Budget Process

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Federal Budget Process

In recent years the president has submitted his budget late, the House and Senate have passed only a few – if any – of the 12 appropriations bills, and Congress has relied on continuing resolutions and omnibus spending bills to keep the government going.

Blog Posts

4 Things Congress Has Been Doing Instead of Passing a Budget Resolution

Jasmine Tucker |

What's Congress been doing instead of passing a budget resolution? We name 4 things.

We’re in Federal Budget Limbo

Jasmine Tucker |

This is why we can’t have nice things: last week, lawmakers in Congress missed a huge budget deadline.

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Recent Publications

Competing Visions 2016

Jasmine Tucker

National Priorities Project examines how new budget proposals stack up to Americans’ priorities.

The President's 2017 Budget Proposal in Pictures

Jasmine Tucker

The National Priorities Project breaks down President Obama’s $4.2 trillion budget proposal in a series of pictures.

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