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A community with a mission to increase awareness of peak oil and resource depletion, and all of the economic, environmental, political and spiritual ramificaitions.

News, articles and commentaries - that really matter. Here you will find articles about peak oil, energy, world economy, war, health, environment, global finance... In a word, stuff that really matters ...

Peak Oil Premonitions
For those that believe mankind needs to re-evaluate and change the role one plays in our ecosystem of finite resources and our impact on future generations and their way of life. Mostly peak oil news & ...

Vital Trivia
UK based blog looking at energy related issues with resource depletion a key consideration.

Peak Energy US
Commentary on our energy transition

Radical Noesis
Collaborative website focusing on peak oil and resource depletion, global warming, and the environment. This journal focuses on the social implications of these various issues.

Peak Oil and India
Peak Oil and its impact on India.

Ottawa Crude Awakening: Peak Oil Awareness
Peak oil awareness for the metropolitan area of Ottawa, Canada -- popln approx. 1 million.

Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes
Detailed Information and Business Plan for the mentioned eco-friendly energy source of very low cost. Portable and mobile power supplies for Home Appliances and Electric Vehicles. This is the answer to ...

Peak Oil News & Discussion Blog
Peak Oil News & Discussion Blog- a central cleacommunityhouse for information

The Oil Drum
A Community of Perspectives on the myriad issues related to peak oil/Hubbert's peak administered by a bunch of academics and other folks who think they know what they're talking about...

No New Oil : Rupert Edwards
Rather than regurgitating what other folk where already doing well, it is our intention to get a different angle on the Peak Oil issue. Via critiquing and hyper-linking existing web sources we hoped ...

Sydney Peak Oil
Raising Sydney's awareness of global oil depletion and the possible consequences

Polemos, as historical struggle, is the engine room of modernity. Hydrocarbons are its fuel and our present reality its fruit.

a site dedicated to master limited partnerships that trade in the stock market. These companies are all in the energy field, mainly oil and gas.

lowem.log tracks Peak Oil, energy and environment-related issues in a "news-by-excerpt" format. Links to past entries for contextual reference are provided where available.

Christian perspectives on Peak Oil and other questions

Personal blog, comments and links to articles about resource depletion, peak oil and their effects.

Oil Politics International
Oil Politics International covers issues of international politics as they relate to energy and oil. OPI's Weekly Oil Brief appears each Sunday evening, with an in-depth look at the week's most important ...

World Oil Crisis
The World within 3 years will be facing its most serious crisis to its economic and political stability since World War II. World Peak Production of Crude Oil will hit in 2006 or NLT 2007. By 2007, US ...

An Interview with Professor David Goodstein about "Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil"
a video interview with Professor David Goodstein about "Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil"

The Peak Oil Project
The Peak Oil Project is an interactive learning reference regarding oil as a global resource. Thought-provoking animations, enhanced with user-driven scalable graphs, the Peak Oil Project is a ...

The Oil Drum NYC
Helping New Yorkers Understand, Prepare and Adapt to the Peak Oil

Early Warning
Stuart Studebaker discusses a variety of topics regarding contemporary energy policy and the culture of peak oil awareness. His position is that not enough is presently being done, but nihilism is not ...

Peak Oil Oz
Blog of Peak Oil and Sustainability News.

Entropy Production
Discussion regarding the art and science of creating holes of low entropy, shifting them around, and then filling them back up to operate some widget.