
Sex abuse doctor Andrew Churchyard allowed to keep working by Cabrini hospital

When veteran health official Beth Wilson raised her concerns with a senior Melbourne hospital clinician about a doctor accused of sexual assault, she was floored by the response.

Even though he had been charged by police with fondling a patient's penis on two occasions, senior Victorian neurologist Dr Andrew Churchyard was still treating patients at Cabrini Health.

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Doctor kept working despite sex abuse charges

In July, 2015, Dr Andrew Churchyard was charged with fondling a patient's penis on two occasions. However, that didn't stop him working.

"There was an icy silence," recalls Wilson of her phone call to the clinician in July last year.

"He then told me that the doctor was a good bloke and that his colleagues were rallying around him. He blamed the victim and then attacked the victim's mother," says Wilson, who is Victoria's former health commissioner and is also on Cabrini's patient care committee. 

Tom Monagle, a victim of sex abuse at the hands of neurologist Dr Andrew Churchyard.
Tom Monagle, a victim of sex abuse at the hands of neurologist Dr Andrew Churchyard.  Photo: Jason South

Churchyard had allegedly directed the 19-year-old Tourette Syndrome sufferer to strip naked and then groped him twice over two medical consultations. 

His alleged victim would later tell a court and police that Churchyard appeared to ejaculate during the second assault, and that the experience was terrifying. The victim's mother had supported her son when he reported Churchyard to police in May last year. 


Wilson, who has also been supporting the family, told the hospital executive that Churchyard should be prevented from treating patients until the allegations were resolved. Wilson says she was met with a "textbook" response of how to mishandle claims of sexual abuse.

"He did everything you are not meant to do: support the alleged offender, shoot the messenger, question the credibility of those who raised concerns."

Andrew Churchyard was able to continue to practice as a doctor despite facing charges of sexually abusing patients.
Andrew Churchyard was able to continue to practice as a doctor despite facing charges of sexually abusing patients.  

The Cabrini clinician, who Fairfax Media has chosen not to name, denies saying Churchyard was a good bloke.

"I also advised Ms Wilson that I did not know the details or the rights or wrongs of the allegations made by the patient which AHPRA [Australian Health Practitioner Registration Association] and the police had, and that the allegations would, and should, be assessed and handled by the court at the appropriate time. Ms Wilson told me that she did not agree with my decision at that time."

Beth Wilson, Victoria's former health commissioner and a member of Cabrini's patient care committee.
Beth Wilson, Victoria's former health commissioner and a member of Cabrini's patient care committee.  Photo: Samantha Robin

Monash Health, where Churchyard also practised, took a different approach to Cabrini's, as did sex crime detectives. In July, 2015, Churchyard was charged with two counts of indecent assault, and Monash Health immediately suspended him.

Cabrini allowed Churchyard to keep seeing patients for seven more months, albeit in the presence of a chaperone. 

This condition was part of Churchyard's bail and was supported by the medical profession's regulator, the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Association AHPRA. Cabrini said it acted on the Medical Board's recommendation. But as a means of protecting patients, it appears to have badly failed.

Early this year, AHPRA was notified by another patient that Churchyard had allegedly sexually assaulted him despite the presence of a chaperone. Only then did the Medical Board of Australia (which works with AHPRA) suspend Dr Churchyard's registration, and Cabrini removed his accreditation.

Then, in May, June and in early July, three more victims emerged, along with multiple allegations of sexual assault dating back to 2010. The evidence now strongly suggested that Churchyard was a serial sex abuser.

As sex crimes detectives ramped up their investigations, there was a further tragic turn of events. In late July, Churchyard took his own life.

His death is deeply upsetting for family and colleagues.  But along with grieving and shocked relatives, Churchyard also left behind several alleged victims who never got their day in court.

His case also leaves open serious questions for Australia's medical regulator and the health profession.

Data given to Fairfax Media reveals there are almost 50 doctors across Australia working with a chaperone in circumstances in which most of their patients will have no idea why third party oversight is needed. Double that number of doctors have been suspended in the past two years.

A small number of doctors are also facing charges of serial sexual offending, sometimes over many years. The Churchyard case underlines a broader question facing the medical profession: can more be done to prevent patient abuse?

Dr Churchyard waited until 19-year-old Tom Monagle was at his most vulnerable before he allegedly asked him to strip naked in May 2015. Monagle is a bright, thoughtful, but shy law student who was seeking Dr Churchyard's help dealing with his Tourette Syndrome (a neurological condition characterised by motor or vocal tics) and associated anxiety. 

Perhaps Dr Churchyard thought Monagle would be too scared or confused to tell anyone about how the neurologist allegedly groped him. Perhaps the veteran doctor was emboldened. After all, according to the later testimony of his victims, Dr Churchyard had previously got away with abusing several other young men.

But Monagle, although scared, would not stay quiet.

Monagle's parents are both doctors and were shocked at their son's story. With their support, Monagle reported Churchyard to AHPRA on May 5 last year. AHPRA's response, says Tom's mother, Dr Sharon Monagle, was far from ideal.

"I was surprised and concerned when we told AHPRA about the complaint, recognising that it comprised not only professional misconduct but an alleged criminal offence, that they confirmed they would not notify police. This was despite the fact that we made it very clear that this was our wish."

Another of Churchyard's alleged victims told Fairfax Media that when he complained to AHPRA about Churchyard this year, he had no idea there were other complaints or an existing police probe, and was given no encouragement to contact police.

AHPRA told Fairfax Media that it "generally" encourages victims to go to police, but that "very strict privacy obligations" sometimes prevents information from being shared with authorities.

This means AHPRA does not necessarily tell police information that may expose a serial offender or corroborate an existing police complaint.

"It's not a perfect system," an experienced detective says. "They do need to improve the way they deal with the authorities."

Two days after Tom Monagle contacted AHPRA, he contacted police directly and made a formal statement. Detectives acted quickly, searching Churchyard's consulting suite at Cabrini Hospital and arresting him for questioning.

"I assume this relates to Tom Monagle," Churchyard said when first confronted by police.

Churchyard co-operated initially with detectives, but when the questioning turned to his alleged offending, he requested a lawyer and declined to comment further. Police charged him a short time later.

Of his five known alleged victims, Fairfax Media has spoken to three and has the statement of a fourth. Each tell a very similar story of a doctor who sought to conceal his abuse in his treatment.

"We are brought up to trust our doctors 100 per cent, from the moment we see one, and that is why people get away with it," Monagle says. "Because the patients may be vulnerable, there is a massive amount of trust and a huge imbalance of power."

Another alleged victim, who is now 26, says he is not only dealing with years of assault, but the fear that Dr Churchyard may have delayed his recovery so he could continue re-offending.

Evidence also strongly suggests that Churchyard assaulted at least one of his victims after AHPRA was first notified of Monagle's complaint. That assault came after Monagle's mother, Dr Sharon Monagle, had warned the health regulator, saying in July 2015: "I cannot really understand how the Medical Board would permit him to continue to work in this way". She said at the time it was"extremely unethical" not to require Churchyard to tell patients why a chaperone was needed.

AHPRA required that, by way of notification, Cabrini post a notice in the waiting room, "clearly visible to all patients ... setting out the requirement that a chaperone will be present in certain circumstances".

Seven months later, in the presence of a chaperone, it is alleged Churchyard used a curtain to block the chaperone's line of sight and then assaulted another male patient.

Cabrini Health said it had at all times acted in accordance with the Medical Board's directions.

It's not the first time in Australia that the chaperone system has failed. Last year, the Queensland Health Ombudsman called on AHPRA to introduce reforms after a doctor accused of sexual harassment repeatedly ignored the conditions – including working with a chaperone – that AHPRA had placed on him.

Data from the medical regulator reveals that 47 medical practitioners across the nation currently have "some form of chaperone restriction." (In the past two years, AHPRA has also suspended 97 medical practitioners.) But patients, including the man whom Dr Churchyard assaulted in the presence of a chaperone, are not told why a doctor needs oversight or if they have been charged with a serious criminal offence.

"Chaperones don't work," says former Health Services Commissioner Beth Wilson of a practice designed to mitigate against future offending while acknowledging a doctor's right to be afforded the presumption of innocence.

"Patients are not told why they are there. A patient has a right to know if their doctor is facing court on sex assault or other serious criminal charges. If you think that a patient may not be safe from assault without oversight, then a doctor should not be interacting with patients. They can do research or other work."

The decision by Monash Health to immediately suspend Churchyard – a move that Wilson endorsed – while Cabrini Health allowed him to keep practising with a chaperone is another perplexing aspect of the Churchyard case. 

Wilson warns that some in the medical profession too readily give the benefit of the doubt to doctors accused of acting improperly or illegally. Add the failure of AHPRA or individual doctors to always pass on allegations of criminal conduct to police, and Wilson says the case for reform is strong.

This is certainly the view of the Monagle family. Among the most troubling aspects of the Churchyard case is the challenges they faced in raising allegations. If an educated, articulate law student and his two doctor parents found the complaint system and health profession at times inadequate and unsupportive, how will an average patient cope? 

"This is not just about me. It is about the other potential victims who feel silenced and who are living with this," says Tom Monagle.

Monagle's testimony at Churchyard's committal hearing earlier this year was described by one experienced observer as "the best victim testimony I've ever seen". Prior to Churchyard's death, the magistrate committed the neurologist to stand trial, ruling there was enough evidence for a jury to find him guilty. Police were also set to take statements from more of Churchyard's alleged victims.

Victorian acting health minister Martin Foley described this as "an extremely concerning case".

"It is the Government's strong expectation that AHPRA act in quick and transparent manner that prioritises patient safety, and we will continue to lobby for national reform to ensure we have a health complaints system that puts patients first," he said. Victoria plans to bring a package of reform to the October Council of Australian Governments meeting. 

Last week, leading members of Victoria's neurology community sent an invitation to many of Churchyard's patients to attend a special tribute to recognise Churchyard's "compassion and care of his patients".

One of Churchyard's alleged victims was sent the invitation.

Unsurprisingly, he won't be going.

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