'Red Dirt' rockmelons recalled as Salmonella outbreak affects 80 people

More than 80 people have been struck down by a national salmonella outbreak linked to a brand of rockmelons, as health authorities warn pregnant women, infants and the elderly to avoid eating the fruit.

Red Dirt Melons - a Northern Territory-based supplier - is recalling its rockmelons after Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) launched an investigation into a spike in salmonella cases in several Australian states. 

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The salmonella bacteria was detected by health authorities in South Australia on August 2. Rockmelons on the Red Dirt farm tested positive for the bacterial strain, FSANZ confirmed. 

Whole rockmelons, as well as pre-sliced melons, can carry the bacteria and should be avoided, health authorities said. 

Rockmelons have been linked to an increase in reported salmonella cases in Australia.
Rockmelons have been linked to an increase in reported salmonella cases in Australia. Photo: Dallas Kilponen

There were 86 reported cases of Salmonella Hvittingfoss (S. Hvittingfoss) nationally - 43 cases in NSW - in the two weeks to August 1.

It's a sizeable jump compared with the two cases a month on average in NSW over the past five years.


The people affected by the recent outbreak range in ages, but 49 per cent of the NSW cases involved children aged under five.

Victorian authorities are investigating eight suspected cases of salmonella poisoning that may be linked to the fruit.

"While we wait for further information, the best advice is that consumers, especially infants, the elderly, pregnant women or people with compromised immune systems, should not consume rockmelon," Food Standards Australia said in a statement. 

Health Protection NSW director Jeremy McAnulty said many of the patients in NSW had consumed rockmelon, though the source of the outbreak was still unconfirmed.

"As a precaution, anyone who may have rockmelon in their home and is unsure of its origin should not eat the product," Dr McAnulty said.

Woolworths and Coles have removed all Red Dirt rockmelons from their stores and suspended further orders while health authorities investigate the matter.

A spokesman for Woolworths said only 2.5 per cent of the supermarket's rockmelon supply nationwide was from the affected farm.

"Customers can continue to purchase alternatively sourced rockmelons from Woolworths with confidence," he said.

A Coles spokesman said Red Dirt supplied their stores in all states and territories with the exception of Tasmania and Western Australia, a spokesman said.

"Customers who have purchased rockmelon and have concerns are invited to return it to stores for a full refund," the spokesman said.

Rockmelons could become contaminated with salmonella due to water contamination, contact with fertiliser, pests or animals, or if the rockmelons were not cleaned properly before sale, the NSW Food Authority said.

Like many other fresh foods, sliced melons can be easily contaminated with salmonella bacteria and should be kept refrigerated. 

Salmonella infection is mainly caused by eating contaminated food. 

The infection causes gastroenteritis and can be severe and require hospitalisation for dehydration for some people, particularly young babies, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, Dr McAnulty said.

Symptoms of salmonellosis include fever, headache, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting that usually begin within six to 72 hours of eating the contaminated food. 

It usually lasts for four to seven days, but can last a lot longer.

Rockmelons have been linked to salmonella poisonings in the past, including in the US in the 1950s, 1960s and in 2002.

The NSW Food Authority said consumers could minimise the risk of contracting salmonella by not purchasing rockmelons that were bruised or damaged; refrigerating rockmelons within two hours of peeling or cutting; washing all rockmelons with cool tap water immediately before eating; and washing your hands with hot soapy water before and after handling fresh rockmelons.

A total of 123 food and grocery products were recalled in the 2015-16 financial year, the ACCC reported, mostly due to undeclared allergens, contaminants such as metal filings or bacteria. 

Consumers can check for product recalls on Product Safety Australia's searchable register

The owner of Red Dirt was not available for comment.