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ireland / britain / imperialism / war Wednesday January 09, 2013 03:14 by Sean Matthews
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The continuing opposition by loyalists to the decision by Belfast city council to limit the flying of the Union Jack (bringing it into line with other council chambers) is a product of a deeply sectarian colonial settlement that smothers the importance of class.

The disturbances were pretty predicable in the context of summer riots over parading, intra-unionist rivalry and rising anger in traditional protestant working-class communities over shortage of jobs, housing and perceived gains made by the ‘nationalist’ community. The mass inflammatory leafleting by unionist parties in the days leading up to the council vote served to heighten fears in a constituency which is easily inflamed and mobilised in defence of the realm. This is not the cause of the disturbances; but the logical conclusion of capitalist decay and opportunist politicians battling for the hearts and minds of protestant working class communities - disenchanted and disillusioned with the peace dividends promised over 10 years ago.

machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre Sunday November 18, 2012 23:18 by Alternative Libertaire
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Depuis le week end dernier l’armée israélienne a amorcé une nouvelle attaque meurtrière contre la bande de Gaza, suite à l’attaque d’une Jeep de l’armée israélienne par des groupes de résistance armée palestiniens. Sous prétexte de s’en prendre à des «terroristes», les bombardements touchent en réalité pour l’essentiel des civil-es, y compris des enfants.

C’est bien à l’Etat d’Israël que revient la responsabilité de ce nouveau carnage. C’est lui qui par sa persistance à refuser aux Palestinien-nes la satisfaction de leurs droits les plus élémentaires, à les empêcher de vivre dignement, à maintenir un véritable état d’apartheid et à réprimer dans le sang la résistance que ces injustices occasionnent, maintient la Palestine dans un état de guerre perpétuelle...

[Gaza, la prisión al aire libre más grande del mundo] [Italiano]

venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra Tuesday August 28, 2012 14:08 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
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Guerrillero de las FARC-EP en el Caquetá (Fotografía de Carlos Villalón)

Las conversaciones de paz han vuelto a ponerse, con el beneplácito de una buena parte del establecimiento, en la agenda política colombiana. Este acercamiento no es gratuito ni nace de una buena voluntad del mandatario: es obvio que la tesis del “fin del fin” carece de sustento y que el Plan Colombia tocó techo. Aunque la firma de este acuerdo es un desarrollo positivo, no podemos ser excesivamente optimistas, ni mucho menos, triunfalistas, pensando que la “paz”, por sí sola, representará un triunfo para los sectores populares y sus demandas históricas, bloqueadas a sangre y fuego por más de medio siglo, desde el Estado. Hay que tener plena conciencia de que el camino hacia un eventual proceso de negociaciones está plagado de contratiempos, así como de que existen diferencias sustanciales, de fondo, respecto al tema de qué esperar de estas negociaciones o qué se entiende por esa palabra en boca de todos, “paz”.

[Português] [English]

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  • international / imperialism / war Thursday June 14, 2012 20:10 by Michael Schmidt
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    Uncle Sam gets stuck in

    As the US enters yet another election cycle (though it is hard to say whether the US is ever not in election mode these days), it is worth interrogating the current state of the world’s unipolar hyperpower – and of the foreign policy, red in tooth and claw, that affects us all.

    The first thing that is important to recognise about the foreign policy of the United States of America is that it has a very specific history, or rather a national mythology that distinguishes it from other countries by the explicit nature of its revolutionary aims. The Revolutionary War established a unique republican state in the West, a reflection in part of the values of the French Revolution, but, isolated by the vast Atlantic, destined to pursue a path of its own. It is thus useful to consider the US state as an explicitly revolutionary state (albeit institutionalised in the Mexican sense of the word), with a national mythology which endows it with a sense of mission in the world. Comparable, though very different, states with expansionist missions driven by revolutionary myths would include Revolutionary France, the Soviet Union until its collapse, Nazi Germany, and post-apartheid South Africa today, with a ruling party explicitly dedicated to a “National Democratic Revolution”. The foreign policy and thus warmaking of Britain and the Netherlands, in contrast, despite having possessed globe-spanning pre-war empires, were never guided by anything similar to such political myths.

    amerik santral / karayib / enperyalis / lagè Friday February 17, 2012 16:00 by VA
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    Gen mil rezon pou fòs ONU yo bay talon yo nan peyi d Ayiti. Pa gen okenn rezon ki ka jistifye prezans yo.

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    Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

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