

Bringing home a newborn can be a bit daunting. We’re here to help you prepare for parenthood and tell you what to expect from your newborn. What’s normal newborn behaviour, and when should you worry? What baby products do you really need? What do you need to know about newborn sleep and crying? And what’s the deal with those newborn poos? From newborn nappies to how to bathe your new baby, we’ve got you covered.

  • Bath Time

    Babies love bathtime, and it’s a great way to bond and settle an upset infant. But bathing a newborn can be a daunting prospect! Here’s what you need to know about giving your baby a bath, what products you need, and how to handle those first few baths with your slippery little one.

  • Budget Friendly Meals

    Cheap, easy, family-friendly meals your kids will love. Share your recipes too! When you have a family, your grocery bill goes up and your available meal preparation time goes down – especially when your baby starts on solids! Here are some great ideas from real mums for family-friendly, budge ... Read more

  • Crying Baby

    Help for when your baby is crying and you don’t know what to do. There’s no sound so heartrending as your baby crying, and sometimes it’s hard to know precisely the reason for their tears. Newborn babies can only communicate with their parents via nonverbal methods, and crying is the main way ... Read more

  • Dad Zone

    What dads really want to know about pregnancy, maternity lingerie, and sex! Becoming a dad is life-changing, but it starts even before your baby arrives. What’s going on with maternity bras, and why doesn’t my wife want me to touch her boobs any more? What do dads need to know about brea ... Read more

  • I'm Still a Woman

  • Nappy Warnings

    Everything you ever wanted to know about baby poo, complete with photos! How often your baby has a wet or dirty nappy, and the consistency of the contents you’ll find inside, is a great indicator of their overall health. So what’s the deal with infant poo, especially those first few meconium nap ... Read more

  • Nursery

    Kitting out your baby’s nursery, one thing at a time. What do you really need for a newborn? Essential advice on your newborn baby’s layette, nursery furniture and equipment, and products and ideas to make life with a new baby just that bit easier

  • Parent Prep

    Detailed advice for new parents on the first few weeks and months with baby. Coming home from the hospital with your precious new bundle, you may feel a rosy glow and think that everything is just perfect. But when you’re on your own with a newborn, how will you cope? Here are answers to common qu ... Read more

  • Sleeping Baby

    Tips on getting your baby to sleep so you can rest easy too. When you’re a new parent, sleep becomes a hot commodity that you’d gladly pay money to get on a regular basis. What’s your baby’s sleep currency – swaddling, white noise, rocking, music, or something else entirely? Here are our b ... Read more

  • Toddlers

    Tantrums, toys, and time-out: Adjusting to life with a growing toddler. Now that you’ve survived the newborn phase and enjoyed the cute baby phase, you’ve got a bouncing toddler to contend with! And along with toddlers come tantrums, behaviour issues like biting and hitting, and the dreaded ... Read more

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