Energy Uncivilized?
March 30, 2009
March 29, 2009
March 28, 2009
March 27, 2009
3/27/09 Parenti, Nation, Three Mile Island, the NRC and Obama
March 26, 2009
3/26/09 Escobar, Asia Times, Liquid war: Welcome to Pipelineistan
3/26/09 Greste, BBC, The dam that divides Ethiopians
March 25, 2009
3/25/09 Mead,, EPA signals mining crackdown
March 24, 2009
March 23, 2009
3/23/09 Beiser, Wired, Store Power in Super Batteries
March 22, 2009
3/22/09 Zabrenko, Reuters, As climate changes, is water the new oil?
March 21, 2009
March 20, 2009
March 19, 2009
3/19/09 McGourty, BBC, Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'
March 17, 2009
March 16, 2009
3/16/09 Harkinson, MoJo, The Saline Solution
March 15, 2009
March 14, 2009
3/14/09 Welz, MoJo, Ethanol's African Landgrab
March 13, 2009
March 11, 2009
3/11/09 Ward, Charleston Gazette, Forest Service Ignored Concerns About Drilling
March 10, 2009
3/10/09 Hanley,, Have we reached peak water?
March 8, 2009
March 7, 2009
3/07/08 Kramer, NYT, The Last Days of the Oligarchs?
March 6, 2009
3/06/09 Everly, Kansas City, Backers want to put more ethanol in your fuel
March 5, 2009
March 4, 2009
3/04/09 Bartelme, Post&Courrier;, EPA Urged to Toughen Coal Ash Rules
3/04/09 Simanowitz, ITT, Blue People, Yellowcake
March 2, 2009
3/02/09 Kunsler, IntelDaily, What Next? The collapse of complex systems...
Originally published 2/14/09 Dmitry Orlov, Cluborlov, Social Collapse Best Practices
3/02/09 Bezlova, IPS, ENERGY-CHINA: On Oil Shopping Spree
March 1, 2009
3/01/09 Eddelmont, BBC, Azerbaijan's pipe dream for Europe
February 28, 2009
2/28/09 Denvir, ITT, Resource Wars in Ecuador
February 27, 2009
2/27/09 Lustgarten, ProPublica, Clean Natural Gas? Not in My Backyard
2/27/09 Tavares, LA Sun, Adapting to Water Woes
February 26, 2009
February 25, 2009
2/25/09 Russell, Winnipeg Free Press, Oil's not well in Canada
February 23, 2009">Why I'll get arrested to stop the burning of coal
February 22, 2009
February 20, 2009
February 19, 2009
2/19/09 Lombardi, CFPI, Coal Ash: The Hidden Story
February 18, 2009
February 14, 2009
2/14/09 Warner, NYT, Is America Ready to Quit Coal?
February 13, 2009
2/13/09 Wolf et al, BBC, Peace in the pipeline
February 12, 2009
2/12/09 Chen, BBC, China seeks broader Africa role
February 11, 2009
February 9, 2009
2/09/09 Sirota, OpenLeft, Energy Taxes' Faustian Bargain
2/09/09 IntelDaily, Venezuela braces for $20 oil
February 7, 2009
February 6, 2009
2/06/09 Estrada, IPS, CHILE: Biofuels Head to the Forests
February 4, 2009
2/04/09 Zeller, NYT, A Tough Week for Coal
February 3, 2009
2/03/09 Waughray, BBC, ,a href="">The pending scramble for water
February 2, 2009
2/02/09 Wirth, IntelDaily, Peak Oil and the Global Economy
2/29/09 Harrabin, BBC, 'Green' gas could help heat homes
February 1, 2009
2/01/09 Black, BBC, Water - Another Global "Crisis"?
January 31, 2009
1/31/09 Gonzalez, CNN, Water cutbacks on tap for Mexico City
January 30, 2009
1/30/09 Hargreaves, CNN, Exxon posts annual profit record
1/30/09 Estrada & Baquedano, IPS, Q&A;: Water Pushed to the Limit
January 29, 2009
January 28, 2009
1/28/09 Ward, Charleston Gazette, Coal Wins Big in Senate Stimulus Package
1/28/09 Nesbitt & Yusuf, FPIF, Strategic Dialogue: Somalia
January 27, 2009
1/27/09 Kinver, BBC, UK gets biofuels research centre
January 26, 2009
January 24, 2009
1/24/09 Seager & Milner, Guardian, Lights go out across Britain as recession hits home
1/24/09 Scanlon, BBC, Bolivia nationalises energy firm
1/24/09 Whipple, IntelDaily, The Peak Oil Crisis: What of 2009?
January 23, 2009
January 22, 2009
January 21, 2009
1/21/09 Woods, Toronto Star, Tar Sands Smog Seen Worsening
January 20, 2009
1/20/09 Macalister, Guardian, The Arab royal who's going off oil
1/20/09 House, Bul. Atom Science, The limits of energy storage technology
January 19, 2009
1/19/09 Eilperin & Hsu, WP, White House Directive Guides Policy on Arctic
January 18, 2009
January 17, 2009
January 16, 2009
1/16/09 McKibben, Grist, Fiddling While the Coal Burns
January 15, 2009
January 14, 2009
January 13, 2009
1/13/09 Mirani, Asia Times, Race to the death over Kashmir waters
January 12, 2009
January 10, 2009
1/10/09 Rodgers, BBC, Rise of Russia's political fortune
January 9, 2009
1/09/09 Henshaw, BBC, Uneasy peace in Sudan ghost town
January 8, 2009
1/08/09 Smith, Rocky Mountain News, Shell Stakes Claim on Yampa River
January 7, 2009
1/07/09 Zhdannikov & Polityuk, Reuters, Russian gas flow halted through Ukraine to Europe
January 6, 2009
January 5, 2009
1/05/09 Whipple, Falls Church, The Peak Oil Crisis: Civil Unrest
January 4, 2009
1/04/09 Franchetti, TimesOnline, Russian gas cuts start to hit Europe
January 3, 2009
January 2, 2009
1/02/09 Weber, IntelDaily, Energy in the real world
1/02/09 Henderson, Charlotte Observer, Coal ash scrutiny returns
January 1, 2009
1/01/09 McAlister, Guardian, Green revolution stalls on cheap oil