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We know those responsible for the Ankara bombing

category greece / turkey / cyprus | imperialism / war | news report author Wednesday October 14, 2015 21:04author by Various - Kara Kizil, Tacanka (via WSM) Report this post to the editors

statements of Kara Kizil ( Istanbul ) and Tacanka ( Ankara )

They painted our red and black flags and banners with blood and flesh of our comrades. Those responsible for the massacre are out there. We know them from Haymarket, Bloody Sunday, Mayday 1977 Istanbul Massacre, Reyhanli, Gezi Uprising, Roboski Massacre, Diyarbakir Dungeons and Suruç. We know them from the daily exploitation of a thousand year. They stand before us merciless, smirking.

Although it has been orchestrated by the hands of ISIS gang, we know that, just like the Suruç Massacre, state and AKP who is holding state power in their hands are those who are in fact responsible for this massacre. We have seen once again that AKP is capable of doing everything not to lose the power and weaker it gets, more brutal it will get.

Below are two further statements from anarchists groups in the Turkish state on the Ankara bombing.


Murderer State will Account For This!

One of the biggest political massacres of the Republic of Turkey took place at the Peace Rally which was participated by the workers that came from all parts of Turkey. The rally was organised with the call of DISK (Confederation of Revolutionary Workers Unions), KESK (Confederation of Public Workers Union) and TMMOB Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects in Ankara on the 10th of October. Our sisters and brothers, friends and comrades demanding peace have been murdered, hundreds of them are injured. Although it has been orchestrated by the hands of ISIS gang, we know that, just like the Suruç Massacre, state and AKP who is holding state power in their hands are those who are in fact responsible for this massacre. We have seen once again that AKP is capable of doing everything not to lose the power and weaker it gets, more brutal it will get.

Suruç massacre, dirty war tactics in operation in Kurdish cities, political raids, fascist attacks and lastly this massacre in Ankara shows us that those in power are capable of doing everything to protect their power and to drag us to a to a national and sectarian civil war. And we are late for everyday we do not express a strong reaction.

If they are doing everything to fuel the war and turn peaceful actions into bloodbaths, we have no other chance but to use the greatest power we have, the power that comes from production, to halt life in order to damn the massacre, to stop the war and to get rid of the murderers. Therefore, call of DISK, KESK, Turkish Doctors' Union and TMMOB for a general strike on the 12th and 13th of October is meaningful. However, members and non members of the calling unions and professional organisations should act in unity in order for this call not to become a symbolic call.

We see every day we live that we have no other solution but to accelerate the class based struggle and establish a revolutionary alternative against this system of violence and murder. The more we bow to the daily concerns and fears more unbearable , our lives become as days go for all of us. We are all mourning, filled with rage and have funerals to attend to at the aftermath of the murder of at least 102 people from all corners of Turkey. Let us not forget that bosses cannot prevent us from attending the funerals of our murdered sisters and brothers who were killed in Ankara. It is our legal and human right to say "No work if there is war and massacre", to say "No work! We have funerals". We have that power and we have no other solution, we the hundreds and thousands of people who took to the streets despite of all kinds of oppression and threats, who are able to demand peace against all odds

Class War Against War
No Work If There Is War
No Work! We Have Funerals.

Red and Black Istanbul


We have witnessed the heaviest attack of Turkish history.

We have attended the rally on the 10th of October to say "No to the International War, No to Interclass Peace" which was called by the unions and participated by the revolutionary and democrat organisations.

We lost hundreds of our people and our comrade Ali Kitapçı in the attack of those in power. They painted our red and black flags and banners with blood and flesh of our comrades. Those who steal our lives everyday have taken our lives away.

Those responsible for the massacre are out there. We know them from Haymarket, Bloody Sunday, Mayday 1977 Istanbul Massacre, Reyhanli, Gezi Uprising, Roboski Massacre, Diyarbakir Dungeons and Suruç. We know them from the daily exploitation of a thousand year. They stand before us merciless, smirking.

Those who are responsible are the ones who sent the fireengines to the scene [before ambulances and medical aid] , they are the ones who attacked us with tear gas, batons five minutes after the explosion and the ones who have been looking at us with that smirk on their faces. ". We know them very well. 10th of October Ankara massacre is an attack targeting revolutionaries and was organised by the state. It is a massacre of the state and the pain is the pain of the oppressed. We know this pain from our work places, neighbours, schools and all areas of our lives. We know this pain from every area of our lives where the state impacts.

Our word is straight up and our attitude is clear against those in powers. State is the murderer, we will not compromise. We will never forget, we will never forgive, we will never give up our struggle. Every bomb they drop on us will be retorted. We will never, ever make peace with those who blow us up to pieces, those who took the lives of our comrades, bury us under the flesh of dead people.

We will have the palaces of those who turned our streets to hell destroyed. Those in power who took up microphones in their mansions with a smirk on their faces will regret for all their laughter when they come to our streets. They watched our pain laughing yesterday. They know well that we are in pain. Where they are mistaken and not aware is that we do not mourn for death. Every pain we have, every bullet we are hit witht, every life they take away is the fuel for our rage, revolt and fire of struggle. We are burning with pain, we are buried in pain but we are not, ever, mourning, we won't be silenced and we will not hide and we will not give up. Let them be afraid of our resistance, rage, pain, revolt and the world in our heart.

Day of reckoning will be terrible

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Greece / Turkey / Cyprus | Imperialism / War | News Report | en

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