The lack of accountability is stunning.

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Citizens for Tax Justice

For years, Fortune 500 firms have been stockpiling cash offshore to avoid taxes. Unfortunately, lawmakers' proposed so-called solutions would give corporations ...a tax break on this offshore cash but do little to discourage firms from continuing this practice in the future.

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"[The Department of Defense] is effectively acknowledging that it misled Congress and the public in its budget submission."

-Todd Harrison, Center for Strategic and International Studies

(Editor's Note: Subsequent to publication, a Defense Department spokesman contacted Inside Defense and said our story inaccurately reflects the statement issued to us by the department. The spokesman said the $30 billion in question does not support Pentagon base-budget requirements. The story has a...

This month the US Census released new poverty data showing that for the first time in years, more people escaped poverty. Were widespread hikes in the minimum wage the key?

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Raising the minimum wage doesn’t kill jobs, it creates them. -- Nick Hanauer

This is exactly the reason we have government – so that we all pitch in for things that benefit us all. It’s nice to see Congress begin to recognize that reality.

In the coming months, as we usher in a new administration and Congress, there will be an opportunity to finally invest in infrastructure that would strengthen…

It's International Day of Peace - let's acknowledge the U.S.'s disproportionate responsibility for making changes to create the peaceful world we all wish to see. #InternationalDayofPeace2016

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We prefer pie, but there's some truth here.


The next commander in chief will face no good options in Afghanistan. But we need a plan that is better than the current policy.|By The Editorial Board

Epic. Fail.

Why are white men poised to get rich doing the same thing African-Americans have been going to prison for?|By Asha Bandele

File under: When government drops the ball, sometimes a private citizen will pick it up.

Our kind of thinking: $33 per taxpayer to make college more affordable. Where do we sign up?

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Benjamin O'Keefe

America needs to get our priorities straight.

We need the estate tax to help guarantee a bright future - for all of us.

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Even the Pentagon thinks Congress' budget gimmicks have gone too far.

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Flint, Michigan has suffered long enough.

The Senate will vote this week on a $9 billion water infrastructure bill that would include a long-overdue $220 million in emergency aid for cities like Flint. #NoMoreLead #DoYourJob

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Our nation is in desperate need of infrastructure updates, starting with safe drinking water for places like Flint, Michigan.

The Senate is expected to vote this week on whether to spend $220 million to help cities with unsafe drinking water. #NoMoreLead

The deal, part of a larger waterways bill, comes after a long delay.

For every dollar invested in early childhood education programs, society benefits to the tune of $8.60, "about half of which comes from increased earnings for children when they grow up," a 2012 report from the Council of Economic Advisers found.

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Read the full article here:…/how-military-and-education-spending-c…

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Apple has to pay $14 billion in back taxes to the European Union. If the U.S. changed our tax policy to stop U.S. corporations from stashing profits offshore, we could send every American college student to school. For free.

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One answer to this problem: fix our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share.

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Support for increasing taxes on the rich has increased by 18 percentage points since the last election, and now includes a majority of Republicans.
#socmoney #socstate #socpolitics #socclass

The Society Pages (TSP) is an open-access social science project headquartered in the Department of Sociology at the University of Minnesota|By The Society Pages

If the US worked harder to close corporate tax loopholes – not even all of them, just the ones that allow US-based corporations to stash profits offshore – we could use the resulting revenues to give every current American college student a full, four-year scholarship to a public university.

If the US worked harder to close corporate tax loopholes, we could use the resulting revenues to send every current American college student to school -- for free.