Submission Guidelines

Radical Noesis focuses on to areas of interest - peak oil (the depletion of oil resources) and global warming - and we welcome submissions in these areas.

1. Article must centrally focus on the oil resources or global warming.

2. Article should be submitted with html code in place, and as an html attachment.

3. Include a brief summary of the article.

4. Place the word "Submission" in the subject line of the email

5. Tell us (briefly) about yourself.

6. Author(s) must have a valid email address

7. Author must be willing to respond to comments on the article - this is a weblog after all.

We will attempt to get back to you in a timely fashion regarding your submission.

We do not compensate authors for their contributions.

Having one article accepted is not a promise to publish everything your write.

Submit articles to: editor@radnoesis,info