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January 21, 2007

Draft of Portland Peak Oil Recommendations Released for Public Comment

After months of research and work, the Portland Peak Oil Task Force has released the draft of its findings and recommendations for public review and comment....
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January 16, 2007

Why we’re all mostly out of the loop

By: Phil Henshaw From early childhood we’ve all experienced consternation with being shut out of the conversation, say defining circles of friends, that would have been very important to us to feel part of. There are even exclusive story loops...
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January 14, 2007

What do you tell a tree?

By: Phil Henshaw A great old oak that’s been the center of it’s neighborhood for decades, home to wild life and children’s play, a long labor for leaf raking and thing of beauty in every season, began it’s life with...
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January 9, 2007

Troop Surges and Bloody Oil

I doubt that anyone will be surprised this week if Bush announces that 20,30, or 40,000 more troops will be in Iraq. The "surge" will likely come from extending the tours of those already in Iraq, possible redeployment and extension...
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January 6, 2007

70 degrees in New York today…!

BY: PHILIP HENSHAW Posted to the AIA Committee on the Environment Forum 1/6/07 It violates normality… but isn’t the more remarkable thing our relative national silence about the whole torrent of authentic new evidence of rapid change in the climate...
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About Philip Henshaw

Natural science has long been my actual main work, which I've supported with architectural design. Occasionally both have been worth all the trouble it takes to do them well. My recent architectural work includes significant roles in the design of...
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January 4, 2007

Industrial Problem - Technological Solution - Cloning

Industrial agriculture has been coming home to roost. One of those negative impacts has been "mad cow" disease or BSE. Now, scientists have apparently found a cure for BSE - genetic engineering. This report comes on the heels of the...
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