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Regarding the release of prisoners and the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the Cuba and US governments

category central america / caribbean | imperialism / war | press release author Tuesday December 23, 2014 17:02author by Taller Libertario "Alfredo López" Report this post to the editors

Position of the Taller Libertario "Alfredo López"

The”normalization” of diplomatic relations between the governments of the USA and Cuba should help eliminate many antiquated impediments imposed by these very same governments upon basic human bonds in both countries. [Castellano]

Position of the Taller Libertario "Alfredo López"

Regarding the release of prisoners and the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the Cuba and US governments

1. The”normalization” of diplomatic relations between the governments of the USA and Cuba should help eliminate many antiquated impediments imposed by these very same governments upon basic human bonds in both countries.

2. We celebrate, together with those freed from the prisons and their families who have just received their love ones at home, free - at last! - after many years of “legal” incarceration.

3. Nevertheless, we do not know the terms of these negotiations. It has been done for effect and fosters a miracle mentality leaving us as passive spectators.

4. We are also worried about new opportunities emerging for more and improved capitalist exploitation of our people.

5. Which will increase submission, insignificance and misery by way of more consumerism, more ecological depredation and more mass culture; and it’s because…

6. United States' imperalism still stands.

7. Cuban authoritarianism still stands.

8. The Guantanamo naval base has not been dismantled and continues to house an international prison, complete with torture center.

9. Therefore, it is not enough to release a group of prisoners; closing a particularly hideous prison would not be enough, all prisons all over the world must close.

10. Neither is it enough for the governments to end their “cold war” and come to agree on a number of points: true reconciliation among the people will come when there are no more states.

11. Even less by unblocking the markets so that the owners of the means of exploitation of other people’s labor and of nature be able to commerce among themselves.

12. Therefore we hope that, now that the possibility of the end of the embargo floats on the horizon, this will not be worked out just by the executive powers alone, but that every Cuban and every US citizen participates willingly.

We will keep up our struggle against all domination: ecological, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian struggle, in solidarity with our comrades all over the world.

Liberty without socialism is privilege and injustice; socialism without liberty is brutality and tyranny.

Taller Libertario "Alfredo López"

Havana, December 19, 2014

Slightly adapted from the translation published in

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Central America / Caribbean | Imperialism / War | Press Release | en

Wed 10 Aug, 11:45

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72a2d82c4bd14e14f80e6a7067000da2.jpg imageEnough is enough: let us all demand an end to the UN occupation of Haiti (29th February 2012) 16:27 Mon 17 Oct by Various Authors 0 comments

There are a thousand reasons for the UN occupation troops in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to leave. And not one single legitimate reason for them to stay. [Castellano] [Kreyòl Ayisyen] [Français]

35224_114775465236655_100001126067519_82272_7402679_n1.jpg imageCosta Rica: No cheeks left to turn 00:18 Thu 05 Aug by Colectivo La Libertad 2 comments

Statement by the Colectivo La Libertad from Costa Rica on the increasing militarization of Central American-Caribbean area, the growing repression of the popular movement and of any form of social protest, and their position on the approval for the stationing of thousands of US Marines on Costa Rican territory. Solidarity! [Castellano] [Français]

demokrasi_popile_1.jpg imageSolidarity with the Haitian people! No to militarisation! 06:06 Wed 24 Feb by Comité Democrático Haitiano en Argentina 0 comments

The earthquake that shook Haiti on January 12th, also shook the consciousness and the heart of people all over the world, in whose eyes Haiti once again existed. It also shook our memory, since in between the press releases on this natural catastrophe, there have been leaks of the “social” catastrophes that have been suffered by the Haitian people and which are never taught at school. US and UN military occupations, bloody dictatorships backed by the Pentagon, embargoes and sanctions imposed by French and US imperialism, all of which have been as devastating as the earthquake. [Castellano] [Français] [Italiano]

haitis.gif imageThe UN’s Christmas present to Haiti -- Assault on Sité Soley 06:49 Tue 26 Dec by Haiti Action 2 comments

Urgent action alert from the Haiti Action Committee - December 24, 2006

In the early morning of Friday, December 22nd, starting at approximately 3 a.m., 400 Brazilian-led UN occupation troops in armored vehicles carried out a massive assault on the people of Cite Soleil, laying siege yet again to the impoverished community. Eyewitness reports said a wave of indiscriminate gunfire from heavy weapons began about 5 a.m. and continued for much of the day Friday -- an operation on the scale of the July 6, 2005 UN massacre in Cite Soleil. Detonations could be heard for miles, AHP reported.

pwen_1.png imageHaiti: On the January 9 (2006) Strike 20:22 Sun 08 Jan by BO 3 comments

For us of Batay Ouvriye, this is a call that is directly and openly against our interests, we of the popular masses. In the solution they are requesting – and building -, the strike is a first step. The next will be against us, since already in the first one, they don’t take into account the true nature and true forms of OUR problems in the question of insecurity. In truth, broadly shooting down residents of the popular neighborhoods (the strike heads might as well ask for bombs to be dropped massively on them) solves the gang problem, for all they are concerned.

pwen.png imageOn the Haitian Elections 19:27 Sun 08 Jan by BO 0 comments

Batay Ouvriyé Union's position on the Haitian elections.

haiti.jpg imageSeptember 30th - International Protest against the Military Occupation of Haiti 17:21 Mon 26 Sep by Organización Comunista Libertaria 1 comments

On September 30th, activists and popular militants from various countries will come out together in solidarity with the Haitian people, currently suffering from one of the most brutal military occupations in the world, sponsored by the UN, the US, and certain Latin American governments such as Chile, Brazil and Argentina.

imageMartelly’s (s)election in Haiti: dance to the sound of Duvalierism! Aug 02 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 3 comments

Article on the recent electoral process in Haiti, the (s)election of "Sweet Mickey" Martelly and the process of restoration of Duvalierism by the so-called international community. Originally appeared ins an edited version in the British magazine "The Commune" , issue 23 - July 2011, with the title "Another UN presidential (s)election in Haiti".

imageBaby Doc returns to Haiti: the Duvalier Restoration Jan 19 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

With the arrival of Baby Doc back in Haiti, the cycle opened by the extraordinarily tragic popular revolts of 1986 can be said to have come to completion. The restoration strategy of Duvalierism has succeeded, at least for now. Mouthing pious words about relief and wiping the crocodile tears about the misery they have created from their eyes, the "international community" has spared no efforts in helping the neo-Duvalierists bring about the Restoration. [Castellano]

imageThe Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the UN Occupation in Haiti Nov 03 by B.O. Solidarity Network 0 comments

At first glance, one might wonder what the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have in common with a UN “peace” mission on the opposite side of the world, in Haiti, a non Muslim country. Indeed, from the standpoint of US military casualties or US military expenditures, there is little in common

imageNo to US/Imperialist Occupation of Haiti Aug 02 by BO Solidarity Network 0 comments

For more than 30 years, since the end of the 70’s, each year, without fail, progressives in NY have gathered to mark July 28, 1915, the anniversary of the first US occupation of Haiti, a 19 year occupation that made more than 15,000 victims, an occupation that radically changed Haiti.

imageWhy We Should Oppose the U.S. Occupation of Haiti Apr 20 by John Reimann 0 comments

From the Industrial Worker (Official Newspaper of the Industrial Workers of the Wolrd, IWW) #1723, vol. 107, No.2, February-March 2010.

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imageEnough is enough: let us all demand an end to the UN occupation of Haiti (29th February 2012) Oct 17 0 comments

There are a thousand reasons for the UN occupation troops in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to leave. And not one single legitimate reason for them to stay. [Castellano] [Kreyòl Ayisyen] [Français]

imageCosta Rica: No cheeks left to turn Aug 05 2 comments

Statement by the Colectivo La Libertad from Costa Rica on the increasing militarization of Central American-Caribbean area, the growing repression of the popular movement and of any form of social protest, and their position on the approval for the stationing of thousands of US Marines on Costa Rican territory. Solidarity! [Castellano] [Français]

imageSolidarity with the Haitian people! No to militarisation! Feb 24 0 comments

The earthquake that shook Haiti on January 12th, also shook the consciousness and the heart of people all over the world, in whose eyes Haiti once again existed. It also shook our memory, since in between the press releases on this natural catastrophe, there have been leaks of the “social” catastrophes that have been suffered by the Haitian people and which are never taught at school. US and UN military occupations, bloody dictatorships backed by the Pentagon, embargoes and sanctions imposed by French and US imperialism, all of which have been as devastating as the earthquake. [Castellano] [Français] [Italiano]

imageThe UN’s Christmas present to Haiti -- Assault on Sité Soley Dec 26 2 comments

Urgent action alert from the Haiti Action Committee - December 24, 2006

In the early morning of Friday, December 22nd, starting at approximately 3 a.m., 400 Brazilian-led UN occupation troops in armored vehicles carried out a massive assault on the people of Cite Soleil, laying siege yet again to the impoverished community. Eyewitness reports said a wave of indiscriminate gunfire from heavy weapons began about 5 a.m. and continued for much of the day Friday -- an operation on the scale of the July 6, 2005 UN massacre in Cite Soleil. Detonations could be heard for miles, AHP reported.

imageHaiti: On the January 9 (2006) Strike Jan 08 Batay Ouvriyé 3 comments

For us of Batay Ouvriye, this is a call that is directly and openly against our interests, we of the popular masses. In the solution they are requesting – and building -, the strike is a first step. The next will be against us, since already in the first one, they don’t take into account the true nature and true forms of OUR problems in the question of insecurity. In truth, broadly shooting down residents of the popular neighborhoods (the strike heads might as well ask for bombs to be dropped massively on them) solves the gang problem, for all they are concerned.

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