On census night, don't discount your religious identity

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This was published 8 years ago

On census night, don't discount your religious identity

By Michael Jensen

The Atheist Foundation of Australia is sponsoring a campaign to increase the numbers of people ticking "no religion" in the census on August 9. To do this, it is trying to convince Australians who ordinarily identify with a religion that they actually shouldn't. I am all for the census being an honest and true reflection of the state of the nation. I do not want to inflate the figures so as to give an artificial indication of the influence of religious institutions in Australia.

Some of the arguments that the foundation has put forward are convincing. For example, having Christian "values" doesn't make you "Christian". And the AFA want people to stop writing "Jedi Knight" or "Pastafarian" because these answers don't count towards the "No Religion" total. No argument from me on either of these.

But the campaign is guilty of laughable overreach on two counts. First, the foundation wants people to count children and teens as having "no religion". It argues that you can only validly claim to have a religion as an adult. So, it wants me, an Anglican minister, to tick "No Religion" for my four kids, even though they all go to church weekly, read the Bible for themselves, and profess to having a Christian faith. I have no doubt, from the vigorous debates we have around the dinner table, that their beliefs are very much their own.

Anyone who has worked with children in religious education will be able to tell you that children very often have their own religious beliefs that are not simply parroting what their parents tell them from a very young age. I know atheist children of religious parents and Christian children of atheist parents. But even if a child shares, at this moment, the religion of her parents, that does not invalidate her beliefs. Of course, children's religious views are in the process of being shaped throughout childhood. But so are their views on absolutely everything.

The census question about religion is not about validating one's Christian identity.

The census question about religion is not about validating one's Christian identity. Credit: Angela Milne

The campaign rests on the very questionable assumption that "no religion" is a default, and even neutral, position. But "no religion" is a definite position in opposition to religion. If you decide (as many parents do) not to teach children any religion to "let them decide for themselves", you will be actively teaching them the "No Religion" position. You will bias your children away from religion. It's far better to talk directly and actively about religious beliefs, which then gives them a point of view from which to decide for themselves as they grow up.

The second questionable argument is that you should only tick Christian if you can sign off on the Nicene Creed - an ancient statement of faith that all the major churches agree is a statement of orthodox Christian teaching. It is often recited at baptism ceremonies. You have to love it when the atheists try to tell us how to define a Christian! But it is absurd to suggest that you have to adhere to every line of the creed to be able to tick with honesty the Christian box on the census. For one thing, there are Christian groups who don't use the Nicene Creed – for example, the Churches of Christ, and some Baptists. Are they to tick "No Religion"? Surely not.

Likewise, there are many believing Christians who may not understand or recall every passage of the creed. Or they may be experiencing doubts about aspects of it. This doesn't invalidate their Christian identity. The census is not asking a "what you believe" question: it is rather an indication of identity and affiliation.

But in my experience, seeking to understand that identity more richly often leads to a spiritual awakening – a profounder appreciation for what that heritage means. I meet lots of people who feel a strong attachment to the Anglican Church, even though they haven't been for a long time. We are here for them at significant times in their lives – births, relationships, marriages, families, sickness, and death. At those moments in life, saying that one is "Anglican" (or whatever) often turns out to have more meaning than people realised. And I, for one, don't what to take that away from them.

Reverend Dr Michael Jensen is the rector of St Mark's Anglican Church, Darling Point

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