- published: 13 Feb 2012
- views: 2931459
A cultivar is a plant or group of plants selected for desirable characteristics that can be maintained by propagation. Most cultivars have arisen in cultivation but a few are special selections from the wild. Popular ornamental garden plants like roses, camellias, daffodils, rhododendrons, and azaleas are cultivars produced by careful breeding and selection for flower colour and form. Similarly the world's agricultural food crops are almost exclusively cultivars that have been selected for characteristics like improved yield, flavour, and resistance to disease: Very few wild plants are now used as food sources. Trees used in forestry are also special selections grown for their enhanced quality and yield of timber.
Cultivars form a major part of Liberty Hyde Bailey's broader grouping, the cultigen, defined as a plant whose origin or selection is primarily due to intentional human activity.Cultivar was coined by Liberty Hyde Bailey and it is generally regarded as a portmanteau of "cultivated" and "variety", but could also be derived from "cultigen" and "variety". A cultivar is not the same as a botanical variety, and there are differences in the rules for the formation and use of the names of botanical varieties and cultivars. In recent times the naming of cultivars has been complicated by the use of statutory Plant Patents and Plant Breeders' Rights names.
Por cultivar marihuana (con letra)
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Mondini Plantas: Como cultivar rosas
Por este amor en contra corriente.
Por este amor que nadie entiende.
Aveces no conoce fronteras
y se desboca de mala manera.
me arrastra como el agua del rio
entre calor y frio
pero es tuyo y es mio
claro como una noche de luna
de luna llena
pero vale la pena.
Y aveces me lleva tan lejos
donde nunca he estado
aveces se me pierde
y vuelve al rato, entre
calido y frio
este amor es tuyo y mio
Por este amor que nada pretende
por este amor
que pica y se extiende
por ese amor que nace del tiempo
por este amor
que aveces ni yo mismo lo entiendo
Y juega como si fuera un niño
con cara de pillo
Al gato y al raton
Y aveces se me muestra desnudo
tan fragil y puro
que equivocarme lo dudo
Y aveces me lleva tan lejos
donde nunca he estado
aveces se me pierde
y vuelve al rato, entre
calido y frio
este amor es tuyo y mio
Y aveces me confunde el cielo
con la tierra
aveces no se si va o ya regresa
entre calido y frio