- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 480
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎, Tōkyō-to Chōsha), also referred to as Tochō (都庁) for short, houses the headquarters of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which governs not only the 23 wards, but also the cities, towns and villages that constitutes the whole Tokyo Metropolis.
Located in Shinjuku, the building consists of a complex of three structures, each taking up a city block. The tallest and most prominent of the three is Tokyo Metropolitan Main building No.1, a tower 48 stories tall that splits into two sections at the 33rd floor. The building also has three levels below ground. The design of the building (which was meant to resemble a computer chip), by architect Kenzo Tange (and associates), has many symbolic touches, most notably the aforementioned split which re-creates the look of a Gothic cathedral.
The other two buildings in the complex are the eight-story Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Building (including one underground floor) and Tokyo Metropolitan Main Building No.2, which has 37 stories including three below ground.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (東京都庁, Tōkyōto-chō) is the government of the Tokyo Metropolis, one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. The government consists of a popularly elected governor and assembly. The headquarters building is located in the ward of Shinjuku. The metropolitan government administers the 23 Special Wards of Tokyo (each governed as an individual city), as well as the other cities and towns that constitute the prefecture. With a population of more than 13 million living within its boundaries, and many more commuting from neighbouring prefectures, the metropolitan government wields significant political power within Japan.
Under Japanese law, Tokyo is designated as a to (都), translated as metropolis. Within Tokyo lie dozens of smaller entities, including twenty-three special wards (特別区 -ku) which until 1943 made up the city of Tokyo but which now have individual local governments, each with a leader and a council. In addition to these 23 local governments, Tokyo also encompasses 26 cities (市 -shi), five towns (町 -chō or machi), and eight villages (村 -son or -mura), each of which has a local government. These other municipalities are located in the western part of the prefecture, as well as the outlying island chains of Izu and Ogasawara.
Kenzo Tange-Tokyo Metropolitan Government Buildings(東京都庁舎)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎)
2013.7・東京都庁舎[Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building](東京都新宿区)
Cherry blossom&Tokyo; Metropolitan Government Building(JAPAN) 桜と東京都庁舎(新宿区)
東京都庁舎 - 新春 2014 | Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office.
新宿 東京都庁舎 夜景 Japan Tokyo Shinjuku Night view 81
東京都庁舎展望室 新宿
東京都新宿区西新宿にある丹下健三(Kenzo Tange)設計の東京都庁舎 ----------------------ブログ(blog)---------------------- http://kero2.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2013-09-04 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 【建築動画】http://kenchikudouga.blog.fc2.com/
The two panoramic observation decks, one in each tower on floor 45 (202 meters [663 ft] high), are free of charge to the public and contain gift shops and cafes. (Shooting by O-chan) / Google Street View : https://goo.gl/maps/I2YDm Official Site : http://www.metro.tokyo.jp/ENGLISH/index.htm Tokyo Fan Club : https://www.facebook.com/TokyoFanClub
Cherry blossom&Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.at Nishi-Shinjuku,Tokyo Metropolis.JAPAN. 4/1/2012 桜と東京都庁第一本庁舎。桜が開花した春の風景。東京都新宿区西新宿地区。2012年4月1日
平成25年の年末から年始にかけて撮影。1月5日現在、主のいない東京都庁ですが、威厳と風格は健在のようです。 I photographed it on the beginning of the year from the end of the year of 2013. As of January 5, it is the Tokyo Metropolitan Government without the master, but dignity and the personality seem to be in good health. Shot & Edit : HideoGoto Soundtrack : Youtube Audio Library / Messiah (by Handel)
東京都庁舎 東京都庁舎(とうきょうとちょうしゃ)は、東京都の新宿副都心にある、東京都庁の本庁舎である。東京都新都庁舎、東京都本庁舎ともいう。 本項目では旧東京都庁舎(東京府・東京市庁舎)である通称丸の内庁舎についても記述する。 概要 第一本庁舎・施設 第一本庁舎は高さ243 mで、完工時にサンシャイン60を抜き、日本一の高さを誇った。その後、日本一の座を横浜ランドマークタワー(1993年完工、296m)に、東京一の座を六本木のミッドタウン・タワー(2007年完工、248m)に譲った。 着工から完工当時の東京都知事は鈴木俊一。バブル経済の最中に計画された当時日本一の超高層ビルであり、「バベルの塔」をもじって「バブルの塔」、また投入された税金から「タックス・タワー」と揶揄されることもあるが、反面、東京の観光名所の一つとして展望室に訪れる人が絶えない。夜間はライトアップされる。 展望室は、第一本庁舎45階南北にそれぞれ位置し、1階から直通エレベータで55秒で到着する。利用料は無料。年末年始以外は年中無休、朝は9時半から夜は23時までオープンしており、夜景も楽しむ事ができる。バーや喫茶店や土産店も併設されている。この建物は地上48階まであるが43・44・46~48階は機械室となっており一般利用者の立ち入りはできない(ただし44階のトイレは利用可能)。 第一本庁舎32階には外部委託業者(東京ケータリング、西洋フードシステムズ)2社による職員食堂や売店などがあり、来庁者は誰でもセルフ方式で利用できる。ただし施設の性質上、営業は平日のみである。眺めがよく、値段も手ごろなので人気度は高い。たとえ1階にいなくても自分のいる階からエレベータで16・25階に上がれば32階へのエレベータに乗り継げるのでこの点は便利と言える(地下駐車場は専用エレベータを使う必要がある。また45階展望台へは1...
GLAY 20th ANNIVERSARY FINAL TOKYO DOME 2015 MIRACLE MUSIC HUNT FOREVER 1日目 1Heroes 2Young Oh! Oh! 3Freeze My Love 4everKrack 5pure soul 6祭りのあと 7Only Yesterday 8浮気なKISS ME GIRL 9妄想コレクター 10つづれ織り~so far and yet so close~ 11軌跡の果て 12BLACK MONEY 13誘惑 14百花繚乱 15FAME IS DEAD 16TILL KINGDOM COME 17BLEEZE アンコール 18さくらびと 19HOWEVER 20Soul Love 21SHUTTER SPEEDSのテーマ 22微熱Ⓐgirlサマー 23MUSIC LIFE 2日目 1疾走れ! ミライ 2Young Oh! Oh! 3月に祈る 4everKrack 5浮気なKISS ME GIRL 6春を愛する人 7Soul Love 8Only Yesterday 9誘惑 10pure soul 11つづれ織り~so far and yet so close~ 12軌跡の果て 13BLACK MONEY 14嫉妬 15百花繚乱 16FAME IS DEAD 17TILL KINGDOM COME 18Heroes アンコール 19rain 20生きてく強さ 21彼女の"Modern..." 22SHUTTER SPEEDSのテーマ 23微熱Ⓐgirlサマー 24MUSIC LIFE
チャンネル登録は、コチラ ⇒ https://goo.gl/YGdnpy オススメ動画 ⇒ https://goo.gl/MEKwBS ミズホノクニ 最新動画はコチラ ⇒ https://goo.gl/E7lbQ5 関連動画 驚愕の日本!日本のホテルの部屋でイスラム教徒が見たものとは!?世界が感動する日本【海外の反応】 http://youtu.be/9q9MjhpHbUA 海外の反応「日本はあくまでも日本」外国人持つ日本のイメージは事実と違うのか? http://youtu.be/5O26C-K4YYs 海外の反応「日本人にこれ系をやらせたら誰も敵わない」日本食の職人さんの技術が凄すぎる!! http://youtu.be/HFrmdc0d2k8 【衝撃】海外の反応 日本に来た外国人が驚いた日本のすごい風習 http://youtu.be/PRV-NmnNE30 海外の反応「日本のせいだ!」韓国人が日本人との反応の違いにキレル!イギリス留学で知った悲しい現実とは・・ http://youtu.be/e2XVI-HqF64 関連オススメチャンネル最新動画 World Sense ⇒ https://goo.gl/at3GkN ミズホノクニ 最新オススメ動画 ⇒ https://goo.gl/E7lbQ5 ◇フリー音源 http://dova-s.jp/ 引用させていただきました記事や画像は動画内にURLを記載させていただいております。
The view from Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building at night! Tokyo's so pretty at night - all the twinkling lights that stretch on as far as you can see! The observation deck on the Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku is free, and open during the day and in the evening. My Tokyo vlog includes:: - How to get to the Metropolitan Government Building from Shinjuku Station - The view from the observation deck - where you can see the Tokyo Tower, SkyTree and lots of other famous buildings! - A free maps app that works offline (it was so useful!) Ulmon City Maps 2 Go: http://www.ulmon.com SUBSCRIBE for more Japan vlogs and travel guides with tips and things to do in Tokyo. VISIT MY WEBSITE to see my designs inspired by Japan and kawaii style - t-shirts, cushions, watches, comics a...
"Tokyo-Tocho, or “Tokyo Metropolitan Government” is a main government building of the Tokyo and is located in the Nishi-Shinjuku skyscraper district. More Details: http://japanesquest.com/item/tokyo-metropolitan-government-building Please give us feedback on this video: http://japanesquest.com/video-feedback Website: http://japanesquest.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/japanesquest Twitter: https://twitter.com/japanesquest Instagram: http://instagram.com/japanesquest Vine: https://vine.co/japanesquest Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/F3rn/
The highlights of Shinjuku Tokyo. A Tokyo Travel Guide. Highlights like Nishi-Shinjuku, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, Shinjuku Station, Shinjuku Gyoen National Gardens, Kabukicho Tokyo's Red Light district, Shinjuku commercial and shopping area. If you love traveling as much as I do check out my travel blog TripAtrek http://www.tripatrek.com/
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Observatories (TMGBO), known as "Tocho", where it will go up to 45th floor and see a nice beautiful town area, so take lot of pictures or selfies for awesomeness. This video was originally recorded on December 2015 during my vacation break and using mobile "Samsung Galaxy S5." Music: Wheels by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Connect with me: -------------------- Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SCFG Tumblr: http://silverchaospwn.tumblr.com --------------------
Around Tokyo blog - http://aroundtokyo.net/blog The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, or Tokyo City Hall, has two panoramic observation decks, the north and south. This video was shot from the south tower which is considered by most people to be the best. Entry is absolutely free and the views are really good. You can see so much of the city so it is well worth the visit!
From: http://www.accessible-japan.com/tokyo-metropolitan-government-building-accessibility-review/ Though it hasn’t gained the same degree of popularity as Tokyo Tower or Tokyo Skytree, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, also known as Tochō, is a great place to get a free view of the city. In good weather famous landmarks such as Mount Fuji, Tokyo Skytree, Tokyo Tower, and the Meiji Shrine are visible from the towers. As a government building, the wheelchair accessibility is great. Read more: http://www.accessible-japan.com/tokyo-metropolitan-government-building-accessibility-review/
・17/Sept./2013 Clear weather after a typhoon passed ,from Tochou North Observatory ・Official Tokyo Travel Guide : GO TOKYO http://www.gotokyo.org/en/index.html (←English site) ・Music : フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME ・Camera : Olympus SZ-31MR THANKS FOR WATCHING !
Vibrant, stylish, well-organized, ancient and futuristic at the same time. This is Tokyo, a metropolis of 13 million people with an unexpected traditional side that makes it one of the most charming cities in the world. Tokyo is constantly changing and there are so many things to see and do that one trip is not enough to experience all the faces of the city. Here is our selection of top 10 things to see and do in Tokyo for first timers. Get ready to start dreaming your next adventure in the land of the rising sun! Tokyo Travel Guide. Things to do in Tokyo. Thanks to our tour operator http://www.hiddenitalytours.com This Tokyo Tour was beautifully designed by Junko Kato and Francesca Cichella from HIDDEN ITALY TOURS Book your next Holiday with Hidden Italy Tours (Specializing in Italy, ...
Subscribe here → http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPrTl01X3RU1t72jxqkOnEA Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/tslegend The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁, Tōkyō Tochō) in Shinjuku is often visited by tourists for its free observation decks which provide good panoramic views of Tokyo and beyond. The 243 meter tall building has two towers, and each houses an observatory at a height of 202 meters. It had been the tallest building in Tokyo until it was overtaken by the Midtown Tower in 2007. With favorable weather conditions, famous landmarks such as Mount Fuji, the Tokyo Skytree, Tokyo Tower, Meiji Shrine and the Tokyo Dome can be seen from the observatories. Each observatory has a cafe and a souvenir shop. The North Observatory remains open later at night, making it a popular ...
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, or Tokyo City Hall, has two panoramic observation decks. You can enjoy the panoramic view of Tokyo without paying any admission there. I have to say the views from other popular observation decks, like the ones at Roppongi Hills, the Tokyo Tower or the Tokyo Sky Tree, are more glorious, but you have to pay admission to climb them. It is worth visiting this public facility especially at dusk to enjoy Tokyo economically. - Shot in 1080p full HD with an iPhone 4S on May 14th, 2012