
Stenzleit, Georg Hermann Jakob (1848-1933)


A short biography of German anarchist George Stenzleit, active in London

Elizo Rekluzo: Biografio

Jean Jacques Élisée Reclus (esperantigite Elizeo Rekluzo) (naskiĝis la 15-an de marto 1830 en Sainte-Foy-la-Grande (Francio), mortis la 4-an de julio 1905 en Torhout (Belgio)) estis franca geografo kaj anarĥiisto.

Yaroshevskaya, Rebekka Yakoklevna (1887-1937 or after?)

A short biography of anarchist Rebecca Yaroshevskaya active in Bialystok, Tashkent and Kharkov

Borzenko and the Odessa Anarchist Underground: Borzenko, Grigori Maximovich (1888-1938) aka Leonid Moskalenko

A short biography of Grigori Borzenko, active in the Odessa anarchist underground.

Wild and notorious: Asnin, Shlema Aronovich (18--?-1917)

The Durnovo mansion

A short biography of Shlema Asnin, colourful anarchist remembered for his role in the June-July days of 1917.

Impastato, Giuseppe, 1948-1978

A short biography of Giuseppe Impastato, a communist anti-Mafia activist who was murdered by the crime organisation in 1978, but was originally blamed for his own death by the police and the media.

The political philosophy of Bakunin: scientific anarchism - G.P. Maximoff

From the scattered writings of Bakunin, G.P. Maximoff has selected those pertinent theoretical sections that give the reader a complete statement of Bakunin's politics in Bakunin's own words. In addition to Bakunin's text, the book contains a definitive biographical sketch of Bakunin written by Max Nettlau, an introduction by Rudolph Rocker, and a preface by Bert F. Hoselitz.

The example of Sneevliet - Wilebaldo Solano

A short biographical sketch of the life of Henk Sneevliet, Dutch trade unionist, socialist, and internationalist opponent of both world wars, executed by the Nazis in 1942.

Plättner, Karl (1893-1945)

Karl Plättner

As important as Max Hoelz in the history of the German Revolution, Karl Plättner lacked Hoelz’s talent for self-publicity but was as much a rebel and intransigent revolutionary as Hoelz (1)